Dr. Hugo H. van der Molen
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Tel: +31 (0)50 534 8795; email: [email protected]
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Admiral Corporation, , x shares, orange, 1967,
trhee small tears in upper white border, price 23 Euro
tear through left white and orange border,
price 11 Euro
Vignette: God Hermes (L: Mercurius) and a goddess
sitting before a control panel. looking at a symphony orchestra and
it's director.
Admiral Corporation, , 100 shares, green, 1967, 34 Euro
Vignette: God Hermes (L: Mercurius) and a goddess
sitting before a control panel. looking at a symphony orchestra and
it's director.
Air Reduction Company, Inc., green, 100 shares, 1969, vignette: woman with chemical equipment, man with hammer and anvil, 12 €
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
Certificate of
< 100 shares, green; vignette:
chemical plant with train and truck, man and globe, 1977, price 25 €.
For it's history see Wikipedia.- Lees hier meer over het bedrijf, o.a. in Nederland. Het bedrijf is beursgenoteerd op de New York Stock Exchange.
Anno 2022 bouwt het bedrijf in het Groningse Zuidbroek een stikstof fabriek. Die is nodig om het in Nederland geimporteerde hoogcalorische gas
te mengen met waterstof om het zo geschikt te maken voor de in Nederland gebruikelijke laag-calorische gas-infrastructuur.
All-State Credit Corporation, blue, 1967, price 11 Euro
Allied Chemical Corp, groen, 100 sh, 1966, state of New York
Allied Stores Corp, blue ornate border, 1970
America-Israel Phosphate Company, Inc.
Incorp. under laws of Delaware in 1960; certificate
of 100 shares, of par value $0.10 of common stock, dated 14th December 1966, issued to Francis L Du Pont & Co., with the printed signatures of the President and Secretary of the company. Imprint of corporate seal; ornate green border; vignette: eagle, wings spread;
certificate size is 20.5 cm high x 30.5 cm wide (8" x 12"). condition EF: unfolded, price 23 Euro.
The company was formed after the discovery of large phosphate deposits in the Northern part of the Negev Desert in the late 1950's. Apart from these mining operations the company was active in the production of fertilizer, chemicals and phosphorous salts.
American Banknote Company; vignette: eagle on rock;
----- 1931, dark olive, < 100 shares, 4 minor brown dot-stains, 35
----- 1941, orange, 100 sharess, 35 Euro.
----- 1955, brown, < 100 shares, eagle in seal
and year 1795-1879; 35 Euro.
American Brands Inc.,
They took over American Tobacco (pall Mall; Lucky
Strike) and sell also Jim bean Whiskey, dog food and golf balls.
----------- Orange, 1970, 2 vignettes, ca. 3 by 4
cm, abstract Indian head in left upper corner and normally drawn
Indian chief's head in right lower corner., 25 Euro
----------- Olive colour, 1978, 2 vignettes, ca. 3 by 4 cm, abstract
Indian head in left upper corner and normally drawn Indian chief's
head in right lower corner., 25 Euro
----------- Orange, 1985, vignette: head of Indian chief with feathers,
Tobacco company, selling many other goods as
well, 23 Euro.
American Dredging Co., incorp. under the laws of Pennsylvania; USA, x shares of 100$, between 1914 and 1929, dark brown border; beautiful 10 by 5 cm vignette of dredging boat at work; orig. signatures; hole cancelled; written with red pen: cancelled; print: Security banknote co., Philadelphia, VF-EF, 75 Euro.
American General Insurance Co., Texas, green, 100 shares pref.
1970, F: hole in left border side, further a nice piece, 11
Vignette: portrait of George Washington
American Hide and Leather Company, New Jersey, print: Ineternational
Banknote Co., New York, vignette (7 by 5 cm.) of a bull in a meadow, see picture.
-------- orange border, x shares, blankette, hole
cancelled, unfolded, EF, 50 Euro.
-------- brown border, 100 shares, blankette, hole cancelled, unfolded,
EF, 50 Euro
-------- green border, 100 shares, blankette, hole cancelled, unfolded,
EF, 50 Euro
American Machine and Foundry Comp., orange border, 1966
American Medical International, Inc., 1989, 9½ % loan.
American Protestant Church of The Hague (Amerikaanse Protestantse Kerk te 's Gravenhage), 4 3/4% bond, f 1000, loan of f 400.000, blue border on green field, 1961, blankette, (UNC), this is an obligation issued in the Hague, The Netherlands, 23 Euro.
American Safety Equipment Corp., state of New York, established in
1959, 1000 shares, certificate nr. NB 1945, ocre border, 1971, VF-EF, 95 Euro.
Logo: blue bar and red bar with white characters
"American safety". 14 tiny little vignettes in ocre
of cars, planes, boats, a rocket, helmet etc and the words
"Transportation Safety" and " Leisure time Safety".
American Sugar Company, blue border, 1966, 100 shares
The American Superpower Corporation,
established in 1923 under delaware law; later trading under the name of
the building and real estate developer Webb & Knapp (see below)
dark blue border on light blue field, no vignette, 100 shares, 1943,
print: ABNC; 2 vertical folds, very clean, price:
25 Euro.
American Telephone and Telegraph Company,
established in 1885; now largest telephone company in the world.
---------- green, 1955, 4 shares, vignette: globe with 4
historic telephones horns, under the vignette some figures are
written with a pen, 23 Euro
---------- blue and yellowl, 1971 , $ 4 convertible
prefs, vignette: God with globe and telephone cables, 12 Euro
---------- green, 1969 large vignette: globe, city, landscape
and portrait of Alexander Graham Bell;
besides 6 very small vignettes, 23 Euro
---------- brown, 1970, large vignette: globe, city, landscape
and portrait of Alexander Graham Bell; besides
6 very small vignettes, figures are stamped through the vignette,
but still very nice, 12 Euro
---------- 1971, 4$ convertble preferred shares, new York, blue +
yellow border; vignette: god with wings, holding a thunderbolt
(bliksemschicht) in the air and a cable in the other hand.
34 Euro.
AMF Inc., blue border, 1971
Anaconda Company (The),
green 1970; orange 1967; blue 1969 with red stamp
"over Common stock"
Anaconda Copper Mining Company
Incorporated under Montana law; print: ABNC; 12 by 6 cm vignetteof mining plant;
---------- green border, 100 shares, 1955, 40 Euro
---------- brown border, 10 shares, 1940, 45 Euro
---------- brown border, 10 shares, 1954, 40 Euro
AngloCalifornian National Bank of San Francisco, 1947, blue, <
shares, 60 Euro .
See beautiful vignette (15
by 5,5 cm) of a bank, traffic, a farm and 2 bare breasted women.
AngloCalifornian National Bank of San Francisco, 1947, green, 100
shares, 60 Euro.
See beautiful vignette (15
by 5,5 cm) of a bank, traffic, a farm and 2 bare breasted women.
Apex Sanitary Specialty Co., blankette
Appalachian Electric Power Company
Incorporated under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, USA; 1951, 4,5% cumul. pref. stock, < 100 shares, green
border, 10 by 5 cm vignette
semi nude man and woman, seated around an electro motor, several
staple traces, 50 Euro.
Appalachian Electric Power Company
Incorporated under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, USA; 1951,
4,5% cumul. pref. stock, < 100 shares, green border, 10 by 5 cm vignette of semi
nude man
and woman, seated around an electro motor, several small staple
traces, 50 Euro.
Appalachian Power Company
See beautiful ABNC-engraving of sexy women.
- 1971 , green border, 100 shares, price 25 €
- 1971, brown border, < 100 shares, price 25 €
- 1987, orange border, 8 3/4% bond due 2017, cancelled, price 25€
Appalachian Power Company, adelaar eagle, 4½% cumul. pref. stock, 1968
Argonaut Mill & Mining Co. Incorporated, june 18th 1879 in San Francisco;Capital stock 2 million $ (20.000 shares of 100$); certificate nr 129 (in blue figures) of x = 100 shares, dated January 7th 1880, in the name of John Sproston Jr., who endorsed the certificate on the back in order to have it registered in the companies book after handing over this certificate.Small size (10 by 24 cm) and on pink paper. Original signatures of secretary (Fields ?) and director (Davenput ?); Litography by Britton & Rey S.F.; Above the lower border it reads Eldorado Co., Cal.; Price: 250 Euro. See this certificate and it's Beautiful 6 by 4 cm vignette of the mythological ship the ARGO, the famous and heroic crew of which were called the ARGNAUTS. See the story of this famous journey led by Iason, who went out to get the Golden Fleece, and also have a look at a map of their journey. Now, the videorelease can be hired of the beautiful 1999 film (172 minutes !) "Jason and the Argonauts". It covers only half the journey described here, but is an adventure film worth seeing ! Adventurers who went to California in search of gold soon after its discovery there in 1848, were called Argonauts, so I take it that the Argonaut Mill and Mining Co. was a gold mining and processing company. |
Arizona Commercial Mining Co., 1927, olive green, 100 shares,
23 Euro
Vignette: miners at work
Arizona Commercial Mining Co., 1919, orange brown, 23 Euro
Vignette: miners at work
Armour-Dial, Inc., orange border, 1968
Arnoll Inc., groen, blankette nr 15, 19.., Pensylvania
Associated Gas and Electric Comp., 1 share, green, class A stock,
1931, state of New York, vignette of Goddess Fortuna with 2 angels,
Euro 22,50
Established in 1906; failed in 1940; restart in 1946 as
General Public Utilities Corp (Source: van Oss, 1954).
![]() |
Atari Corporation Certificate of odd shares (500) in the name of Warren A. Gordon, Nevada (USA), 1996. Condition VF: various faint vertical folds, tiny staple traces. Price: € 50 |
Atlantic Department Stores, Inc., green border,1971
Atlantic Ice Manufacturing Comp., blue, <100 shares, 1928, vignette: eagle holding flag-shield and US flag with arrows and text "e pluribus unum", 12 Euro.
Associated Gas and Electric Company, certificate for Ten Class A Stock, without nominal value, with coupon sheet, issued in Amsterdam, 1928, green / beige with orange imprinted seal, Euro 11,25
Atlantic Ice manifactoring Comp., 1928, < 100 shares, blue, nr. CL 716, vignette: eagle with USA flag shield, holding in his claws the flag, 4 arrows and text "E pluribus Unum", Euro 16
(USA aviation stocks are only listed under "Aviation: USA" and not on
this page "USA: general" nor on our general Aviation page)
Babock & Wilcox Comp. (The), red, 100 sh, 1966, New Jersey , 11 Euro.
Vignette: 2 allegorical men flanking a mirror with small globe and
letters B&W.
Baltimore American Insurance Comp. of New York, zwart 1936 (gevlekt)
Baltimore Refrigerating & Heating Comp. (The), 1904, x shares of 100 $, brown border, no. 178 B, vignette of the factory, 34 Euro.
Basic Resources Corp., green border, 1969
Basic Resources International (Bahamas) Ltd
green, 1985, certificate of x
shares,price: 12
Vignette: beautiful lady running with river and woods in the
Berwyn Pharmaceutical Corp., brown, blankette, vignette of eagle, price 12 Euro
Bond Stores, Inc, blue border, 1946
Boone Centennial, Inc.
Certificate number 515 of odd shares
of 1 $ each, issued in 1965 in the city of Boone, Iowa (USA), held as
evidence of participation in the hundredth aniversary honoring the
of the City of Boone, Iowa (USA); black decorative border on
white field with gold printed pattern, large gold printed seal, signed
by chairman; unfolded, but 0,5 cm tear in right hand border; 10
by 5 cm. engraving of an eagle, wings spread, before a city skyline,
price 45 Euro.
Boston Wharf Comp., black and white with some small green, pink and red stamps, x shares, 1935, with imprinted seal, incorporated in 1836, original signatures, no. A2614, 23 Euro.
Boston and Ely Consolidated Mining Company, ocre border, 1921
Brandywine Sports, Inc.
a harness track company from Delaware, USA; (renbaan voor sulkies); certificate for odd shares, blue border and 10 by 5 cm engraving of harness track horse
and rider, 1981, in the name of George W. Wyckoff, from Pittsburg
PA, condition VF+: unfolded, several tiny staple traces, price 75
Bush Terminal Comp., olive, 1927, 100 shares, vignette: lady, holding a winged wheel, in front of a city with harbour, ships and a train, 23 Euro
Butler Brothers
Organized in 1887
The modern
"Department Store" is the outgrowth
of the cheap counter business originated by Butler Brothers in
Boston around 1878. They became a mammoth business in New York and
Chicago. Originally they sold (to merchants only) by means of a
catalogue, which they called their "Drummer", never sending out any
traveling man. This catalogue is depicted (half or in whole) on the
certificates, illustrated with a train.
All certificates
below have brown borders. All have
a small paper rest from a document on the left border. I have seen
them for sale on the internet for $ 80 !
---------- 1917,
Capital Stock: 15 Million $; <
100 shares, 5 by 3,5 cm vignette of top half of the catalogue, pink
cancellation stamp, some figures written under the vignette, 25 Euro.
---------- 1919,
Capital Stock 20 million $; <
100 shares; 5 by 3,5 cm vignette of top half of the catalogue, pink
cancellation stamp, some figures written under the vignette, 25 Euro.
Capital Stock 30 million $; 5 by
3,5 cm vignette of complete catalogue, pink cancellation stamp,
several stains and heavy vertica folds, 25 Euro.
---------- 1920;
Capital Stock 30 million $; 5 by
3,5 cm vignette of complete catalogue, pink cancellation stamp,
several stains and heavy vertica folds, 25 Euro.
Calumet &
Hecla, Inc.
Incorporated in 1928 under Michigan law; certificate of < 100
shares, green border, print ABNC; 6
by 4 cm engraving of 3 indians , camping at the riverside with a
canoe, one of them smoking a very long pipe; price 50 Euro.
Car Lighting and Power Company, State of Maine, USA, 1909
certificate of < 100 shares, no. 01608, orange
border, vignette: man and woman (one breast uncovered), holding
a lamp and electron ball equipment, flying horizontally together,
Capital only 320.000 shares, 250 Euro.
Carolina Power and light comp., 1970
Cartridge Television Inc. - CTV
laws of Delaware, USA; CTV vignette in red,
blue and green; print: Security-Columbian Banknote Co.,
---------- x shares, 1970-ies, blue border; VF, several numbers
printed over the certificate and a few small notes in red pencil; also
a few staple traces, 25 Euro.
---------- x shares, 1972, green border, VF,
several numbers printed over the certificate and a few small notes
in red pencil; 25 Euro.
Celanese Corporation, Incorporated under delaware law, USA;
Celanese is a Kronberg (Germany)
based Chemical Industry conglomerate; in 1999 it became
(again) independant from the German Mother firm Hoechst and became
listed at the German stock exchange. with an introduction price of
16 Euro. In 2003 it had a turnover of 4,3 billion Euro with 10.700
employees, working in 24 factories and 6 research institutes in 10
countries in North America, Europe and Asia. In April 2004 The
American venture capital Blackstone Group has received approval for
buying the company at a price of 32,50 Euro, about double the
introduction price 4 years ago. The bid has a value of 3,1 billion Euro
including debts and pension fund obligations. Until now the Kuwait
Petroleum Corporation held 29% of the stock of Celanese.
----- 1970, certificate of 100
shares, olive border and engraving of chemical lab. Facsimile
signature of president John W. Brooks, EF, unfolded, price23 Euro
----- 1968, certificate of < 100 shares, brown border,
same engraving, facsimile signature of chairman Harold Blanche,
VF, 2 folds, minor staple traces, price 25 Euro.
Central Public Service Corporation, certificate, 25 by 18 cm, +
attached coupon sheet, of ten shares class A stock, without nominal
value, orange / green decorative border, with orange printed seal,
issued in Amsterdam, 1929, 50 Euro.
This company is
a daughter of the Central Public Utility Corporation
Central States Electric Corporation, Richmond, Virginia, certificate
with loose coupon sheet, for ten ordinary shares (common stock),
without nominal value, violet / beige, with orange imprinted seal,
issued in Amsterdam, 1931, Euro 16
Established in 1912, failed in 1942. These certificates
were issued since 1929. (only 1500 pieces). In 1933 they were stamped
down to certificates of ten ordinary shares of 1 $ (source: van Oss,
Central Foundry Comp. (The), black, 1952
Century Ribbon Mills, Inc , orange border, 8-5-1946, x shares, vignette: Goddess, a fatal sister (one breast uncoverd) spinning or unwinding a life thread, 34 Euro.
Chas, Pfizer & Co., Inc.,
Delaware, , certificate of 100 shares, blue,
price 23 Euro
Vignette: 2 men sitting on each side of an entrance with the name
Pfizer above it.
The firm, now called Pfizer ("since 1849") has recently become famous by their production of the VIAGRA-pill. Anno 2015 their largest cash cow is Lyrica (against epilepsy.)
Pfizer took over the famous French perfume company Coty.
In November 2015 Pfizer has announced that it strives to take over Allergan (seated in Ireland and famous for its cash cow Botox (anti wrinkles) for - possibly - over $ 120 billion ( = $ 120 miljard) and then move its head quarters to Ireland. This may lead to large tax advantages. Right now Pfizer is the second largest pharmacy co. in the world, after Johnson and Johnson. After the merger, the new Pfizer would become the largest pharmacy co. in the world.
Chemsol, Inc., 1962, (olive border)
Chicago and South Western Railroad Company (Atchison branch), first mortgage 30 year 7% gold
bond, 1871 of $ 1000,-, very rare !, Size
without coupons ca. 27 cm by 42 cm; Green figures of $1000, orange
mark, red seal mark, large vignette configuration: train on bridge
and river boat, harbour of Liverpool and of San Francisco, Lithograpy:
Henry Siebert & Brother, New York, 2 coupons were cut; conditio:
as originally folded, no defects; uncancelled. Price: 350 Euro.
Tekst in Deutsche Sprache...................................... See
Text in English
Chicken Club
Incorporated in 1992 in Wyoming, USA; unissued and cancelled certificate of 1 share with a par value of Lit 1 each; green border and 10 by 7 cm picture of a young woman strip dancing; (I am not sure if this is a real certificate of an existing company; who can inform me ?), EF-UNC: unfolded, price 25 Euro.
City of Bangor Loan, 1855 (Voor spoorweg)
City of Toledo, project note, 1973
Coastal States Gas production Co., 100 shares, 1969-71, brown
23 Euro.
vignette: man carrying pipe on his shoulder, 2
draglines carrying pipes
"Abe Lincoln may have freed all men, but Sam Colt made them
equal". This post-Civil War slogan refers to the inventor of the
revolving fire arms, Sam Colt, who patented his invention in
1836. Ever since, about 30 million Colt weapons have been produced
giving the inventor both fame and a fortune. Read more about the history !
Colt's Patent Fire Arms manufacturing Company:
certificate of odd shares,
green border, in the name of Harris, Upham & Co, with overprint in red:
name of this company has been changed to Colt's Manufacturing Company,
print, a few minor staple needle holes; above the engraving a red stamp "exactly 50
shares", price 125 Euro.
Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc.(= CBS), state of New York, 1970, orange border, 100 shares, vignette (large and unusually positioned in left corner): a lady in evening dress, condition VF, but in left border a small hole and 2 small tears from staples and further several tiny staple holes. price 23 Euro
Columbia Pictures Corporation
Incorporated in 1924 under new York state law; vignette of lady with torch; 100
shares, brown border, unfolded, 25 Euro
Columbia Technical Corp. bruin 1973; green border, 1976
Columbus and Southern Ohio Electric Comp., Ohio, USA.
vignette: God of the trade Hermes
(L:Mercurius, Eng: Mercury), almost nude, sitting on a rock in
front of a city skyline, His sandals have no wings
---------- 9,25% first mortgage bond, due 1982 (issued 1975), red
border, 15 Euro.
---------- certificate of < 100 shares, 1970, brown border, 15 Euro
---------- certificate of < 100.000 shares, 1981, green border, hole
and letter cancelled, but unfolded, 25 Euro.
---------- certificate of 100 shares, orange border, 1970, 15 Euro.
The Commercial Cable Company, New York, febr. 8th 1897, Interim bond
certificate no 320, for $ 10.000 (amount filled in by pen and by figure
punch holes) 4% gold bonds secured by mortgage on all the companies
properties, including those of the Postal Telegraph-Cable Co.
heretofore acquired. These bonds were issued to stockholders of the
aforementioned company in exchange for their stocks.Original signatures
of president and of secretary Albert Beetz, price 580 Euro.
This certificate shows
a 15 by 5 cm drawing of 3 transatlantic telegraph cables connecting
Western Europe and Canada, as well as connections within these
continents. These cables were
laid in 1983, 1984 and 1994 by the company, using the MacKay-Bennett
system, named after the two founders of this company, J.W. Mackay
and J. Gordon Bennett. Read
more about the company's history.
Comptometer Corporation
under Illinois law; print: ABNC, 1960's; ca. 5 by 11 cm. engraving of God
Mercury and a goddess, a factory and calculating machine;
---------- certificate of 100 shares,
purple border; VF+; price 50 Euro.
---------- certificate of < 100 shares, green border, VF+, price 50
Computer Applications Incorporated, 100
shares, green, 1966, Delaware law, ca. 11 by 6 cm. vignette: woman
with long paper sheets in front of 2 globes and a city with train and
skyscrapers, print: Security Columbian Banknote Co., VF:
many staple traces and several small stains, price Euro 45.
Community Computer Corporation
1979, certificate of odd shares;
established in 1967; blue border; print: Federated Banknote Company;
signed in facsimile by president E.L.Philips, issued in the name
of Cede & Co..; ca. 8 by 6 cm. engraving of elegant lady
before a main frame computer, holding punched tape; figure "200"
unfortunately printed over her fore head; EF, unfolded,
no staple traces, price 15 Euro.
Deutsch: Die Anleihen der Konföderierten Staaten von Amerika, ausgegeben zur Finanzierung des Sezessionskrieges mit den Nordstaaten, sind ein abgeschlossenes Sammelgebied und hervorragend katalogiesiert. Bis heute hat kein Anleger aus Europa sein damals investiertes Geld wiedergesehen. Da das amerikanische Recht keine Verjährungsfristen kennt, wird über eventuelle Rückzahlungsansprüche, insbesondere der "Mississippi Bonds", übrigens nach über 150 Jahren noch heute vor US-Gerichten prozessiert ! (Quelle: Benecke und Rehse, Neuheitenliste Juli 2002)
Ball no.200 (printer's name near outer border) , Criswell 125 B;
1863, 30 $ bond; 2 grey/red Dutch succession stamps of 1,25 Guilders
(1/5th paid) from Rotterdam; VF +: 350 Euro.
Ball no. 201 = Criswell no. 125; Richmond,
March 2nd 1863, no 16457,
7 coupons left; on the back side a Dutch stamp: "Bet stempel zichtbaar
bevonden, Amsterdam 18 April 1865; het algemeen beurscomite voor
publieke fondsen", very nice condition, upper border 3,7 cm, left 2,1
cm, right 2,2 cm, 128 Euro.
Ball no. 208 = not listed in Criswell, but alike no. 125;
authorised Febr. 20th 1863, witness whereof March 2nd 1863, black stamp
(signed by James Sorley) with text " Issued in Houston, Texas; red
tekst "This bond is .....issued", 9 coupons left attached; according to Ball (1998) only ca. 100- 200 pieces with
these specific characteristics have been left over from the
800 pieces originally issued. large
borders, 285
Ball 240 A = Criswell 122 B,
"second series" 7% loan, February 20,
1863, second series; in witness whereof......March 2nd 1863; signature
of ..... Taylor; this is a counterfeit bond ! nos 2243 and 2233, 7
coupons left, small defect in left border, minor brown stain in
right upper corner, further very nice, 75 Euro.
Criswell no. 175 (not listed in Ball);
rarity 10 = very rare.
Scrip Certificate for X US $: (handwritten: 10.000 $) issued by the National Safe Deposit Company Ltd. for holding of confederate bonds, London, 1887; measures ca. 22 x 21 cm., one penny red printed tax stamp; condition EF: folds nor tears but a litle brownish on te left upper left; price € 75.
Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc.
--------- 1974, $ 1000 obligation, 9 1/8 %, 1974-2004, green, cancelled,
several stains and small tears, right border filthy and small tear, see
picture, price 12 Euro
--------- 1977-2000 8,9% bond of 1000$ , green, unfolded, price 34
Consolidated Textile Corp., green border, , 1928
Container Corporation of America, roze border, 1967
Continental Tobacco Company, olive green, 100 shares, 1964,
Vignette: man, 2 globes and tobacco leaf.
Controls Company of America, orange border, 1966
(The) Co-operative Pure Milk association Inc., 2 vignettes, of a
farm house (4*3 cm) and of a meadow with cattle and a plowing
(7*3,5 cm), See picture,
------- class "A" preferred stock certificate, blankette, Ohio. blue,
EF / UNC, 23 Euro
------- common stock certificate f x shares, green, blankette, Ohio, EF
/ UNC, 34 Euro
Coty was
an innovative French perfume maker.
See text about his
career and the world wide extend of his perfume empire.
Coty Incorporated
Click on the engraving for an enlargement --------------------------------------> On the first engraving we see Eros reaching out for an arrow. When he hit someone with this, the person would fall in love. |
Coty International Corporation,
Click on the engraving for an enlargement ---------------------------------------------> |
Croton Water Main Stock, city of New York.
![]() |
Klik op de foto's voor vergrotingen | ![]() |
A painting by Augustus Fay of the Croton Water Reservoir in New York from 1850, in what would soon become Central Park. |
Certificaat No. 48voor een Kapitaal van
$ 400, rentende 7%, uitgegeven in Amsterdam, 27 juli 1871 door Hope
& Co., Ketwich en Voombergh en Weduwe Willem Borski, losbaar in
1900. De sierrand heeft als beveiliging het zgn. muzieknotenschrift, ontwikkeld door drukkerij Johan Enschede & Zonen. Conditie: UNC, geen gebreken / drukfris, prijs € 99.
no. 48 for a Capital of $ 400, bearing 7% interest, issued in
Amsterdam on July 27th 1871 by Hope & Co., Ketwich and Voombergh
and the Widow Willem Bosrski, redeemable in 1900.
The certificate is in mint condition (UNC), border with so called "music note" border, a type of security print by the
famous Joh. Enschede and Sons in the Dutch city of Haarlem.
signatures of the Widow W. Borski, Ketwich and Voombergh and Hope,
the famous ancient Dutch broker-house; See picture; price 99 Euro.
Lees meer over dit gigantische waternetwerk en bekijk de foto's van aquaducten, kanalen, dammen en reservoirs.
Some history:
We take water for granted today. But before the 1830s, citizens relied on cisterns to collect rainwater or a series of city wells drilled down to bubbling, underground springs. But these sources were spreading disease and were clearly inadequate for a city whose international profile was raising thanks to the Erie Canal. One of the great challenges faced by a growing, 19th-century New York City was the need for a viable, clean water supply. The solution lay miles north of the city in the Croton River. New York engineers embarked on one of the most ambitious projects in the city’s history — to tame the Croton, funnelling millions of gallons of waters through an aqueduct down to Manhattan, where it would be collected and stored in grand, Egyptian-style reservoirs to serve the city’s needs. The water company was located on the site where
Manhatten has been built and in what would soon become Central Park. Read more and see pictures of these complex waterworks.
Daryl Industries, Inc. 1970 (red border)
Data-Control Systems, Inc. blue 1967, X shares commonstock with par value 5 c, vignette: rocket at launch tower, schematically drawn, Euro 23
Detroit Edison Co. (The), incorp. under laws of the state of N.Y.
---------- 1917, < 100 shares, dark blue border, vignette: 2 allegorical
ladies sitting next to electro motor, print: AB&C, NY, hole cancelledthrough
original signatures; on the back 1$ stock transfer stamp, with cancell.
holes, price 57 Euro.
----------1988, 11 7/8 % mortgage bond, 4000 $, red border, vignette:
allegorical woman holding a light bulb, sitting next to an electromotor,
In left upper corner small staple damage, price 20 Euro.
Dewey and Almy Chemical Company, 1954
Dewey Portland Cement Co., Delaware, class A, orange, x shares,1959, in the name of Goldma Sachs & Co, no vignette, price 16 Euro.
D.H. Baldwin Company, Cincinnati, Ohio,
The company was established in 1862 and is the largest manufacturer
of keyboard instruments in the USA.. Their premier product is the
famous Baldwin Concert Grand Piano. They also produce a priced line of
Grandfather Clocks. (Source: Malcolm Kurin, personal communication,
5 by 5 cm vignette of Dwight Hamilton Baldwin, see vignette or the entire share
---------- 14 3/4 % debenditure, due 1994, issued between 1982 and
1986, orange border, 12 Euro.
---------- 13,5 % debenditure, due 1994, issued 1983, brown border; 1
cm tear in left upper corner; pen written figures in right upper
border, unfolded, 25 Euro.
Diamond International Corporation
engraving of woman and 2 globes;
---------- certificate from
1982, for odd shares of the $ 1,20 series cumulative preferred stock;
the name of Frances H. Meacham, orange border on the left; several
folds and
staple traces, price 25 Euro.
---------- certificate for odd shares of common stock, from 1979, in
the name of Sylvia F. Klein, Illinois; some figures in red pencil; blue
stamp near engraving, heavy folds and some staple damage, price 10
Dillingham Corp., 100 shares, blue, 19sixties and seventies,
11 Euro.
Vignette: elegant man sitting in front of buildings, a road, a
tunnel and electricity dam; also Company logo: globe
with the name Dillingham. See
Dows Farm Comp. (green; blankette)
Duplan Corp. (The), green border, 1977
![]() |
Eckmar corp., incorporated in Delaware in 1967, it was a specialty store,the only department store selling exclusively Christmas articles, all year round. Delaware,1969, certificate of 100 shares, orange border, 23 Euro The Vignette shows stylized holiday items, including a Christmas tree, ornaments, a reindeer and gift boxes. Price: € 23 |
Euro Disneyland S.C.A., issued in Paris, France, but only for
circulation outside France,
condition: UNC, a beautiful stock to frame and give away or hang on
your own wall, despite it's simple design.
After heavy financial losses in its first years of
operation, the turnaround seems to have succeeded.
Restructuring led to the reduction
of the value of the stock from 10 Francs to 5 francs (and the name
seems to have changed to Paris Disneyland). Most pieces offered on
the web have an ugly stamp describing this reduction of nominal value,
right next to the picture of Mickey Mouse. The piece offered here is
the original clean stock !!!!!
---------- certificat representatief de 1 action, Paris 1983,
(certificat of 1 share to bearer of 10 French Francs), titre au
porteur, (uncancelled and still traded on the stock exchange; this
share goes without dividend coupons, howevere, view small vignette of Mickey Mouse
in red pants, pointing at a globe, . price 10 Euro.
European Auto Classics, Delaware, 1980, brown, 95 Euro
Vignette: 3 logo's of Mercedes, Ferrari and
Rolls Royce
Eversharp, Inc. 1987 (red border)
Executone, Inc. , blue border, 1971
E - Z Stop Food Marts, Inc., (green; blankette)
Fabergé, Inc., 100 shares, 1970, green border, vignette: well
known lady, standing in clouds against the stars, holding globe, one
leg uncovered, VF-, brown colouring at edges, one vertical fold,
23 Euro.
Fallstaff Brewing Corporation First York Corp., green border, 1946 Fisk Rubber Company (The), certificate of ten ordinary stocks
(without nominal value), green/blue/black, issued in Amsterdam, 1927,
price: Euro 11.36 Foremost-McKesson, Inc. |
Galveston-Houston Company,
Incorporated in 1936 under Delaware law, as a reorganisation of
the former Galveston-Houston Electric Company (see
further under that heading for their stocks !). Originally the company
ran electric streetcars in Houston and Galveston and an interurban
railway between these cities (see for history and photos of these
streetcars the beautiful web site: https://members.iglou.com/baron). The
company still exists A.D. 2002, but is now in a completely different
business: manifacturing equipment for the mining and oil drilling
industry (source: Steven M. Baron, Lexington, USA).
---------- 1930's, Common Stock Scrip, light
blue border on blue, 28,5 by 20 cm, 100 Euro.
---------- 1930's, x shares, dark
green border on green, 28 by 19,5 cm, ABNC, 25 Euro.
---------- 1940's, x shares of 5 $ each, orange
border on orange, 28 by 20 cm, ABNC, 25 Euro.
---------- 1952, x shares, green
border on green, 20,5 by 31 cm, corporate seal 1936, 25 Euro.
---------- 1950's, x shares, orange
border on yellow field, corporate seal 1936,28 by 21 cm, 25
---------- 1960's, x shares, green
border on green, corporate seal 1936, 31 by 20,5 cm, 25 Euro.
Galveston-Houston Electric Company,
Incorporated in 1907 under laws of Maine, as a holding company in order
to consolidate control and financing of three operating subsidiaries:
the Houston Electric Co.(operating streetcars in Houston), the
Galveston Electric Co. (operating streetcars in Galveston) and the
Galveston-Houston Electric Railway Co. (operating the interurban
railway between Houston and Galveston). See for history and photos of
these streetcars the beautiful web site: https://members.iglou.com/baron
In 1936 the Galveston-Houston Electric Co. was reorganised as Galveston
Houston Co. (see further under that heading for their stocks !). In
that year the interurban stopped running. (Source: Steven M. Baron,
Lexington, USA).
---------------------------- print ABNC, Boston, Stone &
Webster, Transfer Agents, 1914, whole share warrant for common stock
for x shares, 22 by 17,5 cm, green
border on green, orange-black comoany logo, 100 Euro.
---------------------------- 1914, certificate of subscription for x
sharesof new common capital stock as evidenced by warrant no. ...; , black
border on green, 22,5 by 18 cm., 100 Euro.
----------------------------print ABNC; vignette: elegant lady
holding electricity in her hands, with black-red company logo.
---------- 1914, < 100 shares, olive border, see
picture , 25 Euro.
---------- 1924-29, 100 shares, brown
border, 25 Euro.
---------- 1920's, < 100 preferred shares, orange
border, 30 by 20 cm., 25 Euro
---------- 1926-1930, 100 shares, preferred stock, dark green border, 25 Euro.
--------------------------- print ABNC; vignette: elegant lady
holding electricity in her hands, without company logo.
---------- 1910's, < 100 shares common stock, olive
green border, 30 by 20 cm, 25 Euro.
---------- 1914-1930, 100 shares common stock, brown
border, 21 by 30 cm, 25 Euro.
---------- 1907-1925, 100 shares, dark green, see
picture,, ca. 20 by 30 cm, 25 Euro
---------- 1925, < 100 shares preferred stock, orange
border, 30 by 20,5 cm., cancelled, 25 Euro
-------------------------- print: Franklin Lee Division - ABNC,
vignette of an eagle, embossed company seal.
---------- 1930's, x shares preferred capital
stock, blue
border, 30 by 20 cm, 100 Euro.
Gas: see separate page on Oil, Gas and Pipelines, worl wide
General American Transportation corp., 4,6 % equipment trust cert., green border, 1965
General Box Comp., green border, 1963
General Foods, brown, x shares,1960ies, Delaware law, 10 Euro.
Vignette: 2 goddesses holding GF logo, one of the the
goddess Demetre (L: Ceres) of fertility and agriculture.
General Foods, green, 100 shares, 1960ies / 1970ies, 12 Euro
Vignette: 2 goddesses holding GF logo, one of the the
goddess Demetre (L: Ceres) of fertility and agriculture.
General Instrument Corporation
Incorporated in 1967 under Delaware law; print: Security-Columbian
Banknote Co.; > 100 shares common stock, brown border, 1982; 9 by 6 cm. vignette of an almost
nude male amidst instruments, in front of a city skyline, staple traces
near, but not through, vignette, unfolded, 45 Euro.
General Motors Corporation, orange, 1955, vignette: truck, train and car, drawn in a modern fashion, 23 Euro.
Glen Alden Coal Company, brown border, 1929
Glen Alden Corporation, green border, 1988
Gold Mines of Kalgoorlie Ltd.
Incorporated under the laws of Victoria, Australia; issued by the Bank
of New York in 1991; American
depositary receipt for 1 share of a par value of 0,05 $
Australian., blue border, no engraved vignette, price 25 Euro
Goodrich Company (The B.F. Goodrich Co.), New York state,
Vignette: large vignette, composed of a labourer
tapping a rubber tree, a chemist at work, a car tire and a large plant.
-----1969, blue,
100 shares, price: 11 Euro.
----- green, < 100 shares, price: 23 Euro.
Grain Elevator Warehouse Comp., 100 shares, blue, 1959, vignette: eagle, 7 Euro.
Grand Union Company (The)
This food retailing company was established in 1928 under Delaware law.
The company went broke early 2001 and was taken over by the Dutch
multinational AHOLD. Ahold's daughter Stop & Shop in massachusets
took over 36 stores and 8 locations; Ahold daughter Tops Markets in New
York State took over 20 stores.
---------- Vignette: goddess
Demeter (L.Ceres) of agriculture, one breast uncovered, holding
an olive branch and goddess Athene (L. Minerva) holding a sword and
a palm branch, wearing a helmet:
--------------------green border, 1950ies and 1960ies, VF, 23 Euro
--------------------blue border, 150ies and 1960ies, VF, 23 Euro
---------- Vignette:
graceful lady in front of moving belt with food products and in the
background a farm with grain sheaves
--------------------red border, 1970ies, x shares, one in the name of
the company and with an accompanying letter of a bank informing
the company to transfer these shares to a number of employees in order
to accomodate their option rights to company shares., VF, 23 Euro.
--------------------blue border, 100 shares, 1960ies, VF,
unfolded, 34 Euro.
--------------------green border, x shares, 1960ies, VF, 23 Euro
Granite City Steel Corp., oranje 1967; blouw 1961
Greenfield Real Estate Investment Trust, green border, 1967, 9 Euro.
The Greyhound Corporation
Wilmington, Delaware, USA; certificaat voor 10 gewone aandelen à
$ 1,50, uitgegeven door de NV Administratiekantoor opgericht door
Heldring & Pierson en Broekmans Effectenkantoor, Amsterdam 1964;
druk: Joh. Enschede en zonen, Haarlem;
English: Certificate for 10 ordinary
shares of $ 1,50; issued in Amsterdam (The Netherlands) by the
administration office of Heldring & Pierson and Broekmans Stock
Office; blue border on yellow, size: 30 by 20 cm; 6,5 cm by 2
cm drawing of a running Greyhound, unfolded, but several clear
wrinkles, see picture, price 45
Gulf, Mobile and Ohio Railroad Company, Mississippi, 100 shares, blue,
1950, price 43 Euro
Hamilton Fire Insurance Company, incorp. under laws of NY State, x shares, 1928, no. 198, in the name of Irving G. Forman, vignette of a man, orange border, 3 pink cancellation stamps by transfer from 1928, original signatures, 45 Euro.
Hanover Insurance Company, New York state, 1971, green, x shares, F:
large corner was torn off and taped together again, 5 Euro
Vignette: green, lady of Justice and another one
flanking a coat of arms with on it lions, a white horse and tower and
the name Hanover; money pouring on the floor.
Harsco Corp., ocre border, 1968
Hercules Incorporated
Inc. under Delaware law, USA, in 1912; head quarters in Wilmington,
Delaware, now a world wide operating chemical company (www.herc.com)
also a facility in Zwijndrecht, The Netherlands; 8,75 % odd $ note, 1976, due 1983;
border, print: Security-Columbia Banknote Co.; 9 by 5 cm engraving of the
hero Hercules, wearing a lion's had as a head cap and a club on his
shoulder; facsimile
by S.R. Clarke (treasurer) and Werner C. Brown (?) (president), price € 95.
Holiday Inns, Inc.
9,5 % first motgage bond, issued
1984 and due 1995, 1000 $, print: Security-Columbian Banknote Co., red
border, 11,5 bij 5 cm. vignette of a man in historic dress with illustrations of an old inn
and a new Holiday Inn, also Holiday Inns signs in lower corners and in
company seal; EF: unfolded, price 75 Euro.
Holland America Line: see the separate page on shipping
Home Insurance Co. (The), 1932, black, x shares, New York state, 43 Euro.
3 vignettes: 1) 4 women, 2) family with dog and
chicken, 3) fireman; on backside: 2 documentary stamps, 2 and 4 cts and
2 tax transfer stamps: 2 and 4 cnts; tiny staple
holes through these stamps.
Homestake Mining Company
Incorporated in 1877 under Californian law; print: ABNC; 13 by 6 cm. vignette of 2 indians, a
train and river; < 100 shares, red border, 1931; some staple
traces; 35 Euro.
Horizontal Bore and Drilling Company, Inc.
an exclusive membership bordello licensed by the city of Ely, Nevada, 1984
(only a black / red copy !; in the name of R. M. Smythe, but the "original" might as well be a joke as the text reads "certificate of preferred stock representing no share of ownership"), a beautiful vignette of the bordello with a lady sitting in front, price 95 Euro.
Hospital Corporation of America,
Tennessee, USA,
Vignette of Hippocrates and a woman flanking a shield
with a Caduceus (Hermes staff, having 2 snakes around a staff).
Surprisingly it is not the Aesculapius sign, used by doctors, which has
only one snake around a staff. On the other hand the 2 snakes of the
caduceus are associated with healing powers as well, see text about the CADUCEUS
(in Dutch) or the web page
on Mythology on stocks. On the other hand, HCA means big business
as well, see a text page in English on this company.
----- certificate of 100 shares, green, 1972, condition VF: very nice, but a very small tear in the upper border white, price: € 25.
----- certificate of 100 shares, green, 1972, VF, but small staple tear right through the face of
Hippocrates, price: € 10.
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Hovermarine Corporation, orange, 1978, < 100 shares, Peensylvania, abstract logo with waves and arrow, 11 Euro.
Howard Johnson Comp.,
this famous and popular restaurant, hamburger and ice cream
company was acquired in 1972 by Imperial Group Ltd.
(Source: Bob Kerstein)
print: Security Columbian Banknote Co.; facsimile signatures of
president Howard B. Johnson and John H. Wyllie (treasurer); 9 by 5 cm vignette of allegorical woman
with 2 scenes of an inn keeper with children.
---------- 100 shares, orange
border; 1960ies, EF, unfolded; price 15 Euro
---------- < 100 shares, blue border, 1960 and 1970ies, VF: light
folds, price 15 Euro
![]() |
Hughes & Hatcher, Inc., Incorporated in 1946 in New York, the company had a chain of clothing stores. The certificates have a 4,5 x 5.5 cm. engraving of a Roman man wearing a helmet beautifully decotated with horses and a plume. ---------- orange 1975; certificate of < 100 shares, blue and red stamp over the text, but not over the vignette, price 23 Euro ---------- blue, 1975 , certificate of 100 shares, price 20 Euro. |
Huntway partners, L.P., 1988, blauw, Delaware, Tempory Depositary Receipt
Hydraulic Press Brick Comp. blue border, 1950
Indiana Bell Telephone Company, Incorporated
Certificate of a 10.000 $ bond in
a 40-year, 9% loan, due 2010; issued in 1970, in the name of Edna A.
Westphal, blue border, 4,5 by 6 cm engraving of 2
persons in front of the office; print: Federated Banknote Company; EF.
3 light folds (less visible than on the scan !), price 25 Euro.
This is one of the 22 Bell Operating Companies owned by AT&T before
divestiture on January 1st, 1984.
Interior Lumber Comp., 190. , State of New York, blankette, nr 76, share of $ 50, capital stock only $ 30,000, green and black, vignette, eagle on globe, holding a flag-shield, 43 Euro
(The) International Business Machine Corporation
Incorporated under New York State law; vignette:
world map and universe with god Mercury;
---------- < 100 shares, blue border, 1982, EF, unfolded, 35 Euro.
---------- 100 shares, brown border, 1969, EF unfolded, 35 Euro.
International Nickel Company (The), New Jersey, 1920-ies, brown, 100
shares of 25$, letter punch cancelled, 11 Euro
Vignette: lady sitting next to a lion and torch,
holding a branch
International Nickel Company (The), New Jersey, 1910-s, 100 common
shares of 25$ , red, hole cancelled, some stains, 11 Euro.
Vignette: lady sitting next to a lion and torch,
holding a branch
International Nickel Company (The), New Jersey, 1920-ies, x shares,
green, 11 Euro.
Vignette: lady sitting next to a lion and torch,
holding a branch;
International Telephone and Telegraph Corp.
Incorporated in 1920 under Maryland law;
---------- 1950's, print: ABNC; engraving of woman looking at a globe,
black border, certificate for < 100
shares, price 25 Euro.
---------- 1959, print ABNC; same engraving as above, 100 shares, blue
border, VF: unfolded, but small wrinkles in upper border, price 25 Euro.
The certificates below all have vignette informally
known as Carlson-Electronic Series #1,
engraved in 1958 by ABNC's Kenneth Guy. Sven Ohrvel Carlson was a
many-sided artist (musician, sculptor and painter), who painted
for ABNC a series of four so called "space age" or "electronic"
paintings (see Tomasko, 2002).
---------- 1970's, purple, 100 shares, 15 Euro.
---------- 1960, < 100 shares, black border, several minor
staple holes in engraving, price 25 Euro.
---------- 1965, 100 shares, blue border, red
overprint: "this certificate represents Common Stock" , EF, unfolded,
2 very minor staple pinholes, price 25 Euro.
International Minerals & Chemical Corp., red border, 1970
Interstate Department Stores, Inc. rose border, 1971
Investment Trust of Boston, 1962, blue border, 23 Euro
Jack Eckerd Corporation, 100 shares, Florida, 1971
Jantzen Inc.
The company makes bath and leasure wear, which reflected by the
illustrations on the stock: a 6 cm. picture of a diving girl and a
woman and man on the beach; The
9 by 6,5 cm. engraving of the woman with flowers is similar to that
on the Heizer Corp stock, but in differen setting.
incorporated under Nevada law, print: Jefries Banknote Co.;
---------- blue,
< 100 shares, 1972, in the name of Dorothy C Parr cust under law
of Oreg for Susan Lynn Parr a minor; VF: one middle fold, hole
cancelled, staple hole traces, 45 Euro.
---------- red, 100 shares, 1969,
in the name of Dean Witter & Co. Incorporated, EF: unfolded, no
staple traces, but one cancellation hole
through the diver's head, 45 Euro.
Jeweler Incorporated
incorporated in 1960 under pennsylvania law; certificate of 100 shares, 1972, blue
border, 6 by 4 cm photo of a diamond, facsimile signature of Seymour
Holzman; company name in yellow; many (severe) staple traces; price 95
John Blair & Company
incorporated under Delaware law, USA; certificate
of 100 shares in the name of
mrs. Sylvia Behrman, 1968; green border; 8 by 5,5 cm. photo of coastal rocks with
light house; various folds, wrinkles and staple traces, price 50
Jones & Laughin Industries, Inc., Delaware, USA, 6 3/4%
subordinate debenditure, April 1st 1994, issued May 4th 1977, blue
border, hole cancelled and small staple hole tear through top of
vignette, 23 Euro.
Vignette: semi nude male in front
of a plant, 9 nuclei with electrons, and Einsteins famous formula on
the conservation of energy: E = Mc2. See picture of Vignette.
Kaiser-Frazer Corporation, 1946, 100 shares, brown, no vignette,
facsimile signatures of the president Joseph W. Frazer and secretary
Walton S. Brown, 34 Euro
The buyer also receives a copy of
an interesting article about the company, the men and the stocks
of this Company, from Friends of Financial History, no. 25,
March 1985, p 29-36.
Kaiser-Frazer Corporation, 1947, <100 shares, blue, with (later on) imprinted blue car, a forgery described in an interesting article about the company, the men and the stocks of this Company, from Friends of Financial History, no. 25, March 1985, p 29-36., buyers receive a copy of this article, 34 Euro.
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Kreuger & Toll Company, Sweden, ----------> 5% secured sinking fund gold debenditure f $ 1000, New York, 1951, orange decorative border on orange field, unfolded, several staple holes; price 23 Euo. <---------- Class A certificate of deposit for US $ 500 in a 5% sinking fund debenditure, in the name of K.P. Manus, Rokin, Amsterdam (his name is written with pencil in the upper border and his original signature can be seen on the back side), issued in New York on April 10th 1939, but it has an orange printed Dutch taxstamp. Printed by ABNC, olive border, condition VF: treaces of use, but no tears, price € 35. |
Kropp Forge Comp., Chicago, Illinois, Dec. 11th 1944, certificate of X (= 7) shares, no. 510 in the name of J. Frank Small; orig. sign. of president Kropp and secr. Johnson; black decorative border on gold patterned field with golden characters "shares 100 $ each"; vignette in left corner: womanwith helmet with star; golden printed corporate seal; middle under: small vignette in gold of eagle; # = 5000 shares of $ 100 or les of that type and # of certificates is much lower, ofcourse; cancelled by punched characters.ConditionVF/F: several border tears, 45 Euro.
Lee Rubber & Tire Corp., red, vignette with allegorical men and woman, < 100 shares,1964, 12 Euro.
Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. (The), 1951, brown, < 100 shares, 12 Euro.
Lehigh Coal and Navigation Comp. (The), green 1930 and 1939, 100 shares, 12 Euro.
Lehigh Coal and Navigation Comp. (The), orange 1930, < 100 shares, 16 Euro.
Lehigh Coal and Navigation Comp. (The), orange 1954, < 100 shares, 12 Euro.
Lehigh Valley Transit Company, philadelphia, Pa., 1913, < 100 sh, red, vignette:2 black horses, holding shield with ship and plough, with eagle on top of the shield., 23 Euro.
Lehigh Valley Trust Co., 1913 (red border)
Li'l Darlin's of the West Bordellos, Inc.
"Doing Business with Pleasure", certificate no 1011 (blankette); This
certifies that the Bearer owns one share of UnCommon Stock of Li'l
Darlin's of the West, Bordellos, Inc.;
paper Gold Seal, green border, small black vignette of sitting lady
with high heel shoes, condition UNC = printer fresh, price 95 Euro. Order now !
This certificate comes with a 4 page "prospectus" (see cover and inner side) and a 25 x 20 cm (10 x 8 inch) colour photograph of six "pleasure consultants".
As the bearer of this certificate has not been filled in yet, this certificate would make an excellent and original gift at any bachelor's party.
Lima Cord Sole and Heel Company (The), orange 1937; green 1937
LNC Corp., groen 1962; blue border, 1963
Locheed Aircraft Corporation, SPECIMEN, 4,25% convertible,
subordinated debenditure, due 1992, 200 Euro.
Vignette: female goddess Hermes (L: Mercury), in the nude, binding
under her shoe with wings.
Loew's Boston Theatres Co., Massachusets, 1927, blue, < 100
shares, price 34 Euro.
Vignette: large, 2 women, one with painter's palette,
the other one with a lyre; on the back a 10 cnts
stock transfer stamp.
LTV Electrosystems, Inc.
Incorporated in 1964 under Delaware law; print: ABNC; blue border, 100 shares; 4,5 by 6 cm engraving of semi nude man in front
a computer main frame and other symbols of electric devices; price 25
Magma Copper Company
---------- 1918, no vignette, dark blue, 12 Euro
---------- 1928, brown, large vignette, 23 Euro
---------- 1929, blue, large vignette, 23 Euro
---------- green ,1956, large vignette of factory, 23 Euro
---------- orange 1961, large vignette of factory
in the mountains, 23 Euro
---------- green, 1967, smaller vignette with 2 men at the side,
16 Euro
Marathon Manufacturing Company
certificate of 100 shares, 1970s, orange border and 6,5 by 5,5 cm. engraving of a muscular
holding a burning torch and globe in front of 2 Greek buildings, at his
feet a laurel wreath of olive twigs; print: Security Columbian Banknote
Co.; condition EF: unfolded, no staple traces, no cancellation stamp,
25 Euro.
Incorporated in 1969 under Delaware law, USA; The company was founded
by Howard Terry, originally as Business Funds Inc. It built oil rigs
wide. The company also owned the John Brown Shipyards that once built
HMS Hood, the Queen Elisabeth, and QE2. Later the company was acquired
Penn Central Corporation during its diversification phase (Source:
Stocks and Bonds).
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click on picture for enlargement |
Marvel Hemsley Ltd., groen, 1973; blue border, 1973
Massachusetts Investors Trust, green 1948, 23 Euro
Massachusetts Investors Second Fund, Inc., rose border, 1946, 23 Euro
Mattell Inc.:
largest toy producing company in the world and producer of the
Barby Dolls.
vignette: ball playing children
walking on
clouds and a globe
---------- 1971 (rose); staple trace left of vignette: 35 Euro.
---------- 1971 (brown); (stamped figures through vignette), 25 Euro
Vignette of allegorical man and woman
shield with M and crowned child:
------------------ 1968 (blue), condition VF: 2 hardly visible
folds, minor staple traces, number written in blue pen in right
corner, price 25 €.
--------------- 1970 (brown),
certificate of 100 shares,
----- watery
blue signature
shining through, as wel as blue and rose stamps on the back: 10 Euro
----- condition VF: unfolded, engraving unaffected, price 25 €
--------------- 1971 (green), < 100 shares, condition VF, one
and some staple traces, not through engraving, price 25 €.
print: ABNC; 8 by
6 cm vignette of girl with Barby doll in front of Mattel's office and
17 by 6 cm multicoloured picture of 4 children of different races at
with dolls, cars etc.; 2,5 by 2,5 cm red Mattel logo in blue field; a
to frame ! ; size: 30 by 20,5 cm;
---------- 2000 (multicoloured); 1
common share of 1 $; EF: very light, barable noticable
folds; 50 Euro.
Medcom, Medical Communications, Inc., blue border, 1971
Incorporated in 1968 under Delaware law; 4,5 by 2 cm logo with computer
disk and Aesculapius staff; print: Security-Columbian Banknote Comp.;
---------- brown, odd
shares, 1969, price 25 Euro.
---------- blue, 100 shares, 1969 and 1970, price 35 Euro.
Menasco Manufacturing Comp., orange border, 1970
Metro-Tel Corp.
incorporated in 1963 under Delaware law; 100
shares, blue border, 1970; print: Security-Columbian Banknote Co.;
vignette: 4 bij 2,5 cm. company logo; EF, no folds, company
perforation, price 15 Euro.
Metro - Urban Investment Corp, 1975 (green), 7 Euro.
(The) Mexican Telephone Co.New York, 1899, black, shares of $ 10, 23 Euro.
Formed in New York to operateand maintain telephone
systems in mexico. Liquidated in 1905 on reorganisation as Mexican
Telephone and telegraph Co.
Mexnorwest Holding Comp. Ltd., Canada, green border, 1930
Michigan Wisconsin Pipeline Co., Delaware, first mortgage pipeline
bond, 5 3/4%, due 1986, issued in 1978, brown, unfolded, normal stock
format, cancelled by punch hole letters, 23 Euro
Vignette: man and woman on each side of a cornice with
company name.
Michigan Wisconsin Pipeline Co., Delaware, first mortgage pipeline
bond, 4 7/8%, due 1983, issued in 1963, brown, unfolded, large stock
format, cancelled by punch hole letters, f 50 = 23 Euro
Vignette: man and woman on each side of a cornice with
company name and letters GAS.
Million Dollar Saloon (The)
Incorporated under the laws of the state Nevada, USA, numbered Specimen certificates of X shares with a par value of $ 0.001; 3 colourful vignettes of seductive women: The middle vignette is similar on all certificates, but the left and right ones are different. condition UNC (print fresh), printed by the American Banknote Company;
----- certificate of 1 share; price 50 €.
----- certificate of 100 shares; price 95 €.
----- certificate of 1000 shares; price 95 €.
The company owns and operates the Million Dollar Saloon. When the club opened in 1982, it was considered a pioneer in the industry as it was one of the first gentlemma's clubs built in the USA to cater an upscale clientele.
Monsanto Co.
Monsanto was bought by the German chemical and pharmacy company Bayer for the enormous amount of $ 63 billion, in May 2018. One claimant in California, suffering from Lymfe cancer, was awarded a compensation of $ 289 million by a judge. In the first year after the acquisition of Monsanto Bayer stocks have fallen some 40% because of these claims and Bayer share holders appeared very unhappy with the situation at the annual shareholders meeting, spring 2019. |
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----- 1970, 9 1/8% Sinking Fund Debenditure of $ 10,000 due in 2000, yellow border, engraving without any figure stamps, price € 25.
----- 1978, 8,5%
Sinking Fund Debenditure due in 2000 for the amount of odd $ = $ 5,000, olive border, figure stamp on the right of the enraving, staple trace in top of the engraving, price € 20.
----- 1980, 8 3/4% Sinking Fund Debenditure due in 2000 for the amount of odd $ = $ 100,000, red border, figure stamp in lower part of the engraving, price $ 10.
1977, 9 1/8% Sinking Fund Debenditure due in 2000 for the amount of odd $ = $ 100,000, blue border, figure stamp right through the engraving, price $ 10.
Narrangset racing Association Inc., Boston, unused blankette, < 100 shares, green, vignette: Indian with feathers and in the background horses on a racing court, price 34 Euro.
National Alfalfa Dehydrating and Milling Co., Delaware, 1966;
National Alfalfa Dehydrating and Milling Co., Delaware, 1955, 100sh (brown border)
National Linen Service Corporation, Atlanta, Georgia, 1946, 100
shares, blue, hole cancelled, price 23 Euro
Vignette: 2 ladies, each having one leg and one breast
uncovered, sitting on each side of a mirror
with NLS Corp. logo.
National Linen Service Corporation, Atlanta, Georgia, 1952, <100
shares, orange, hole cancelled, large stamp "name changed", price 23
Vignette: 2 ladies, each having one leg and one breast
uncovered, sitting on each side of a mirror
with NLS Corp. logo.
National Tea Company
Incorporated under Illinois laws,
Without vignette:
---------- temporary certificate for 100 shares, dark blue border on
blue, print ABNC, without date, cancelled in 1925 with a wet stamp.
Total shares 150.000, therefore # < 1500, twice punch hole
cancelled, EF: unfolded, 45 Euro.
---------- temporary certificate for < 100 shares, 1929, dark orange
border on orange, imprinted company seal, print ABNC, VF+: 2 staple
traces, unfolded, twice punch hole cancelled, 1 archife hoe in right
upper corner, 25 Euro.
Vignette: seated woman with books and oil lamp:
------------ 1927, yellow, x shares, in the name of Luois and
Nellie Klasen, 25 Euro
---------- 1930 - 1944, 100 shares, ocre, 25 Euro
---------- 1932, x shares, red, 25 Euro
Vignette: sitting goddess Demetre (Gr.) / Ceres (L.) in front of tea
fields and factory with trucks; she holds a sickle in one hand and
grain in the other hand:
---------- 1950; 100 shares, ocre, overprint on text: "par value
of $ 5 per share", 16 Euro
---------- 1951/ '55; 100 shares, blue, 15 Euro
---------- 1951; x shares, green, 15 Euro
Nevada Power Comp., vignette: woman with lamp, electricity plant and townhouses with lights on, purple, 1972, 100 shares, 12 Euro
Nevada Power Comp., vignette: woman with lamp, electricity plant and townhouses with lights on, brown, 100 shares, 1973, 12 Euro
Nevada Power Comp., vignette: woman with lamp, electricity plant and townhouses with lights on, blue, 1972, > 100 shares, 12 Euro
Nevada Power Comp., vignette: woman with lamp, electricity plant and townhouses with lights on, blue, 1972, > 100 shares( this text overlayed with silver coating), 12 Euro.
New Cornelia Copper Company, green, 1928, very large vignette: loading of a coal train with a ladder belt, 45 Euro.
New Cornelia Copper Company, green, 1924, very large vignette: loading of a coal train with a ladder belt, with red stamp, also stock transfer stamps of Massachusets (green 4 c and red 4 c ); price 12 Euro.
New England Telephone and Telegraph Company
Incorporated in 1883 in the state of New York; certificate of odd shares in the
name of Eugene M. Green, Portland Oregon; green border; 10 by 4 cm
engraving of 5 crests of arms: anchor, Indian with bow and arrow,
landscape, tree with a deer, and a ship, with text HOPE DIRIGO and a
telephone set; in upper left corner 2 by 2,5 cm engraving of an
indian Chief and in right corner of 2 men; print: ABNC; gacsimile
signature of president Erskine N White. price 25 Euro.
Newmont Mining Corporation, groen 1970
Noramco, Inc.
beer producer, Incorporated under laws of Wisconsin, 1965, 100
shares, blue, vignette: globe, with maps of North and South America; 7
North American Edison Company,
----- 1925, temporary certificate, exchangable for an engraved certificate,
no 1952, < 100 shares, preferred stock, when prepared; under laws of
Delaware, 1925; olive border, origin. signature; price 23 Euro.
The following certificates have a large vignette of the god Hermes (Mercury), sitting in the nude on an electromotor,
flanked by 2 world globes, drawn with great detail:
----- 1934, dark green, < 100 shares, VF, but company letter holes, price 68 Euro.
----- 1934, orange, 100 shares, 20 cancellation holes, price: € 10.
North American Equitable Life Assurance Company, Columbus Ohio, x shares, 1967, of 1 $ a share, vignette: eagle with USA flag, gold seal and gold "waves" all over the certificate, pink "cancelled" stamp, 23 Euro.
North Butte Mining Comp., nice mining vignette, green, 1910-1915, < 100 shares, 12 Euro
North Butte Mining Comp., nice mining vignette, red, 1934, 100 shares, 34 Euro.
North Butte Mining Comp., nice mining vignette, blue, < 100 shares, 1929, 34 Euro
Norwich Pharmacal Comp. (The), oker 1967
Oakite Products, Inc., 1969, < 100 shares, brown, vignette: man with chemical equipment, 12 Euro
Ohio Power comp., 1957, eagle
Ohio Power Company
- 1971, brown border, 7,72% cumul. preferred. stock, price 25 €.
- 1971, red border, < 100 shares, price 25 €
-1971, blue border, 100 shares, price 25 €
Oil: see separate page on Oil, Gas and Pipelines, USA
Old Town Corp., 1967 (blue border)
Oneida Ltd, 100 shares, red, 1960th, vignette: photo of the juweler Oneida in front of his house, 9 Euro
Oneida Ltd, < 100 shares, ocre, 1968, vignette: photo of the juweler Oneida in front of his house,9 Euro.
Oneida Ltd, < 100 shares, green, 1969, vignette: photo of the juweler Oneida's house, 12 Euro.
Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc., bruin, 1971
Paramount Pictures Corporation, state of New York, logo of Paramount Pictures flanked by 2 ladies, see vignette, ----------1950th and 1960th, green border, 100 shares, --- EF, unfolded, 15 Euro. --- VF, unfolded and on the back 5 stock transfer stamps from New York, 1 $ each, 25 Euro. --------- 1966, purple border, VF, unfolded, some wrinkles and pen written figure in upper border, several staple traces, 30 Euro. |
![]() |
Patino Mines & Enterprises Consolidated, brown, signature of Patino, nice mining vignette, ca. 1957, 12 Euro.
Pennsalt Chemical Co., 1962 (green)
Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Co., groen 1939, geen vignet
Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Co. (The), 1945 (orange border)
Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Co (The), blue border, 1952
Perfect Film & Chemical Corporation
Incorporated in 1937; 1967, 100 Shares, green border; 12 * 6 cm vignette of almost nude
man sitting in front of city & harbour with ship and trains, 50
Permaneer corp., blue border, 1971
Pet Milk Company
Incorp. under Delaware law; 100 shares, blue border; beautiful 10 by 5
cm vignette of cow herd at riverside;
EF, unfolded, 95 Euro.
Pfizer Inc.
Certificate of 100 shares, Delaware, USA, 1972,
with engraving of the Roman god Mercury, (Gr. Hermes, NL, Mercurius) flying high; ca. 20,5 x 30,5 cm; condition VF, several folds and some wrinkles in the upper corners. Price € 50.
Pfizer is not only well know for it's Viagra erection pills, but als for being the first to produce an effective vaccin against the Covid-1 corona virusin november 2020.
Phelps Dodge Corp, blouw 1954, large vignette of open mine with a man.
Phelps Dodge Corp., oranje 1951; blue border,1948, small vignette with labourer drilling
Philadelphia Electric comp., 1961, 100 shares, brown border; < 100 shares, green border, 1943
Philadelphia Electric Comp., 1971, green border.
Phillips - van Heusen Corp., 1969 (olive border)
Incorporated in 1987 under Pennsylvania law; x shares, blue border,
1988; 7 by 6 cm. vignette of a man in
18th century suit, holding a sealed document; EF, unfolded, 23 Euro.
Phoenix Insurance Comp. (The), Hartford, Connecticut, 1863 , black, small size, x shares of $ 100 each, nr. 1134 in a capital of $ 4 million, in the name of Jos. Merriman of Hartford, vignette: eagle in nest, small piece in left lower corner is missing, further VF, cancelled with red pen, Euro 34.
Phoenix Insurance Comp. (The), Hartford Connecticut, orange border, 1952, x shares in the name of John S. Mason jr.. Small vignette with coat of arms and text "Restitumus", Euro 9;
Playboy Enterprises, Inc.;
Beautifully engraved certificate, printed by the American Banknote Company with a vignette of the nude Miss February 1971, Willy Rey and the Playboy bunny logo. This item has the printed signature of the Company’s Chairman of the Board, Hugh Hefner. This certificate for 1 share was issued in 1976 to Hendrik Ory, Standaardmolen64 in Amsterdam. Condition EF, unfolded, price € 300. Order now !
The stock proved too popular for the company's good: so many people purchased one share and took delivery of the certificate that Playboy was spending a fortune sending out annual reports and dividend checks. They issued a more modest new certificate and did a reverse split to call all stocks back in (for two old Playboy shares you were given one new Playboy share; otherwise you got cashed out) . If you didn't send the stock, you lost your shares. The old piece of paper is still worth a lot more than the current live stock.
click for enlargement
here for the Playboy centerfold of February 1971, depicting the
nude Willy Rey. Comparison with the stock shows that, although this
original centerfold is depicted on the stock, Willy Rey has been given
more and longer
hair on the stock, thus revealing less.
Plymouth Rubber Comp. Inc., red, 100 shares,1970, vignette of allegorical man and woman pouring oil on a flame, 12 Euro.
Public Service Electric and gas comp., 1963 - 70, brown , 100 shares, vignette: 3 gods and wheel with wings, 12 Euro.
Republic Color Inc.
Incorporated under the laws of New York in 1960; certificate of 100
shares, blue border, 1971; size 20 by 30 cm; 4
by 3 cm vignette in 3 colours: red, yellow and blue, print:
security-columbia-banknote co., VF, unfolded, various tiny staple
holes, price: 23 Euro.
Republic Steel Corp.
8,9% Sinking Fund Debenditure 1995 of $ 5000,
blue border, 30-11-1977, price 43 Euro.
Vignette: steelworks and transport system, flanked by 2
sitting men
Rexall Drug Comp., 1959, with overprint in red "Rexall Drug & Chemical", vignette: 2 angelic figures bordering a mortar and pestle, blue border, text in red: "The name of this corporation has been changed to Rexall Drug and Chemical Company", price 25 Euro (I have seen it for sale for 50 - 70 US $ !)
Rexall Drug and Chemical Comp., vignette: 2 male allegorical ,
nude figures, bordering a Rexall Logo and a pestle and mortar,
---------- 1966, 100 shares, blue border, overprint in red: "this
certificate represents shares of common stock",
25 Euro
----------1962, < 100 shares, brown border, no red overprint,
some faint stains, 16 Euro
Sabre-Pinon Corporation, Delaware, USA, establ. 1954, <100
shares, blue border, 1957, f 50 = 23 Euro.
Vignette: modern Zeus, standing in the clouds, not only holding the
traditional streak of lightning in one hand, but in the other one also
a mushroom cloud from a nuclear explosion !
San Juan Racing Association, Inc
Incorporated under laws of the commonwealth of Puerto Rico, established
in 1954; certificate of < 100
shares, 1972; transferable in New York and Jersey City, USA; 9 by 5
cm engravingof a seated man
and a jockey on a racing horse; orange border; print:
Security-Columbian Banknote Co.; price 50 Euro.
Scan-Data Corporation
Incorporated under Pennsylvania law in 1965; certificate of 100 shares in the name
of George M. Jaffin, blue border, print: Security-Columbia Banknote
Co.; vignette of eagle, wings spread, EF, unfolded, no staple traces,
price 25 Euro.
Schering Corp., certificate for 100 shares, rood, 1969, no folds (EF), vignette: allegorical man and woman sitting , with chemical glassware and with Caduceus (Hermes staff, symbol of healing power), 23 Euro.
Science Resources Inc., 1961 (blue border)
S.D. Warren Company,
click for enlargement ! ------->> |
Shaklee Corp., California,
a health food company,
Vignette: fair blond girl, sitting in the grass under a tree with a
bunch of flowers in one hand and a straw hat in the other, See picture : the same as the Jantzen Inc.engraving, but in a different setting, now under a tree.
---------- blue, certificate of 100 sh.,
1977, price: 11 Euro.
---------- green 1975, certificate of < 100 sh., 23 Euro.
Shipping, wharfs, yards, harbours, canals and fishing: click here and goto USA section.
Signode Corporation
1968, Certificate
of 100 shares in the name of Schwabacher & Co., green border,
print: ABNC; vignette: almost
nude, muscular man in front of machinery, similar to the engraving
of Signode Steel Strapping Comp. below, EF: unfolded; price 45 Euro.
Signode Steel Strapping Comp.
1961, certificate of 4 shares in the name of W. A. and A.M. White, 20 Broad st. New York, print:
ABNC; blue border, incorp. under laws of Delaware, vignette:
almost nude, muscular man in front of machinery, similar to the
engraving of Signode Corp. above; VF: unfolded, sevral staple traces;
price 45 Euro.
Smart shoppers Inc., Colorado, green border (blankette)
Solitron Devices, Inc.
Incorporated in 1959 under laws of New York State; blue border, print:
Security-Columbian Banknote Co.; engraving of an
eagle, wings spread, EF, unfolded, unissued certificate of odd shares
of 1 $ each; no indication of year, price 10 Euro.
South Coast Life Insurance Company, Houston, Texas, x shares, 18-7-1955, green border, gold paper seal, 23 Euro.
Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company
This is one of the 22 Bell Operating Companies owned by AT&T before
divestiture on January 1st, 1984.
40 Year 3% debenditure, 1977-2017; blue border and large vignette, 16
by 7 cm of a telephone, god Hermes (Eng.: Mercury) and a goddess; blue
bell in underprint, large size certificate; 25 Euro.
Click on the engraving for anenlargement
---------------- 6% mortgage bond, due 1991 of 1000$, olive green
border, all qualities have only cancellation holes in the lower part
of the certificate, thus hardly effecting the quality:
------- 25 Euro, very nice, no dividend cuts on right border, 18
coupons left, slightl wrinkles at right border
------- 15 Euro, right border irregular due
to cutting of coupons.
--------------- 5,25% mortgage bond, due 1991 of 1000$, brown
border, see above for picture of vignette, all
qualities have more or less cancellation holes:
---- 25 Euro: unfolded, no holes in vignette or in upper part of
---- 15 Euro: unfolded, same holes, but right lower edge
irregular due to cutting of coupons.
---- 15 Euro: also holes in right upper part, but not through
(The) Sperry Corporation,
Incorporated under Delaware law,
3 nice
vignettes: gunboat at sea, duble decker plane above village and
river, cockpitt console; print: Security Banknote
Co.; some historic data:
1910: Sperry Gyroscope
Co. founded to manufacture and sell navigational equipment. / 1933:
Sperry Corporation is formed; / 1955: Sperry and Remmington Rand merge
to form Sperry Rand; // In 1873 Remmington & Sons had introduced
the first commercially viable typewriter and Remmington Rand produced
in 1949 the world's first business computer.
Sperry made the Bird computers, amongst other things
---------- red, < 100 shares,
1951, 50 Euro
---------- lila, 100 shares, 1954, 50 Euro
Sperry Rand Corporation
Incorporated under Delaware law in 1955 by merger of The Sperry
Corporation and Remmington Rand.; In 1986 Sperry Rand and Burroughs
merged to form Unisys Corporation.
8 by 5,5 cm engraving of a
man in front of industrial and chemical items; All items are similar to
the orange border, 1956 type as shown below.
---------- 1955, green, 100 shares; print: Security Banknote Co.;
facsimile signature of presiden Harry F. Vickers; price
50 Euro.
---------- 1956, orange, < 100
shares, print: Security Banknote Co.; facsimile signature of
president Harry F. Vickers; price 25 Euro.
---------- 1970, green, 100 shares, print: Security-Columbian Banknote
Co.; price 35 Euro.
---------- 1974, blue/grey, > 100 shares; print: Security-Columbian
Banknote Co.; price 35 Euro.
---------- 1978, light blue, < 100.000 shares; print:
Security-Columbian / United States Banknote Company; facsimile
signature of chairman of the board J.Paul Lyet; price 35 Euro.
St. JoeMinerals Corp., State of New York, 1970, 100
sh, (green border)
Sterling Precision Corp., < 100 shares, brown, 1964, vignette: eagle on nest, 7 Euro.
Studebaker-Worthington, Inc, vignette: elegant lady in front of
and factory, holding a caduceus (Mercure staff); ask for scans if you are interested !
--------- 100 shares $5 cumprefs, red 1975, 16 Euro.
--------- green, 100 shares, common stock, 1975, 16 Euro.
--------- brown, 100 shares $1,40 cumprefs,
971, (figures written on upper border) 5 Euro.
--------- blue, < 100 shares common stock, 1975, 16
--------- olive, > 100 shares common stock, 1976, fold in
right hand corner, 11 Euro.
Television Industries, Inc.
Incorporated under Delaware law in 1933; print: Security Banknote Co.;
9 by 4,5 cm vignette of TV tower and Company name.
---------- 1958, rose border, < 100 shares; written in top border in
pen: Transbeacon Corp. and a number; several staple traces, 25 Euro.
---------- 1966, orange border, 100 shares, several staple traces, 25
Terex Corp., 1969 (green border)
Tobacco products Corp, Virginia,
orange, 100 shares, class A, 1929,
vignette: 2 labourers working in tobacco field; seal with text; price 23 Euro
---------- green, < 100 shares, class A,
1925, vignette: 3 labourers working in tobacco field; price: 23 Euro
---------- olive-green, common stock, 1927, vignette: 3 labourers working tobacco field; seal without text; price: 23
---------- brown, < 100 shares common
stock, 1929, vignette: 3 labourers working in tobacco field; seal without text; price: 23 Euro
---------- blue, preferred stock, 1923, vignette: 3 labourers in tobacco field; seal without text; price: 23
---------- brown, common stock, 1929, vignette: 2 labourers working in tobacco field; seal with text; price: 23 Eur
---------- olive-green, 100 shares common
stock, 1929, vignette: 2 labourers working in tobacco field; seal with text; price: 23 Euro
--------- orange, class A, 1929, vignette: 3 labourers in tobacco field; seal without text; price: 23 Euro
---------- dividend certificates for shares of
common stock of United Cigar Stores Co. of America, 1928, issued
in the name of Solomon A. Schwab and signed by him on the back, orange,
no vignette,
price 23 Euro.
Township of North Bergen,
refunding bond, $ 1000, 1936, brown border, large size, engraving of
crest of arms with 3 ploughs and 2 women and text: "liberty and
prosperity", price 20 Euro.
Trans-Beacon Corporation
Incorporated in 1933 under delaware law, USA; certificate of 100 shares, orange,
1960-ies; print: Corpex-Wolberg, New York; ca. 5 by 5 cm. engraving of a
lighthouse; price 15 Euro.
Treasury Department, United States Internal Revenue, order form for Opium or Coca leaves (this is not a stock !), 1943 /4, small vignette of poppy flower,12 Euro.
Tung - Sol Electric Inc., 100 sh, 1955 (orange border), 9 Euro.
Tung - Sol Electric Inc., 100 sh, 1956 (blue border), 9 Euro.
Tuolumne Copper Mining Co., 1916
Union Copper Mines Company, orange border 1912
Union Pacific Comp., Utah, 11 7/8 % debenditure, 1982-2010 (blue border)
Union Pacific Comp., Utah, 4 3/4 % % debenditure, 1983-1994 (ocre border)
Unisteam Investments, St Nicolaas, Aruba, bearer share of F 1000, 11 Euro
United Cigar Stores Company of America
New York,
1928 (orange), Dividend Certificate for less than 100 shares of common stock, series B - dated April 16, 1928; print: ABNC; hole cancelled, several small staple traces; price € 23.
United Corp (The), orange border, 1947
United Printers and Publishers Inc.,
11 by 5 cm vignette of woman, seated before city harbour and skyline:
---------- orange, 1958 , < 100 shares, VF-: some rust stains and 2
pink stamps, 9 Euro.
---------- green border, 100 shares, several staple traces /
cuts, 9 Euro.
United States Banknote Corp., 100 sh, 1969 (green), price 23 Euro.
United States Banknote Corp., 1971 (red), price 25 Euro.
United States lines company: go to our web page on navigation and go to the USA section
United States Steel Corporation
click for enlargement of this engraving of a steel plant interior --------------> |
![]() |
----- 1947, certificate for < 100 shares, green border; condition; 2 small brown stains in left border, price € 20.
1947, certificate for 100 shares, red border, condition: minor border defects; upper whit border cut off one mm., price € 20.
----- 1947, certificate for < 100 preferred shares, olive border, ; on the back 2 stock transfer stamps and one documentary stamp, condition: pinhole in the middle of the engraving, price € 20.
United States Steel Corp., Wilmington, Delaware, USA, Certificate of
10 ordinary shares of $30, red border, issued in Amsterdam, print by
Johan Enschede en Zonen, Haarlem, Amsterdam, 16-3-1966
1) ------- with f 1 orange seal stamp, hole cancelled on signatures, 11 Euro
2)--------without seal stamp, 11 Euro
United Stores Corporation, class A stock, < 100 shares, blue,
1930, cancelled by holes and punched letters, with or without attached
warrant, 23 Euro
Vignette: Logo USC, flanked by a)
goddess Fortuna holding a horn of affluence, and b) goddess
Demetre (Gr.) = Ceres (L.), holding a sheaf of grain and a scythe.
They both have wings, what is not uncommon for Fortuna.
University Computing Company
under Delaware law; 7,25% convertible subordinate debenditure, due
1995; 1974 bond of 1000 $, red
overprint:"name changed to Wyly Corporation; olive border; 6
by 9 cm. engraving of elegant woman, holding globe, before countryside
view and city skyline.; EF, unfolded, no staple traces, price 50
University National Life Insurance Co., green border, 1959
Uris Buildings Corporation, 6 1/2% sinking fund debenditure, 1975, black and orange, vignette: skyscrapers and U-Logo, 16 Euro.
USF U.S.Financial, oker, 1971, 5½% convo 12 Euro.
Valley Gas Production, Inc., 100 shares, blue, 1981, vignette: V with flame and "GAS" as Logo, 7 Euro.
Vogue Instrument Corp., laws of Ne York State
------ 1964, orange, x shares, vignette: electric
block wave, launched rocket and tooth wheel, original signatures,
cancelled, VF-, piece of left lower border missing, many staple
hole traces, black printed seal, f 26 = 12 Euro
------ 1966, blue, 100 shares, vignette as above,
blue printed seal, cancelled, F, large tears, hardly visible when
framed, f 26 = 12 Euro.
------ 1968-1970, 100 shares, blue, VOGUE Logo, 12 Euro
------ 1968, x shares, green border, VOGUE Logo, 12 Euro.
XSIS Electronics, Inc., (green border; blankette)
Waldorf Systems Inc, price 44 Ero.
Waltham Watch Company
(a Massachusets Corporation), print ABNC, no vignette
---------- x shares, blue, 1949, 25 Euro
---------- 100 shares, olive, 1951, 25 Euro.
---------- x shares, purple, 1952, 25 Euro.
---------- 100 shares, orange, 1952, 25 Euro.
Western Union Corp.,
USA ,ca. 1960th and 1970th
vigntte of elegant woman in
front of city skyline
---------- red 1970, 100 shares, price 23euro
---------- blue 1968, < 100 shares, 23euro
---------- red. 1969, 100 shares, 23 euro
Westinghouse Electric Corp., certificat, Belgian Overseas issuing Corp, New York, 1973,12 Euro.
Wisconsin Telephone Company,
This is one of the 22 Bell Operating Companies owned by AT&T before
divestiture on January 1st, 1984.
---------- green, 8% loan, 1977, 5
by 6 cm. engraving of a woman standing, with wind through her hair,
using a telephone in a booth, print: ABNC, price 25 Euro.
---------- blue, 1974, 40 year debenditure, 8%, due 2014, same
engraving as above; condition F: 4 bij 2 cm ugly sellotape repair
in upper border, not near engraving, price 10
---------- brownn, 7 ¼ % loan, 1976, brown, 5 by 6 cm engraving of a women
seated, making a telephone call, print: Federated Banknote Company,
price 15 Euro.
F.W. Woolworth Co.
9,5 by 6 cm of a women holding chemical laboratory equipment and a man
at a an anvil (NL: aambeeld) holding a chain and hammer
----------, 1974, < 100 shares, brown border, price 45 Euro.
----------, 1974, 100 shares, blue border, price 45 Euro.
When incorporated in 1911 they owned > 1000 of the at the time
famous "Five and Dime Stores"', which sold everyday household and
personal items at bargain prices. They made their
profits through high volumes with low profit margins. In 1913 the
Woolworth Building was erected in New York City, in that time the
building in the world (241 meters / 792 feet). In 1924 F.W.Woolworth
became part of the Dow Industrial Average - index. The last Woolworth
shops were closed in 1998. (source: Bob Kerstein, 2003). Read more on Wikipedia !
Yardney Electric Corporation, "Pioneers in compact power", State of
New York (incorporated in 1944), 1971, 100 shares, green border, hole
cancelled and backside red/blue stamps shining a little through the
front, VF, 43 Euro
Company logo in the top in black and red, carrying the words "Yardney *
electric * chemical" and ""science * research * progress * cherche et
tu trouveras"
Zenith Mills Inc., brown border, 1923
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click on USA for other certificates from the USA, or use the links below:
issued in Amsterdam, the Netherlands