Dr. Hugo H. van der Molen - Wederikweg
114 - 9753 AE Haren, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)50 534 8795; Fax: +31
(0)50 534 0852; email:
[email protected]
Purpose of the company: exploring and exploitation of gold fields in French Guyana, especially those that are known until now as Placer National, located in French Guyana, Quartier Kourou, along the rivers Kourou and Sinnamary, measuring 32.000 hectares.
Established April 4th 1890
Director: T.H.A. Tromp
Board (commissarissen): Jhr. J.H.P. von Schmidt auf Altenstadt, F.J.T.N.
Beukman van der Wijck, A. van der Weijden, A.W. Kattenbusch and G.Soupe.
Period: 25 years, commencing May 11th 1890
Social Capital: f 1.200.000, divided in 4 series, A amounting f 12 (green/black), B, amounting f 60 (orange/black), C amounting f 120 (colour unknown), D amounting f 1.200 (blue/black); issued were also 2000 founder shares, colour unknown (In Dutch: oprichtersaandelen).
Liquidation: january 15th 1891. The rights and liabilities were transferred to the "Societe Anonyme du Placer National"
Print: Mouton & Co., The Hague
Measures 21,8 cm by 14,1 cm: shares A- D. Measures of founder shares unknown.