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The Netherlands / Nederland
Algemene Garage en Automobiel Maatschappij A.G.A.M. te Amsterdam,
Mercedes dealer, blankette (UNC), van aandeel nr. 425 van f 1000,
kapitaal 1 miljoen, geplaatst en volgestort: f 400.000, # geplaatst 400
?, # blankettes = 600 ?, prijs 20 Euro.
Hispano Suiza (Nederland) N.V.
gev. te 's Gravenhage; opgericht op 16-1-1951; Bewijs van Aandeel aantoonder groot f 1000; druk: Joh. Enschedé en Zonen- Haarlem; groene sierrand en grijze afbeelding van het bedrijfslogo (een ooievaar) in de onderdruk; afm. ca. 22 x 29 cm., ongevouwen met aanh. couponblad, waarvan no. 1 is geknipt; Het aandeel is in 1957 overgeschreven t.n.v. Louis Birkigt te Genève (waarschijnlijk een nazaat van de Hispano Suiza ingenieur Marc Birkigt) en in 1958 t.n.v. Mecatex Holdings te Zürich. Bekijk hieronder ook het Spaanse aandeel, een Nederlands Hispano Suiza briefhoofd op een rekening en de uitgebreide geschiedenis van dit bedrijf en haar fameuze ooievaarslogo ! Prijs: € 125.
Import Maatschappij voor Autobanden I.M.V.A., NV
Opgericht te Rotterdam op 16-12-1948 na de Ministeriële
verklaring van geen bezwaar op 2-10-1948; Bewijs
van Aandeel f 1000 (volgens stempel op 7-12-1965 opgehoogd naar f
1.200) t.n.v. J. Melles (één der oprichters), in
1970 overgeschreven t.n.v. Johan Peter C. Melles; druk: Roepers, Den
Haag; afmeting 23 bij 30 cm.; groene sierrand op beige patroon; met
couponresten; conditie EF, ongevouwen:
---------- Rotterdam, 2-10-1948, prijs 35 €.
---------- Rotterdam, 21-12-1965, prijs 25 €.
----- beide types, samen € 50.
Nederlandsche Automobiel- en Vliegtuigfabriek "Trompenburg"
Gev. te Amsterdam, opgericht op 31-3-1914 als fusie van de hierna beschreven N.V. Rijtuigfabriek voorheen gebroeders Spijker en de Dutch Aircraft Factory N.V.; Bewijs van aandeel groot f 1000, Amsterdam 1916; zeer zeldzaam SPECIMEN uit de archieven van drukkerij De Bussy, A'dam; groene druk en sierrand, afm. ca. 25 x 35 cm.; 1 hor. vouw en 1 verticale gaatjesrij ter ontwaarding. Prijs: € 995,-
Dutch Automobile and Aircraft Factory "Trompenburg"
Established in Amsterdam on March 31st 1914 as a merger of the
N.V. Rijtuigfabriek voorheen gebroeders Spijker (described directly below) and the Dutch Aircraft Factory N.V; share certificate of 1000 Dutch Guilders, Amsterdam, 1916, very rare SPECIMEN from the archives of the Amsterdam printer De Bussy; one horizontal fold and a vertical perforation line, price: 995 Euro.
(The offices and factory are shown very clearly on letter heads and a share certificate of the paper factory Papierindustrie Nestelroy Trompenburg NV that used these buildings in the period after 1925, when the car factory closed down).
The letter heads (complete invoice) cost € 25 à 50 , depending on quality; the share certificate costs € 995. Take a look at our web page on automobile related letter heads or Order here.
NV Rijtuigfabriek voorheen gebroeders Spijker (Engl.: Carriage-works formerly Spijker brothers)
Amsterdam, April 1st 1891; Bewijs van aandeel (Engl.: Certificate of one share) no. 083, groot f 1000 (thousand guilders) in a total kapital of f 500.000. The company was established in february 27th 1891.
Originally signed by the 2 directors H.J. (Hendrik Jan) Spijker and J. (Jacobus) Spijker as well as by board member van Eeghen.
Printed by Joh. Enschede en zonen, Haarlem. Light green with a decorative "music note" type border and an embossed tax seal from the province of North Holland.
Condition VF: one midfold, torn below 2 cm. and above 0,5 cm. Attached is the coupon sheet, 6 of which have been declared for dividend.
This share is the second one that has ever appeared on the collector's market. The first one (no. 079) was auctioned in 2001 by Monen in The Netherlands and fetched a price of 7,300 Duth Guilders, including charges Dutch Guilders 9,037. Because of the listing of Spyker Cars on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange on May 27th 2004 and the participation of Spyker Cars in Formula-1 racing, Spyker has - again - become a world wide famous brand by now. Later the small Spyker company bought the large (but failing) Swedish Saab car manufacturing company and changed its name to Swedish Automobile, listed at the Amsterdam stock exchange. But this endeavour failed as well and the name of the company may be changed again into Spyker Cars.
Short history of this company and its follower, the currently active and famous Spyker automobielfabrieken (Spyker cars):
(click here for the more comprehensive story)
In 1880 the Spijker brothers started a coach and carriage factory in Hilversum. In 1886 they moved to the Stadhouderskade in Amsterdam, where they started producing automobiles around 1900. One of the last coaches they produced is the famous Golden Coach, a present to Queen Wilhelmina from the city of Amsterdam, on the occasion of her ascent to the throne in 1898. This coach is still in use by the present queen every year at the opening of parliament.
In 1901 the Spijker brothers started to build Benz cars in licence under the name Spijker-Benz. For this purpose a new factory was built at the Amsteldijk in Amsterdam with the name Industriële Maatschappij Trompenburg, after the former homestead at that location (These offices and factory are shown on letter heads and a share certificate of the paper factory Papierindustrie Nestelroy Trompenburg NV that used these buildings in the period after 1925, when the car factory closed down). In 1903 the name Spijker was changed into Spyker, easier for use abroad. In that year they built a car that was both the first 6-cylinder as well the first permanently 4-wheel driven car in the world, the 60 HP GrandPrix racer. This car still exists and can be seen in the Automobiel museum in Raamsdonksveer. In 1907 the Spyker 14/18 finished in the first Peking-Paris rally. The brand became world famous and was called the Rolls Royce of the continent. In 1914 Spyker merged with the Dutch Aircraft Factory N.V. under the new name Nederlandsche Automobiel- en Vliegtuigfabriek "Trompenburg" (Dutch Automobile and Airplane works Trompenburg). See above for a specimen share ! The axiom became: "Nulla Tenaci invia est via" (for the tenacious no road is impassable). The logo became a combination of a spiked wheel and an airoplane propellor. In 1915 de airplane pilot Henri Wijnmaken became director until 1922. During the first world war 100 fighter-planes and 200 aircraft engines were produced by what was now "the NV Nederlandsche Automobiel- en Vliegtuigfabriek "Trompenburg" (the ". A few shares of this company from 1916 exist in the collector's market. Trompenburg went not broke but had to stop the production in 1925. On May 26th 1926 the inventory was auctioned. The company had produced 1500 cars and held more than 100 patents in its name.
Spyker Cars
Many years later, he rights for the name Spyker were bought for Spyker Cars (at that time Spyker Automobielen BV), founded in1999 by entrepeneur Victor Muller and co-founder and car designer Maarten de Bruijn. In 2000 the Spyker C8 Spyder was introduced, 75 years after the last Spyker had been built in 1925. This hand made car reflects in its design the combined car-airoplane history to a large extent. On May 27th 2004 Spyker Cars became listed under that name on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange. In that year three models were being hand made in the works at Zeewolde: the Spyder 215, Laviolette and Double 12. In 2002 and 2003 they participated in the 24 hours race at Le Mans. In 2006 some 100 cars were produced. In 2007 production stalled to about a quarter of that and the company faced severe financial and other difficulties. Therefore the Formula-1 racing team was sold in september 2007 to the Indian entrepeneur Vijay Mallya and the Dutch family de Mol for € 88 million. Besides that, the Russian banker Vladimir Antonov is going to give a financial injection of another € 34,5 million through Snoras Bank in Litauen, part of the Russian Convers Group that is controlled by Antonov..
Autobus Belges S.A., action de capital de 100 Fr, Anvers 1924, brun,
EF, price 23 Euro.
Vignette: The
Great Market square of Brussels with bus in front of the townhall.
detail of vignette click here
Minerva Motors S.A., Berchem-Anvers, Belgium,
---------------Part Social, 1920, Vignette: helmed head of the God
Minerva with a dragon with wings on the helmet; blue decorative
border, price 25 Euro
-------------- coupure d'un 1/10e de
la part sociale, Anvers 1929,
Blue border and in each corner a small vignette: helmed head of the God
Minerva with a dragon with wings on the helmet. She is also depicted in
the underprint.
---------- coupon sheet attached with tape: 16 Euro
---------- coupon sheet still normally attached: 35 Euro
see also: Societe Nouvelle Minerva.............
Société nouvelle MINERVA S.A., Part Sociale, # = 5000,
Sprimont 1941, EF, brun avec texte rouge, nice border with flowers,
27 Euro
André Citroën,
established in 1924 in Paris,
--------------------1927, Part Bénificiaire au porteur, 27,5 by
20 cm., droit à 30% du solde des Bénéfices nets,
black/green on beige, print: E.Desfossés, Paris, Art-Deco border with 4 vignettes of different
cars, red company logo, facsimile signature of André
Citroën, the founder and sun of the famous Amsterdam jewelry
company Citroen (= Dutch for lemon) (de oprichter en zoon van de
bekende Amsterdamse juwelier Citroen).
----- EF, hardly visible fold in lower border, a few tiny staple holes,
price 125 Euro.
-------------------- after 1937, capital 210 million Fr.; 1/10e Part Bénéficiaire
de 1er rang, red border om yellow, 18,5 by 27 cm., coupons
attached; Imprimerie Speciale de Banque; 5 by 6,5 cm. engraving of a
road and Citroen vignette; facsimile signature of president
Michel; condiion EF, no folds, a few tiny staple holes; price 100
-------------------- after 1937 but before 1956; capital 9.540 million
Fr. divisé en 2.440.000 actions de 3.500 Fr.; Action de 3.500 Fr. au porteur; 19 by 27
cm.; coupons attached; 5 by 7 cm. engraving of a road and Citroen
vignette; Imprimerie Spéciale de Banque; red border on green;
stamp from
1956: nomination raised to 5.000 Fr., condition VF+: unfolded, small
in right border from coupon cutting; 2 archive holes in lower border,
price 100 Euro.
------------------------------- 4 pages documentation in English from
around 1960 about "Automobiles Citroën N.V.", Stadionplein,
with photos of the garage, 5 doubledecker trucks with
cars, Citroën's exhibition on the M.s. "Holland" and
a dozen Dutch Road Scouts (Wegenwachten) in front of their
"Ugly ducklings" (Lelijke Eendjes), 4 copies on 160 grams
paper, price 8 Euro.
Omnibus de Paris (Compagnie Generale des), established in 1855,
Paris 1940,
action de 500 Fr., red / brown, 2 green round tax and legal stamps, UNC
very small, practically unvisible tear in left border), f 250 = 115
21 Vignettes of famous Paris monuments, buildings and
horse drawn carriages, an absolute beauty to
frame !!!
Société Nouvelle pour L'automobile, SA
established on September 29th 1921 in Paris, France, Action de Cent
Francs, Serie B au porteur, purple decorative border and texts on grey
field, EF, unfolded, coupon sheet attached, 25 Euro.
Taxis-Citroën S.A.
Paris, 1924; capital 15 million Fr., divided in 150.000 actions de 100
Fr.; Action de 100 Francs
au porteur, with complete coupon sheet attached, with facsimile
signature of André Citroën; 31 by 20,5 cm.; Imprimerie
CHAIX, Paris; brown decorative border on yellow, with 4 by 3 cm
engraving of an oldtimer; 2 stamps regarding capital changes, condition
VF: some staple damage, hardly visible when framed, one neat fold in
lower border, price 75 Euro.
Germany / Deutschland
Bertrandt, AG, Ingenieursleistungen, Tamm, Germany, 1996 (car prototype
design company) 13 by 5 cm black vignette of futuristic car design,
larger picture of a
car in the underprint; serial no. 00000000, but with all relevant
signatures. UNC, unfolded.
---------- Aktie uber 5 DM (share of 5
Deutsch Mark), blue, 79 Euro.
---------- certificate of 10 shares of 5 DM = 50 DM, grey, 79 Euro.
---------- certificate of 200 shares of 5 DM = 1000 DM, green, 79 Euro.
Deutsch: 1974 Eröffnung eines
Ingenieurbüros; 1993 Gründung der Bertrandt GmbH; 1996
in eine AG, damals einer der ersten Werte am neuen Markt. Firmenzweck:
und Serviceleistungen, insbesondere Design, Entwicklung, Konstruktion,
von Prototypen für Fahrzeuge, Wetkzeuge, Verkehrssysteme. (Quelle: Benecke & Rehse, 2002).
Deutsch: Gegründet 1937.1938 Umfirmierung in Volkswagenwerk GmbH. Am 22. August 1960 Umfirmierung in Volkswagenwerk AG. 1985 erfolgt die Umbennenung in "Volkswagen AG". Ursprünglich nach den Plänen Ferdinand Porsches zur Herstellung eines KdF-Wagens errichtet, dienten die Wolfsburger Fabrikanlagen während des 2. Weltkrieges zur Produktion von Kübel- und Schwimmwagen für die deutsche Wehrmacht. Erst nach Kriegsende wird mit dem "Käfer" dann der erste eigentliche Volkswagen gebaut - insgesamt 21 Millionen Stück. Das am meisten produzierte Automobil war und ist der Golf mit mehr als 25 Millionen gebauter Autos. Zum Konzern zählen neben VW noch Audi, Skoda, Bentley, Bugatti, SEAT und Lamborghini sowie die Nutzfahrzeug-Sparte.
English: Established in 1937. Company reconstruction into Volkswagenwerk GmbH. Company reconstruction into Volkswagenwerk AG on August 22nd 1960. The factories in Wolfsburg were originally built for manifacturing the KdF-Wagens (beetles) designed by Ferdinand Porsche, but during WW II the factories served for building the "Kübel- und Schwimmwagen" for the German Army. It was only after the war that with the "beetle" the first true Volkswagen was built, to a total amount of 21 million cars. The car that Volkswagen built mostly, however, is the Golf of which type more than 25 million have been built. Besides VW the Wolfsburg concern also encompasses the brands Audi, Skoda, Bentley, Bugatti, SEAT and Lamborghini as well as the utility vehicle-Sparte.
All shares are in condition UNC (print fresh, unfolded), but may have cancellation holes or stamps on trhye back. All have size A4 = ca, 21 x 30 cm. All shares have the famous VW logo depicted.
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Volkswagenwerk AG, Wolfsburg 1961 Share of 100 DM, blue, hole cancellation in VW logo. Price € 10. Certificate of 10 shares of 100 DM each = 1000 DM, brown, cancellation: 4 holes through 4 signatures, price € 25. |
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Volkswagenwerk AG, Wolfsburg 1966 Share of 50 DM, rose, cancellation: 3 holes through 3 signatures, price € 25 . Certificate of 20 shares of 50 DM each = 1000 DM, brown, cancellation: 3 holes through or near 3 signatures, price € 25. |
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Volkswagenwerk AG, Wolfsburg 1978 Share of 50 DM, rose, cancellation: 3 holes through 3 signatures, price € 25. Certificate of 2 shares of 50 DM each = 100 DM, blue, cancellation: 2 holes in left border, price € 35. Certificate of 20 shares of 50 DM each = 1000 DM, brown, cacellation: 4 holes in 4 signatures, price € 25 |
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Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg 1986 Preferred Share of 50 DM, blue, cancellation by stamp on the back, price € 25. Certificate of 10 preferred shares of 50 DM each = DM 500, cancellation by stamp on the back, price € 25. Certificate of 50 preferred shares of 50 DM each = 2500 DM, rose, cancellation by stamp on the back, price € 25. |
Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg 1991 Share of DM 50, blue, cancellation by stamp on the back, price € 50. Certificate of 10 shares of DM 50 each = DM 500, grey, cancellation by stamp on the back, price € 50. Certificate of 50 shares of DM 50 each = DM 2500, price € 50.
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Porsche International Financing plc
Dublin, Ireland; 4 7/8%
Inhaber-Schuldverschreibung über DM 10.000, der Anleihe
1997-2002, verteilt in 60.000 Schuldverschreibungen von je DM
1.000,- und 14.000 Schuldverschreibungen zu je DM 10.000,-; Dublin,
1997; garantiert vom Dr. Ing. h.c.F. Porsche Aktiengesellschaft;
Unterschrift von Dr. Wendelin Wiedeking und Holger P. Härter;
Gieseke & Devrient; 21 bbei 30 cm.; grün, mit 17 bei 7 cm.
einer silberen Porsche Vorseite, 2 Archieflöcher und
Loch-entwertung, EF+: unfolded, price 100 Euro.
English: bond of DM 10.000 in
1997-2002 loan, guaranteed by Porsche AG, Germany. large picture of
silver Porsche front,
hole cancelled and 2 archive holes.
La Hispano Suiza Fabrica de Automobiles S.A., Barcelona, 12-9-1940, 8th
emission, share of 500 Pesetas, VF-EF, 300 Euro
See beautiful illustration of the
famous Italian actress teresa Mariani, favourite model of tyhe famous
Spanish artist and portraitist Ramon Casas (1866 - 1932).
Read more about this very famous
automobile company !
United Kingdom
Straker-Squire Ltd.
One First Mortgage Debenditure Stock Certificate no 499, 1926; 37 by
cm., condition EF: one neat fold, a few very faint wrinkles, price 125
In 1901 Sidney Straker and L.R.L Squire started building steam
cars and gas driven busses. Automobiles followed soon after; During
War I they built Rolls Royce aviation motors under licence. The company
its existance in 1926 after Straker was killed in a hunting accident
Corné Akkermans veilingen); price 125 Euro.
Amerada Hess Corp., 6,75% bond due 1996, 1971, $ 10.000, red, f 95 = 43
Vignette: elegant woman holding a Caduceus, a globe,
chemical plant, gas station with gas truck and a ship.
Car Lighting and Power Company, State of Maine, USA, 1909
certificate of < 100 shares, no. 01608, orange border, vignette: man
and woman (one breast uncovered), holding a lamp and electron ball
equipment, flying horizontally together, Capital only 320.000 shares,
250 Euro.
European Auto Classics, Delaware, 1980, brown, 95 Euro
Vignette: 3 logo's of Mercedes, Ferrari and
Rolls Royce
Ford Motor Company,
certificate for < 100 shares, green,
1974, beautiful 13 by 5 cm vignette
very old car, landscapes, roads, a bridge and skyscrapers, large stamp
cancelled and not issued", price 43 Euro.
click on picture to enlarge
General Motors Corporation, orange, 1955, vignette: truck, train and car, drawn in a modern fashion, 23 Euro.
Hess Oil & Chemical Corp., green,1969, 100 shares, 34 Euro.
Large vignette: Oil truck with the name Hess, harbour
with ship named hess Trader, chemical plant and alegorical man.
Kaiser-Frazer Corporation, 1946, 100 shares, brown, no vignette,
facsimile signatures of the president Joseph W. Frazer and secretary
Walton S. Brown, f 75 = 34 Euro
The buyer also receives a copy of an interesting
article about the company, the men and the stocks of this
Company, from Friends of Financial History, no. 25, March 1985, p 29-36.
Kaiser-Frazer Corporation, 1947, <100 shares, blue, with (later on) imprinted blue car, a forgery described in an interesting article about the company, the men and the stocks of this Company, from Friends of Financial History, no. 25, March 1985, p 29-36., buyers receive a copy of this article, 34 Euro.
Literature and links:
Henk Groothuis shows a large and fantastic collection of automobile shares and posters: https://www.automobielaandelen.nl
In het Zwitserse plaatsje Monthlérie is een prachtig automuseum: Musée de l’automobile, Fondation Pierre Gianadda.
In 2004 hebben ze van hun autocollectie een prachtig 288 p. boek uitgegeven, vol prachtige kleurenfoto’s en uitleg der geschiedenis door E. Schmidt (in het Frans): ISBN 2-88443-080-6 (overigens hebben ze regelmatig wereldvermaarde schilderijententoonstellingen in dat prachtige museum).