Bantamsche Plantagen Maatschappij / Societe des Plantations de Bantam

Established on March 11th 1907 in Amsterdam. Purpose: exploitation of agriculture companies for rubber and other cultures, to obtain and cultivate grounds in Indonesia, except in the goevernement districts of Jokjakarta and Soerakarta. The company owns long leases in West Java, residency of Bantam, department of Lebak, district of Leeuwidamar with the establishments Bantjardjaja, Lebak Bolang and Sindangwangi.In 1952 1630 hectares were in production and another 207 hectares were planted in 1950/3.

5000 winstbewijzen (profit shares) were issued in 1907.

From 1937 onward Verzamelaandelen (composit shares) of 20 shares of f 5 each (makes f 100) were traded in Amsterdam at 150% initially.

Until 1936 there were f 3.000 in priority shares, which were cancelled in 1937.

In 1937 were also issued a 5% hypothecaire converteerbare obligatielening (5% mortgage convertable bond), 1200 bonds of f 500.

Source: van Oss Effectenboek, Binnenland, 1954 and 1964.
