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a collection of historic bonds
and shares
La Hispano Suiza
Fabrica de Automóviles S.A.
(update .August 18th 2009)
Dr. Hugo H. van der Molen - Wederikweg
114 - 9753 AE Haren, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)50 534 8795; Fax: +31
(0)50 534 0852; email:
[email protected]
English text (zie onder voor Nederlandse tekst)
Established in 1904 in Barcelona, Spain, by Damien Mateu (his signature can be seen on stocks of the 2nd emission), together with the Swiss engineer Marc Birkigt (1878-1953) who wanted to introduce in Spain the automobile series-production, and Francisco Seix. It became a unison of Spanish capital and Suiss technical genius.
At the Paris automobile salon in 1906 they demonstrated 2 new developments.
In 1910 came the big break through with a special racing car, the Alfonso
VIII (named after the Spanish King). This car was sold so well that already
in 1911 an assembly plant for this car was built near Paris.
During the first world war they engaged in in the building of airplane engines.
They also produced "Rüstungssparte: Schützenpanzer HS 30" (= German text).
Between 1919 and 1931 the Hispano-Suiza "H6" was the most expensive
car in Europe.
The 1926 model was the absolute top of automobile manufacturing.
At one time they built into their cars Locheed air pressure brakes, at that time a sensation in Europe.
In total 6.000 cars were built in Barcelona and 2.600 in Paris, all very expensive and exclusive.
The company survived the Spanish civil war and kept on producing cars until 1940.
In 1946 the truck department was taken over by ENASA (Pegaso).
In 1970 the factory stopped its activities. The Suiss company Oerlikon-Bührle took over a part of the production.
Illustration on the shares:
Standing in front of a car we see a beautiful drawing by Ramon Casas
(1866-1932), famous Spanish artist and portraitist, of his favourite model,
the famous Italian actress Teresa Mariani, wearing a fur coat and a cap.
picture of the 8th emission, from 1940, which has no ugly stamps across
the drawing.
There are many emissions of this beautiful share, some with and some
without ugly stamps over the beautiful illustration. They are called 1st,
2nd etc emission. The initial emissions are relatively rare because of
the small numbers issued.
There is also a share from the 7th emission, with overprint "DUPLICADO"
Raab auction catalogue, Germany, October 1999, no. 34
F.H.P. auction catalogue, Germany, March 2000, no.869
You can by old Spanish share certificates of Hispano Suiza S.A. and / or letter heads of Hispano Suiza (Nederland) N.V. on our web page with automobile shares and our webpage with automobile letter heads.
Nederlandse tekst
Created on 22-07-06, last changed on 14-04-07.
De Spaans/Zwitserse automobielfabriek Hispana-Suiza had een ooievaar als mascotte, een ontwerp van de beeldhouwer François-Victor Bazin uit 1919. Bazin heeft vele mascottes ontworpen. De ooievaarmascotte, die in twee maten werd uitgevoerd, was een eerbetoon aan de Franse piloot en oorlogsheld kapitein Georges Guynemer. Op de romp van de vliegtuigen van zijn squadron Escadrille N3 was een ooievaar geschilderd. De al jong onderscheiden Guynemer kwam tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog op 23-jarige leeftijd om het leven in een zwaar luchtgevecht. Als nationale held werd hij bijgezet in het Panthéon in Parijs. De vliegtuigmotoren waren van Hispana-Suiza. Na de oorlog vervaardigde deze van oorsprong vliegtuigmotorenfabrikant alleen nog auto's, waarvan de H6 Hispano-Suiza 6.5 liter 6 cilinder de snelste, meest geavanceerde en luxueuze auto van Europa was. Hij werd voorzien van de ooievaar. bron: d.d. 18-8-2009 |
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