Dr. Hugo H. van der Molen -
Wederikweg 114 - 9753 AE Haren, The Netherlands
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L'Africaine, Banque d'Etudes et d'Entreprises Coloniales, SA,
Bruxelles, established in 1898, Action de Capital de 100 Fr au
porteur, Extraordinary beautiful
Jugendstil design: in blue colour, graceful woman standing on
globe, waving Belgian flag, god Mercury of the trade as a young black
elephant teeth lying around, landscape and sea. VF/EF, no folds, few
wrinkles, a beauty to frame !, price 98 Euro.
Algemene Spaar- en Lijfrentekas, dienst der lijfrentekas,
Brussel, 1948. Rentebrevet voor 3-maandelijkse rente, Brussel,
1948, rose karton, klein vignet van scheepvaart, industrie, bijenkorf,
10 Euro.
Anciens Etablissements Morel & Verbeke,
established in Gand, 1903, preferred share, after 1944, 12
Anglo-Belgian Petroleum Company
London, 1928; share warrant to bearer for five preferred
shares; brown border on green field;
British red imprinted tax stamp of 3 shillings; 3 black Belgian wet tax
stamps; size: 29 by 24 cm.; 0,5 cm tear in upper border; complete
coupon sheet, price 25 Euro.
Ateliers de la Dendre,
Rue Glacenee 35 a Deux-Acren, Registre du Commerce de
Tournai, 1952, Action de Capital de 1.000 Fr, (# = 720),
EF; prijs Euro 7.
Autobus Belges S.A., action de capital de 100 Fr,
Anvers 1924, brun, EF, price € 23.
Vignette: The
Great Market square of Brussels with bus in front of the townhall.
detail of vignette click here
Banque Belgo-Neerlandais SA,
established in 1927 in Brussels, action de capital de 500 Fr,
Brussels, 1927, EF, prijs Euro 23
Banque de l'Union Bruxelloise SA
consitué en 1921 à Bruxelles; Action au porteur,
donnant droit a un cent Millième de lÁvoir social,
Bruxelles, 1924; size 22 by 33 cm.; 2 original signatures; dark green decorative border and texts on light
green field, EF, unfolded, price 10 Euro.
Belgo-Caucasienne des Pétroles et du Commerce SA,
established on March 6th 1922, Bruxelles (siege social), Action
de 250 Fr, orig. sign., blue-grey decorative border, 2 tax stamps, 2
long cancellation stamps + 2 large rectangular stamps; print:
Imp.IndustrielleFinanciere, 4, rue de Berlaimont, Bruxelles; 23 Euro.
Belgoléa S.A., Pétrolifière et Minière,
Part de fondateur, brown border on green field, oil towers in
underprint, print: Etabl. O. de Rijker SA, Brussel 1927,
12 Euro.
Biarritz-St-Sébastien-Tolosa, SA de Tramways
established 21-3-1910, Brsusels, Belgium, Part de Fondateur,
print: Typ-Lith.La Cote Libre, Br., In the blue decorative border 5
black coats of arms of Tolosa, St Jean de Luz, Biarritz, Irun and St
Sébastien and a 11 by 4,5 cm map of the coast of France and
Spain at the Golf de Gascogne, showing many cities between St Sebastien
and Bayonne, and rivers; large red stamp + 1 red and 1 blue small tax
----- EF, unfolded, 75 Euro
----- VF-, some wrinkles and stains, 34 Euro.
Bleu d'Outremer et Couleurs de Mont-Saint-Amand S.A.
Action de Capital, Mont-Saint-Amand, 1955; Imprimerie
Industrielle et Financielle, Bruxelles; 6 by 3 cm picture in blue of a peacock and
also similarly in the underprint.; blue border, picture and text; EF,
unfolded, partly used coupon sheet attached, Price 15 Euro.
Brasserie de Haecht, S.A.
Établie à Boortmeerbeek en 1903; Action de 100 Francs au porteur, Boortmeerbeek, 1921; bruine sierrand, div. stempels, afm. ca. 28 x 40 cm.; conditie VF+: lichte middenvouw maar rechter rand onregelmatig afgeknipt voor de coupons; Het bedrijf bestaat nog steeds en betaalde anno 2009 nog dividend uit; prijs € 10.
Caisse Générale de Reports et de Dépots, share to bearer of 2500 fr, 1928, price € 30.
Camcongo, see manufacture de tabacs............................
Central Electrique du Nord, S.A. (Le),
action de Capital de 40 fr au porteur, Brussel, price € 9.
Chantiers Navals "L'escaut"
à Rupelmonde-Steendorp-lez-Anvers, established
3-2-1923. Beautiful stock with a 15 cm by 15cm
picture of a ship being built in a ship yard. Also a beautiful border
with in
the top a small pictures of the Greek god of the trade Hermes and the
god-blacksmith Hephaestus. A beauty to frame !
Seee picture.
Small red and small black tax stamp, but not through picture.
1) Action de capital de 500 Fr., dark blue, EF/UNC, 68 Euro.
2) Part de fondateur, light blue, EF/UNC, 68 Euro.
Charbonnages de Beeringen,
Bruxelles, 1949, part sociale, blankette, EF, green border,
vignet: large with tall chimney and 2 mining towers; underprint: mining
tower, Euro 23
Charbonnages de Bernissart (S.A. de),
established in 1890, 1 share to bearer, 1950, vignette of coal mine
works, price Euro 23
Charbonnages de Bonnes Esperance Batterie Bonne Fin & Violette,
Liège, Action au porteur (share to bearer), 1950, vignette of coal industry and canal with boats,
price 23 Euro
Charbonnages de Gosson-La Haye et Horlon Reunis
te Tilleur, 1950, part sociale au porteur, blue, vignette of coal mine industry
with coal mountain, Euro 23
Charbonnages de Noel-Sart-Culpart a Gilly,
1950, Action au porteur, blue border, vignette: photo of coal mine buildings,
EF, Euro 23
Charbonnages de Strepy-Bracquegnies a Strepy-Bracquegnies,
action au porteur, 1950, blue/green, EF, vignette: large photo's of
buildings and mine tower, Euro 23
Charbonnages du Hainaut,
siege social a Hautrage, EF, action au porteur, blue border, vignette:
photo of building and mine tower, Euro 23
Charbonnages, Mines & Usines de Gossoudarieff-Baïrak SA,
established july 8th 1899; Part de Fondateur, Brussels,
December 9th 1899; brown decorative border on rose pattern, 2 red + 1
black wet stamp; print: Imp. Vanbuggenhoudt, Rue Isabelle 42,
Bruxelles, 2 orig. signatures; VF, but 2 cm tear left on midfold and 2
cm tear in upper border (only in the white); 12 Euro.
Charbonnages Reunis de Bender-Eregli
Action de capital de 250 Fr, Bruxelles, 1920, black on
brown, 2 small vignettes of mining equipment and helmet + large map
of the Black Sea with many coastal cities indicated and ferry lines
---------- cancellation holes, only one of which is on map of
the Black sea, 45 Euro.
---------- without cancellation holes, 90 Euro
Chemins de Fer et Tramways Electrique des
Basses-Pyrénées et Pays Basques
Bruxelles, Belgium, 1911; Action de Capital
Privilégiée de 250 Fr.; size: 25 by 41 cm.; green border;
complete coupon sheet; upper and left border worn: dark outer edges and
tiny tears; VF-; price 10
Commerce & L'Industrie du Bois "Siparbois", violet, price 7 Euro.
Compagnie Belge du Bi-Metal, S.A.,
Bruxelles, established on 31-3-1913, part de fondateur,
31-3-1913, prijs 43 Euro.
Decorative: blue border, in the middle a very
large drawing of a lion, Lith.: Trommer & Gruber, Brussels.
Compagnie d'Entreprises de Conduites d'Eau
Compagnia Imprese Condotte Di Acqua SA, constituee sous le titre de
"Compagnie Napolitaine des Conduites d'Eau", 1894, Siege Social: Liege,
13 by 5 cm vignette of the Bay and City of Napels (Napoli) and the
smoking crater of mount Vesuvius
---------- 4% obligation de 500 Fr, Emprunt de Frs. 1.000.000
(blankette !), 1946, orange-red
and sea; EF +, unfolded, with coupons: 45 Euro
---------- Action au porteur de 500 Fr, 1946, blue border and
sea; coupon sheet attached, UNC: 45 Euro
Compagnie des Chemins de fer Katanga-Dilolo-Leopoldville, en abrege
siege social Elisabethville, siege administratif Bruxelles,
action de 500 Fr, serie A (rouge), 1952, EF,
nice trainvignette, prijs € 7.
Compagnie des Chemins de fer Katanga-Dilolo-Leopoldville, en abrege
siege social Elisabethville, siege administratif Bruxelles,
action de 500 Fr, serie B (bleue), 1952, EF, nice trainvignette (see
above), prijs € 7.
Compagnie des Eaux d'Utrecht, S.A.
constitue en 1881; Action au porteur de 250 Fr; Liege,
Belgium, 1934; Impr. Industr. et Fin., Bruxelles; brown pictures and
texts; Very decorative share, 25 by 39 cm. with beautiful views of
(als of the famous Dom towr), with 2 borders with statues and
see top half, see bottom half, a beauty to frame
!, VF, prijs 250 Euro.
Compagnie des Eaux de Vienne S.A.,
Bruxelles 1903,
1) --- Script au porteur, representatif du Prorata d'un coupon No 15
d'obligatotion 4,5% no. 24565 du 16 avril au 9 mai 1902 - 1
fr. 50, brown border on blue paper. See
2) --- Recu un coupon No 15 d'obligation 4,5% no. 24565
contre lequel il y a ete deja remis au porteur un script de 1 fr. 50,
brown border on blue paper.
Piece no. 2 is the receipt for a bond coupon, which coupon was
exchanged for a script (piece no. 1).
Price of both pieces together: prijs 68 Euro
Compagnie des Eaux de Vienne et d'Exploitation de Distributions
(E.V.E.D.) SA, Liege, Belgium
Part de Capital (blankette), Liege, 1946, blue border and 2 vignettes:
1 photo of beautiful building (town hall ?) and one of a lake and
bridge. 35 Euro.
click on picture for enlargement
Compagnie des Installations Maritimes de Bruges, Action
privilegie de 500 Fr au porteur (= preferred share to bearer), Bruges
1904, multicolored / veelkleurig, # = 9000.
The tiny shield above the bear can be blue or
brown. Brown shields I have seen on series beginning with 1000, 2000,
4000, 5000 and 6000; blue shields on series beginning with 7000 and
Therefore I presume that the colour of the shield changed from brown
to blue at a number near 7000, making the shares with blue shields the
rarer type of the two.
According to the text on the shares, another 9000
ordinary shares must also have been issued, but I have never come
across one of those.
Uncancalled, but with approprite signatures and complete coupon sheet, brown shield
above the bear, condition UNC and impeccable, unfolded, complete coupon
sheet still attached,
------- special offer no. 1518 (brown shield) : € 195
------- special offer no. 8561 (blue shield) : € 195 (a few very light wrinkles in upper border)
Hole cancelled (only through signatures), blue shield above the bear, unfolded, no coupon sheet attached, 204 Euro:
----- (special offer no. 8148, in upper border some blue small dots visible where on the backside some paper had been attached with glue, still very nice !: € 100)
----- (special offer no. 7843,
in upper border some blue small dots visible where on the backside some paper had been attached with glue, still very nice !: € 100)
----- (special offer no. 7693,
in upper border some blue small dots visible where on the backside some paper had been attached with glue, still very nice !: € 100)
----- (special offer no 5058 with very faint yellow colouring on left upper corner, brown shield above the bear, still very nice !: € 145 )
Have a look
at one of the most beautiful stocks in
the world !,
It depicts an elegant lady (figure-head) holding a light torch, a
eye view of the inland port of Bruges, and 3 sights of the city of
left: The old harbour = The Minerva Water (het Minerva water)
with defence tower ""de Poermolen"
right: Basilica of the Holy Blood (Basiliek van het Heilige Bloed)
middle: The Peerdenbrug (Horse bridge; in front) and the Meebrug (in
the back).
Bruges was a port in the Middle Ages, but the Gulf of Zwijn,
giving it access to the sea, silted up and cut it off from the sea.
The company was founded in 1895, with the approval of the Government of
Flanders and the city of Bruges, to construct the port installations of
Heyst-sur-Mer (today - Zeebrugge) and the inland port of Bruges. It was
also required to build a canal, to link the two towns. This Baldwin
Canal (Boudewijn kanaal), first planned in 1545, was dug from 1895 to
It was 10 km long, 70m wide and 8m deep. It ran in a straight line
the Flanders plain. The new harbour was inaugurated by King Leopold on
July 23rd 1907. The company's concession also gave the right to operate
the port installations for a period of 75 years. At the expiry of this
period, the term was extended, and the operating company still exists
Bruges is nowadays one of the most beautiful and excellently
preserved historic cities in Europe.
Sources: Braun, H. (1996a) and several
guide to Bruges.
----- Compagnie des Installations Maritimes de Bruges, 4,5 %
obligation de 500 Fr, 1909, # = 6000, only 2 colors; blue and brown
but further the same beautiful design as the multicolored one above,
some stains
in upper border (not or hardly visible when framed), price 89
This obligation is rarer, in terms of numbers
issued, than the more colourful share.
Compagnie Forestiere de l'Equateur, societe Congolaise a
responsibilite limite,
siege social a Windji (Congo Belge), et siege administratif a Bruxelles,
Certificat d'Inscription Nominative no. 781 de 10 actions de 200
Francs. Capital social 1 million Francs, Bruxelles, Novembre 25 1946. Ces
donnees sont toutes ectrit a main !, VF-F, 23 Euro
Compagnie Générale Coloniale pour le Développement
du Commerce & de l'Industrie au Congo, S.A.
Constituée en 1898; Siège Social: Bruxelles;
capital Social 7.500.000 Francs, augmenté en 1899 à
Size: 32 by 42 cm; 4 vignettes, see
100 kb. picture: 1) freigh train in mountain (9 by 3,5 cm), ship in
port (9 by 3,5 cm), local harbour with steam-sail ship and many local
proahs (14 by 7 cm), 2 elegant women, one western and one
African, with 2 coats of arms, before a western and an African harbour
(23 by 6,5 cm);Lith.: de la Cote Libre; design: Ch.
----------, 1898, blue border, Part de Fondateur au porteur; condition
F: several folds (somewhat irregular and less clean), border wrinkles,
minor stains and 3 cm tear in lower border, but still suitable for
framing and displaying, 50 Euro.
----------, brown border, Action de Capital au porteur, condition VF:
several folds and a faint stain, but a beauty to frame !, 125 Euro.
Compagnie Générale des Conduites d'Eau, S.A.
en Neerlandais NV Algemeene Maatschappij voor Waterleidingen,
established in 1865
Deze maatschappij was o.a. groot-aandeelhouder van de Utrechtse
Waterleiding Maatschappij en de Arnhemsche Waterleiding Maatschappij.
titre de 5 actions au porteur (blankette), brown border and vignette
of a melting-furnace; 50 Euro.
Compagnie Générale de Tramways d'Athènes et du
Piree S.A.,
established in 1899 in Brussels, preferred share of 100 Fr,
1907, (nicely illustrated with 2 vignettes and large underprint),
condition not nice, price 22 Euro.
Compagnie Générale de Tramways de Buenos-Ayres S.A., established in 1907 in Brussels, share (action de dividende) without indicated value, price 12 Euro.
Compagnie Générale de Transports au Katanga "Transkat",
part sociale, Brussel 1929, Interesting drawing of a harbour
with ships, cranes and trucks, blue border, price 23 Euro.
Compagnie Nationale Financière SA,
constitué 14-10-1898 a Bruxelles, Cap. Soc 10 million
Fr, Action de Capital de 100 Fr au porteur, black and red tax stamps,
Brussels, 1901, beautiful black decorative border and texts on grey
pattern, Lith: Du Messager de Bruxelles, 25 Euro
Compagnie Russo-Belge de Produits Céramiques, SA
constitué 2-10-1898, Bruxelles; Action ordinaire au
porteur; blue decorative border on blue field; Lith.: e la Cote Libre,
Bruxelles, brown colouring on left mid fold and 1 cm tear in this fold,
price 25 Euro.
Sorry this item is teporarily lost out of sight, due to be found again some day in a pile where it had accidentally landed.
Coöperatieve Rabobank Baarle -Nassau, gev. te Baarle-Nassau (B), (enclave in N.Br.): Zeldzame SPECIMEN uit de geruimde archieven van drukkerij De Bussy
Ellerman Harms, Amsterdam. ----- Coöperatieve Rabobank Baarle -Nassau, gev. te Baarle-Nassau (Be), (enclave in N.Br.): 5% kasbon (11), 6% kasbon (1), 7% kasbon (2), 8% kasbon (2), kasbon € 2.000 (3), kasbon € 5.000 (6). Prijs per stuk: 15 € voor de kasbonnen in Euros. |
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Credit Foncier d'Extreme-Orient, established in Brussels in 1907, 1 ordinary share of 250 Fr., with coupons no. 27 - 44 attached, green border, unfolded, imprimerie "protecto" SA, Brussels, EF, 1946, price: 12 Euro.
Maatschappelijk aandeel aan toonder, met een nominale waarde van 10.000 Frank, met
originele handtekeningen van Pater Gerbrandus Scheltinga en de
beheerder, van Gassel, abt van 1967 - 1989. Druk: drukkerij huize
Breughel, Roeselare, bruine sierrand op geel, afm. 22 x 31 cm.conditie UNC = drukfris, met voll. couponblad,
prijs 23 Euro.
DAK = afkorting van De Achelse Kluis, het Benedictijner klooster "De Achelse Kluis", op de grens van Belgie en Nederland, tussen Achel en Valkenswaard. Opgericht 10-3-1981, maatsch. zetel: De Kluis 1, 3590 Hamont-Achel (het Belgische kloosteradres), kapitaal 18.750.000 Fr, verdeeld in 1.875 aandelen van 10.000 Fr. lees de economische geschiedenis; Doel: verwerken van vetstoffen, zeepnijverheid, synthestische wasmiddelen, verven, vernissen, vette email, stopverf, drukinkt, kunstverven, kleurnijverheid (vooral matteerstoffen), onderhoudsproducten, boenwas, reukwater- en schoonheidsproducten, essences, extracten, aroma's, plastiek producten, tevens groothandel en import. Tegenwoordig zijn de handels- en productie-activiteiten van het klooster ondergebracht in een stichting. Sinds 1999 maakt het klooster ook weer als vanouds heerlijk bruin en een heerlijk blond trappistenbier !
Dette Publique de Belgique
Rente 35, 2e Serie, Obligation au porteur de 1000 francs, 1925
Beautiful blue border with 10
vignettes, 8 times a woman representing Limbourg. Liege, Namur,
Flandre Occidentale, Anvers, Hinault, Luxembourg et Flandre Orientale,
+ lion of Belgium and chariot with four horses; 2 blue seals of
one Dutch orange tax stamp; design: Jean Malvaux Soc. A. / Privat.del;
print: E. Glyot, Bruxelles, VF, not cancelled, no coupons, according to
GET catalogue. never auctioned, 95 Euro
Distriart N.V., nr. 1 in a series of (16) art-design stocks, this one showing a photo by Liliane Vertessen, displaying a woman, seductively lying down and holding a whip. This photo she also used in one of her installations: bed with mirror. Border and field are light green, see certificate, or detailed photo, 22 x 32 cm, with attached coupon sheet 44 x 32cm., price 35 Euro. Distriart is an art galery, art shop and art publisher, established in 1987 as Gode Beheer. It's name was changed to Distriart in 1992. |
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Entreprises Maritimes Belges
constitutué en 1909; 2 beautiful vignettes of a steam ship and a
sail ship, red; decorative border in Jugendstil / Art Nouveau. They
were ship owners and in the business of fishing and insurance.
---------- 1920; Action de dividende; VF: 1 cm tear in lower border and
2 cm tear in left border; 75 Euro
---------- 1922; Action de
dividende; EF: unfolded; 75 Euro.
Etablissements Ceramiques & Carrieres de Gres de Moustier,
siege social a Bruxelles, siege d'exploitation: Mornimont-les-Moustier
sur Sambre, 6% obligation hypothecaire de cinq cents francs (500
fr), # = 1200, black/red/ocre, blankette, Euro 57
Very decorative: large vignette with photo of
the factory and a large vignette of the god Mercure (= Hermes) and
a goddess with beeheeve and horn of affluence with money.
SA pour la Fabrication des bouteilles à Odessa,
established December 28t 1895, siege social Bruxelles,
Action de 250 Fr au porteur, # = 8.000; green border on light green
field with large green bottle depicted, orig. sign., coupons attached,
2 tax stamps, 2 large pink wet stamps indicating change of statutes;
34 Euro
Fabrique de Parquets Aug. Lachampelle SA,
established January 2nd 1906, siege social: Mortsel-Vieux-Dieu,
Part Social au porteur, March 3rd 1929, brown decor. border; print: J.
Verschueren-Anvers-Bruxelles; 23 Euro.
Fabrique Nationale Herstal - FN, NV
Effect van 10 aandelen / Titre de 10 actions;
oranje sierrand, ca. 22 bij 32 cm.; aanhangend couponblad, EF:
ongevouwen, prijs 45 €
Femmes d'Aujourd'hui S.A. / Het Rijk der Vrouw N.V., Tijdschrift Price € 14,50. |
Filatures de Dolhain, anciens etablissements Henri Cabay
S.A., 1919/20,
---------- action de 500Fr au porteur, bleue, condition: F, price 7
---------- part de fondateur, brun, price: 12 Euro.
Wool washing and wool spinning mill and Producer of billiard
cloth in the Belgian province of Limbourg.
Filatures et Tissages Reunis à Gand, SA,
Gand (Gent), Belgium, incorporated in 1910,
beautiful Art-Deco border and in underprint (very faint) a ship in
harbour with cotton or wool bags being (un)loaded. Design by Coddron: see picture.
---------- blue border and lettering, Action de Capital, 1930, red
stamp concerning statute change, EF, unfolded, 95 Euro
---------- brown border and lettering, Action de Dividende, VF, 65 Euro
Fonderies et Poêleries de Tamines (S.A. des),
Tamines, 1954, Part Sociale,
brown border on yellow; bruine sierrand op geel, 22 by 31 cm.; 4 by 5
cm picture of a coal stove, print: van der AA, Bruxelles; unfolded,
coupon sheet attached, price 25 Euro.
Fonderies Bruxelloises (Les), en abrégé FOBRUX,
(fonderie: NL: ijzergietery; Engl.: foundry)
Vilvoorde, 23 by 32 cm; 13 by 7 cm pictures of three types of
stoves; print: Ets. Pauwels, Brussels;
----------1/100e action de fondateur,
1950, red, price 23 Euro.
---------- Action de Capital, 1950, blue, price 25 Euro.
Forfina, Compagnie fiancière d'exploitations
forestières & d'Impregnation des Bois, S.A.,
---------- action de 500 Fr. au porteur, categorie B, na 1927, green, price € 7..
See engraving of a wood raft in a river as means of transportation.
Forges et Acieres d'Ekaterinoslaw, Donetz,
Established in 1895, Vignette: factory before village; train with steel bars
in front, beautifully decorated border, rose
Capital Social 2.500.000 Fr, # = 25.000 actions de 100 Fr, Action de
100 Fr., fat print, 2 stamps of extension of the capital in 1897 and in
16 Euro.
---------- Capital Social 2.500.000 Fr, # = 25.000 actions de 100 Fr, normal
print, 2 stamps of extension of the capital in 1897 and in 1899,
imprimerie de la Côte libre, Bruxelles, 16 Euro.
---------- Capital Social 5.000.000 Fr, # = another 25.000 actions de 100 Fr (of
the new type), normal print, 1897, 16 Euro.
---------- Capital Social 7.500.000 Fr, # = another 25.000 actions de 100 Fr (of
the newest
type), normal print, 1899, 16 Euro.
---------- 4,5%
obligation (= bond) de 500 Fr, 1900-1930, au porteur (5.000 bonds issued),
Imprimerie de la Cote Libre, Bruxelles, 2 large vignettes (each 20 by 5
of factory sites and city, 25 Euro.
On the share the name of the city is written with a w at the end. Ekaterinoslav, also known as Katerinoslav, Catherinoslav, or Yekaterinoslav, means "the glory of Catherine", referring to Empress Catherine the Great. This - at one time - 3rd largest city in Russia, after Moskow and St. Persburg, was founded in 1776 in what is now Oekraïne. In 1926 the name was changed to Dnepropetrovsk. It is a major city along de Djnepper river, with heavy industry, in Oekraïne.
Dnepropetrovsk was named after communist leader Grigory Petrovsky. As communist propaganda is forbidden by law since May 2015, the name of the city will be changed soon as well as all other places and streets the names of which refer to communist leaders.
Donetz was one of the 14 districts of the "Province" of Ekaterinoslav and also the name of a large city. The Donetz is a river (= smaller river Don) that ran through Donetz, I don't know why the factory was called Donetz as Donetz and Ekaterinoslav are located far apart. Perhaps it was a way of acknowledging that the steel industry was made posiible by the finding -in the late 19th century - of the Donetsk coal deposits and the Krivoy Rog iron ore, in an area called the Donetsk Basin. Anno 2015 these areas seek independance from or within Oekraïne. Dnepropetrovsk was "the closed rocket city" , unaccessable for foreighners from 1959 until 1987: it was the city where the Sovjet Union's ballistic missiles, rocket engines and the space industry flourished in secrecy.
Fours à Coke de Douai,
action de 250 fr., established in 1911, Brussel, price € 7.
(les) Groupements Industriels, Financiers & Agricoles G.I.F.A.,
action de capital de 500 Francs, 29-11-1927 , price 7 Euro.
G.I.F.A., S.A.,les Groupements Industriels, Financiers &
Agricoles G.I.F.A., S.A.,
action de capital de 500 Francs, 29-11-1927, price7 Euro.
Government of the Chinese Republic / Gouvernemet de la République Chinoise, 8% Railway Equipment Loan,
£20 Treasury Note, blue, issued in Brussels (Belgium) in 1922. See scan of the left half , see scan of the right half.
50 x 31 cms, with engraving of a train amidst Cinese buildings, with 14 coupons, from June 1926 - Dec. 1932.
Kuhlman catalogue no. 640
Condition VF: no border defects; price € 45.
Gouvernemet de la République Chinoise
Bon du Tresor 8 % de 1923; Chemin de Fer Lung-Tsing-U-Hai, Bon de
500 Francs, Bruxelles, 1923, Kuhlman no.650; brown border on beige, 2 red frames with Chinese
texts, new coupon sheet; 1939 -1961, coupons glued to back side of right
border, 20 by 26,5 cm and coupons 27 by 41 cm., VF+, very neat condition,
right lower corner some wrinkles, price 25 Euro.
Grands Magasins de La Bourse,
Bruxelles, 1950, large vignette of the department store,
green/yellow, 30 Euro
Houilleres d'Anderlues (S.A. des),
siege social: Anderlues, 4,5% obligation de 1000 fr. no. 60 (#
= 20.000), 1937, vignette: large railway car with coal in black
/ blue border, Euro 23
Houilleres Unies du bassin de Charleroi
Siege social a Gilly, EF, 1946, action au porteur, vignette: detail of mine tower, blue border, price Euro 14
l'Hydraulique S.A.,
Anvers, action de 500 Fr, 1919 ?, price 7 Euro.
L'industrie Verrière et ses dérivés, S.A.,
Bruxelles 1901, action ordinaire de 500 Fr., (nice border with
angels), small tears; price 12 Euro
Kilo Moto,
see: Société des mines d'or de, red, (beautiful vignette
of goldmine, bush hut, river, canoe and big boiling pan on a
fire), price 12 Euro
Kilo Moto,
see: Société des mines d'ormines d'or de, brown,
(beautiful vignette of goldmine, bush hut, river, canoe and big boiling
pan on a fire), price 16 Euro
Koninkrijk België
Openbare schuld 3%, 2e reeks, 1925, obligatie aan toonder 1000 fr.
Beautiful blue border with 10
vignettes, 8 times a woman representing Limbourg. Liege, Namur,
Flandre Occidentale, Anvers, Hinault, Luxembourg et Flandre Orientale,
+ lion of Belgium and chariot with four horses; 2 blue seals of
one Dutch orange tax stamp; design: Jean Malvaux Soc. A. / Privat.del;
print: E. Glyot, Bruxelles, VF, not cancelled, no coupons,
to GET catalogue. never auctioned, 95 Euro
La Brésilienne, SA
Belge, incorporated 9-11-1898, Bruxelles, Belgium, Imprimerie
de la Cote Libre, Br., Very decorative Art Nouveau design , see picture,
---------- Action de Capital de100 Fr, brown drawing on rose pattern,
EF, 60 Euro
---------- Action de Dividende, green drawing on rose pattern, EF, 60
La Lowa, S.A., d'Importation & d'Exportation au Congo Belge et
autres Pays d'Outre Mer,
Anvers, 1926, part nr....., blue border, price 5
Levage et Manutention,
Brussel 1929, action au porteur à 500 Fr,green with red
ornate border, small vignette of an operating crane in a harbour,
price 11 Euro.
Lukolela Plantations,
Luik (Liège), part sociale, 1961, (vignette, 6 by 5 cm of
cacao tree; nice green border with 2 small vignettes of the king),
price 23 Euro
Luycks S.A. / N.V.
(famous from it's mustard and pickels!)
Aartselaar (B), 1964; Aandeel van 1000 Fr., no. 256 in kapitaal van
1.250.000 Fr.; Blue decorative border, complete coupon sheet attached;
on inner side put in the name of Luycks Producten NV., te Diemen; ca.
22 by 32 cm.; printed by De Beurs, Borgerhout, price 35 Euro.
Manufacture d'Engrais et de Produits Industriels de Vilvorde (The
Antwerp Fertilizer Manufacturing Company),
Part sociale, Antwerpen, 1923, price 7 Euro
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Manufactures Ceramiques d' Hemixem Gilliot & Co. Manufactures Ceramiques d' Hemixem et de la Dye |
Manufacture de Tabacs et Cigarettes CamCongo,
Elisabethville (Belgian Congo) 1954,
action de 1000 Francs Congolais, nice vignette in yellow, green and
red, complete coupon sheet attached.
----- several very small border tears and some paper traces in left upper border, nr. 062690, price € 15.
----- no border tears, left border folded, nr. 060284, price € 20.
Société Ananonyme Métallurgique de Prayon
Established in 1882 in Prayon, Belgium; Part Sociale, 1946
(blankette), green border on light green text, with coupons, EF,
unfolded, 15 Euro
Meubelfabieken Aubry,
Deurne-Antwerpen, 1938, aandeel à 1000 Fr, blue border, 24,5 by 34 cm., unfolded, coupons attached, price 25 Euro.
Minerva Motors S.A., Berchem-Anvers, Belgium,
---------------Part Social, 1920, Vignette: helmed head of the God
Minerva with a dragon with wings on the helmet; blue decorative
border, price 12 Euro
-------------- coupure d'un
1/10e de la part sociale, Anvers 1929,
Blue border and in each corner a small vignette: helmed head of the God
Minerva with a dragon with wings on the helmet. She is also
depicted in the underprint.
---------- coupon sheet attached with tape: 16 Euro
---------- coupon sheet still normally attached: 35 Euro
see also: Societe Nouvelle Minerva.............
Montecatini Edison S.p.A.,
seated in Milano (Italy), Fuoro Bonaparte 31; established January
6th 1884. certificate of 10 shares (wordings in French and Dutch) of
1000 Lire each, 1967, issued in Belgium by Banque Lambert Kredietbank.,
blue decorative border, coupons attached.
This is the famous Italian establishment of the Edison Conglomerate. 12
Naamloze Tuinbouwmaatschappij van Linthout,
opger. April 1898, Kapitaal 400.000 Franken, verdeeld in 400 aandelen van 100 fr., orig. handt.
Bern. Cools en ...., paarse letters en sierrand op groen, zwart + rood
belastingstempel, 3 paarse stempels i.v.m. Remboursements, uit 1940
(400 Fr), 1951 en 1956 (500 Fr), geen coupons, ongevouwen, conditie EF,
prijs 25 Euro
Ingebracht waren o.a bouwgrond in Etterbeek, huizen
en bouwgrond in Sint-Lambrechts Woluwe en een Kasteel
in deze plaats.
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Nederlandsche Spiegelglasfabrieken / Glaceries Néerlandaises Brussel, 1899: Aandeel aan toonder groot 100 Frank; afm. ca. 21 x 32 cm. plus voll. aanh. couponblad. Conditie VF: 2 maal fors gevouwen en div. kleine gebruikssporen, Prijs: € 25. |
Nouvelles Carrières & Fours à Chaux d'Anton-sur-Meuse
Luik / Liège, Belgium, 1919, # 500, 25 Euro.
Engl: New stone-pits & lime-kilns of
Anton-sur-Mer, Luik / Liège, Belgium.
Ostende-Plage S.A.
Ostende (B), 1935; Action de
Capital, size 22 by 36 cm.; blue decorative border and text on
yellow pattern; coupons attached, unfolded, EF; price: 10 Euro.
Purpose: exploitation of bath facilities, tents and beach chairs on the
dike, and....
Doel: exploitatie van badvorzieningen, tenten en strandstoelen
op de dijk (digue)
Objet: léxploitation de la concession des services des bains,
des tentes et des chaises sur la digue et.....
Ouderdomspensioenen / Pensions de Vieilesse
Voorlopig aantekenboekje / Carnet Provisoire
België, 1911; achterop: tekst over gevaren voor het alcoholisme:
noodzakelijkheid van het te bestrijden. 10 Euro.
Ouderdomspensioenen / Pensions de Vieilesse
Mutualiteitsvereeniging / Societe mutualiste
Boekje voor ontvangstbewijzen / Carnet de recepises (met zegels !)
----- Belgie, 1926, 10 Euro
----- Belgie, 1939, 10 Euro
----- Belgie, 1926, 10 Euro
Participations Industrielles d'Electricité & de
constitué en 1899 for the exploitation of tramways; siège
social Ixelles-Bruxelles; Part Social au porteur; pink border,
3 tax stamps, EF, coupon sheet attached, 10 Euro.
Pétroles de Borislaw SA,
established May 23rd 1905; seat: Antwerp, Action de Capital de
100 Fr. print: J. Verschueren-Anvers, brown decorative border, 2 tax
stamps, unfolded, in L upper corener traces ao a small sticker;
----- 1913, capital 7 million, 23 Euro
----- 1920, capital 10 million, 23 Euro
Pétroles Roumains, Société Auxiliaire des
November 5th 1920, Bruxelles, action de Capitale de 500 Fr. au porteur,
1923, print: J.Colassin & Co. du Borgval, 22 Bruxelles, red/orange border,
green text on orange pattern, stamp from 1924 with a capital raise of 3 to
5 million, Price: 19 Euro.
Popmpes Funèbres Belges "FUNERAL" / Belgische Begrafenis
Onderneming S.A
established in 1928; capital 2.790.000 Fr, divided in 3000 actions de
Part Sociale sans designation de valeur, Brussels, 1958; Blue border on light blue pattern; Impr.
Industrielle et Financiere, Bruxelles, 10 Euro.
Pompes Funèbres Laloux S.A.
Established in 1988, Rue Patenier, 77-5000 Namur; Capital:
1.250.000 Fr, # = 125 actions de
10.000 Francs.
Action de 10.000 Francs, namur, 1989, blue border on yellow pattern;
cancellation by black pen stroke, EF, unfolded, 23 Euro.
Produits Refractaires de la Sambre a Marchien Ne-Au-Pont
consitue 29-5-1920; # = 4000 actions de 500 Fr.; Actin de capital de
500 Fr., brown decorative border on blue field, EF+, unfolded, black
and rd tax stamp, 25 Euro.
Société Auxiliaire des Pétroles Roumains,
established November 5th 1920, Bruxelles, action de Capitale de
500 Fr., au porteur, 1923, print: J.Colassin & Co. du Borgval,
22 Bruxelles, red/orange border, green text on orange pattern, stamp
from 1924 with a ca[ital raise of 3 to 5 million, 19 Euro
Pétrolifère et Minière BELGOLEA,
established in Brussel in 1927, (oil towers in underprint; as
new), price 7 Euro
Plantations de l'Equatoriale S.A.,
Anvers 1927, part sociale, price f 50 = 23 Euro, large vignette
24 * 7 cm, 3 boats on river and palm trees on river side, 2 cm tear in
upper border has been taped professionally, price 23 Euro.
Plantations d'Hassan-Osman S.A.,
Louvain, part de fondateur, green, no. 143, price 16 Euro.
Produits Chimiques et Engrais L. Bernard,
established in 1912 at Mesvin, price 14 Euro.
Pro Familia, S.A.,
Bruxelles, 14-10-1911, part de fondateur no. 191 (# = 400), a
beautifully decorated stock in blue and ocre, designed by Jean Droit:
vignette of Romulus and Remus drinking milk from the wolf who raised
them. See picture, price 100 Euro
Restaurant automatique de la Bourse SA,
Bruxelles, 2-3-1902, action privilegiee de 250 fr., nr
127 (# = 240), Jugendstil / Art Nouveau border , violet, unfolded with
coupon sheet, price 150 Euro.
Siparbois, Commerce & L'Industrie du Bois "Siparbois", violet,
Bruxelles, 1928, price 7 Euro.
Société, Société Anonyme, de, des etc have often been omitted: look then under what follows in the title.
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Société Agricole du Mayumbe, S.A. condition VF, coupon sheet attached by a staple in upper border, price € 25. |
Société des Mines d'Or de Kilo-Moto,
part beneficiaire sans designation de valeur au porteur, siège
social: Kilo (Belgisch Congo), siège administratif: Brussel,
na 1944, (beautiful vignette of goldmine, bush hut, river, canoe and
big boiling pan on a fire), rood/red, price € 12.
Société des Mines d'Or de Kilo-Moto,
part beneficiaire sans designation de valeur au porteur, siège
social: Kilo (Belgisch Congo), siège administratif: Brussel,
na 1944, (beautiful vignette of goldmine, bush hut, river, canoe and
big boiling pan on a fire), brown/bruin, price € 12.
Societe immobiliere et industries de Ans,
7 Euro
Société Minière & Industrielle du Tamega
part sociale sans mention de valeur, Brussel, 1925, price € 5.
Société nouvelle MINERVA S.A.,
Part Sociale, # = 5000, Sprimont 1941, EF, brun avec texte rouge, nice
border with flowers, price 27 Euro
Soie Artificiëlle de Myszkóv (S.A. de),
establ. Brussel, 1911, part sociale, 1929, price € 12 .
Sucrerie et Raffinerie de Roustchouk S.A., Bulgaria,
established in 1912 in Brussels, part sociale, price € 7.
see Union Financiere Belge des Tabacs..............
Les Tennis de Duinbergen, S.A.
Siège Social: Uccle (B), near Brussels; Part de Fondateur, from 1930, no 40; only
# =
300 issued; 18 by 28 cm; green border and vignette, on yellow, Imp.
Breuer, Bruxelles, 2 Belgian tax stamps, complete coupon sheet, EF:
unfolded, price 125 Euro.
Tramway & Chemin de Fer Électriques Rome-Civita-Castellana-Viterbe,
SA Belge,
established in 1904, Brussels, Action de Capital de 100
Fr. au porteur, 1907, Imp. de la Cote Libre, Br.; purple border on
beautiful Jugendstil design by Emile
Renders , showing St Peters Church and a market place, also a
tramway and a woman with a pitcher , flowers and fruit; coupons
attached, EF, price: 98
Tramway Électriques de Rome à Civita-Castellana,
Action de Capital de 100 Fr., 1904, dark blue border on light
blue field, similar design as above, with coupons attached, VF,
price: 98 Euro.
Les Tramways de Kiev, SA Belge, established January 12th 1905; Action de dividende, Bruxelles, 1905, measuring 20 x 27 cm.,coupons excluded; brown border on roze field; 1 black and 1 red tax stamp, VF, 2 original sign; uncancelled, 9 Euro.
Tramways de Taschkent SA,
established Jan. 21st 1897, siege social: Bruxelles, Action
privilegiee de 100 Fr, 1911, beautifully designed in brown and green, see picture, armour of Belgium and
Russia, 1 red and 1 black wet tax stamp, EF, unfolded but 1 cm tear in
upper corner (unvisible once framed), 89 Euro.
Tramways et Entreprises Electriques de la Banlieu de St.
Petersburg SA,
established on April 4th 1912, Seat: Antwerp,
----- Action de Dividende, brown decorative border, print: J.
Verschueren-Anvers; 7 by 5 cm. vignette: goddess, trams and city view;
23 Euro.
----- Action de Capital; pink border; 23 Euro.
Trust Colonial, S.A.
Bruxelles 1899, Large illustrations of 2
elegant ladies, Mercurius attributes, world map and Jugendstil border decoration. Nice
to frame.
---------- Action de Capital, red design and text, VF/EF: 35 Euro; VF
25 Euro
---------- Action de Dividende, blue design and text, VF, 35 Euro
Trust Commercial et Colonial S.A.,
action de capital de 500 Fr., Brussel, na 1928, price € 9.
Tuinbouw Flora NV, in vereffening,
established in 1922 in Antwerp, maatsch zetel in Mortsel, 1950,
red border and texts, print: Van der A, Brussels, see pictture, EF, unfolded, 9 Euro.
Union Cinematographique, SA Belge, Unici,
Bruxelles 24-1-1920, part de fondateur, yellow/green,
EF, a beauty to frame !, price 34 Euro.
Jugendstil design with
lamps, four women with long hair, 4 globes, stars, ornaments and 2 oil
lamps, yellow/green, EF, unfolded and in nice condition. See picture
Union Cinematographique, SA Belge, Unici,
Bruxelles 24-1-1920, action de capital de 100 Fr, Red/blue,
EF, a beauty to frame !, price 64 Euro.
Jugendstil design with
lamps, four women with long hair, 4 globes, stars, ornaments and 2 oil
lamps, blue/red, EF, unfolded and in nice condition. See picture
Union Financiere Belge des Tabacs Tabacofina, S.A.,
Parts Sociales, unfolded
Nice small vignette (9 * 3,5 cm) of a tobacco bale in a tobacco field,
anchor and Mercury staff (caduceus); 10 cancelled dividend coupons attached.
---------- Part sociale, 1946, nr. 227138, left border has slight brown colouring, price € 15
---------- Part Sociale, 1958, nr. 655637, several wrinkles, small border tears repaired
professionally, price € 7.
---------- Part Sociale, 1958, nr.644615, several wrinkles, lower border damaged, price € 5.
Usines & Acières Léonard-Giot S.A.,
established in 1899 in Brussels, part sociale, 1951, price 7
Verreries Coloniales,
action de 100 Fr., no. 2445, Merxhem-lez-Anvers, 4-9-1898, # =
2800, printed by l. Vrydaghs et Co., Anvers, coupons attached,
stamp of 1900: "6150 actions de 100", EF, unfolded, price: 1.500
Beautiful large picture of lady with long hair in eastern dress,
decorated with many beads, breasts uncoverd, looking in a hand held
mirror, see picture.
Verreries et Usines chimiques du Donetz,
established Sept. 14th 1895; Action de Capital de 100 Fr au porteur,
Bruxelles, Jnuary 15th 1920, red border and text, armour of Belgium and
Russia, 2 wet tax stamps and 1 round company wet stamp, 12 Euro.
Westende Société Anonyme Foncière &
Bruxelles, constitué en 1931
----------, 1935, Action de 250 Francs; brown decorative border on
green field; print: J.Deheneffe, Bruxelles, EF: unfolded, hardly
visible < 0,5 cm tear in left border; coupons attached; 10 Euro.
---------- 1941, Part de Dividende; blue decorative border on yellow;
large stamp from 1942 with name change to Société
Générale Foncière et Industrielle; Impr. L. van
der Aa, Br.; EF, 10 Euro.
Weverij De Toekomst NV / Tissage L'Avenir SA
gesticht in 1928; Maatsch. zetel Sweveghem; Maatsch. Kap. 1 miljoen:
2000 aandelen à 500 Fr.; Aandeel
van 500 Fr aan toonder; 23 bij 33 cm; rode sierrand en text; druk:
A. Breuer, Brussel; voll aanh. couponbl.; 2 bel. stempels; EF à
UNC, prijs 25 Euro.
Zambian Anglo American ltd.,
established in Great Britain, December 8th 1928.
------ certificat de 5 actions de 1 kwacha du capital, 1968,
inscrite dans le registre des actionnaires au nom de SOGES, SA,
Bruxelles, issued by Banque lambert, blue decorative border,
couponsheet partly attached, EF, 12 Euro
------ idem, certificat de 25 actions, red decorative border, 12
Zeebrugge Aeronautical Construction Company Z.A.C.C.O. SA,
action au porteur, Bruxelles, 4-11-1926, brown, yellow, black,
nice vignette of double decker passenger plane, price 150 Euro.
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