compagnie du Port de Rio de Janeiro, Action, Paris, 1912 HUGO VAN DER MOLEN'S
Scripophily site
a collection of historic bonds and shares


(update: 6-1-2024)
Jean cocteau: Marianne

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Omitted is: La, Le, L' and sometimes: "Société ...."

Sociëtë Anonyme de Constructions Mecaniques et de Machines-Outils (Nord)
Constitué en 1906; Action de 200 Francs au porteur; Louvroil, 1924;
Blue border, orange Dutch tax stamp and a French tax stamp; 21 x 31 cm.; condition VF; price € 35.

André Citroën,
established in 1924 in Paris,
--------------------1927, Part Bénificiaire au porteur, 27,5 by 20 cm., droit à 30% du solde des Bénéfices nets, black/green on beige, print: E.Desfossés, Paris, Art-Deco border with 4 vignettes of different cars, red company logo, facsimile signature of André Citroën, the founder  and sun of the famous Amsterdam jewelry company Citroen (= Dutch for lemon) (de oprichter en zoon van de bekende Amsterdamse juwelier Citroen).
----- EF, hardly visible fold in lower border, a few tiny staple holes, price 125 Euro.
-------------------- after 1937, capital 210 million Fr.; 1/10e Part  Bénéficiaire de 1er rang, red border om yellow, 18,5 by 27 cm., coupons attached; Imprimerie Speciale de Banque; 5 by 6,5 cm. engraving of a road and Citroen vignette; facsimile signature of president  Michel; condiion EF, no folds, a few tiny staple holes; price 100 Euro.
-------------------- after 1937 but before 1956; capital 9.540 million Fr. divisé en 2.440.000 actions de 3.500 Fr.; Action de 3.500 Fr. au porteur; 19 by 27 cm.; coupons attached; 5 by 7 cm. engraving of a road and Citroen vignette; Imprimerie Spéciale de Banque; red border on green; stamp from 1956: nomination raised to 5.000 Fr., condition VF+: unfolded, small cut in right border from coupon cutting; 2 archive holes in lower border, price 100 Euro.

Arts Decoratifs sur Bois (Societe des), Paris, 19??, Part de Fondateur, # = 500, original signatures, but date not filled in, EF / UNC, unfolded, 95 Euro. (full colour postcard 15 by 10,5 cm.,
3,5 Euro)
Beautiful decorative piece, completely in the form of inlaid wood, with complete coupon sheet in the same design, see picture.

B.Sirven, Toulouse, 5% obligation de 500 Fr, 1901, au porteur; I suppose they were a printing and publishing firm in art; beautiful design by Loir Luici of lady with child, painting, painting and printing equipment, many decorations and beautiful border; a beauty to frame. Not the original, but a faksimile copy produced by WWA Suppes, old stock auctioneer inGermany, see top half of this beautiful piece; 45 Euro.

Biarritz-St-Sébastien-Tolosa, SA de Tramways Électriques, established 21-3-1910, Brssels, Belgium, Part de Fondateur, print: Typ-Lith.La Cote Libre, Br., In the blue decorative border 5 black coats of arms of Tolosa, St Jean de Luz, Biarritz, Irun and St Sébastien and a 11 by 4,5 cm map of the coast of France and Spain at the Golf de Gascogne, showing many cities between St Sebastien and Bayonne, and rivers; large red stamp + 1 red and 1 blue small tax stamp,
----- EF, unfolded, 75 Euro
----- VF-, some wrinkles and stains, 34 Euro.

Boulets et Agglomérants, S.A., action de 100 Fr, Paris 1912, price 43 €
Beige border with large pictures of women, angels and factory moving bands, nice to frame.

Brasserries et Malteries d'Alais et des Cevennes, obligation Hypothécaire de 500 Fr. 8% au Porteur, Alès (Gard), 1-9-1927, price f 95 = 43 Euro

CAFRA, compagnie de l'Afrique Francaise, action de 250 Fr., Siège Social: Pointe-Noire, Afrique Equatoriale Francaise, bureau administrative, Paris, 1937 (opgericht 20-3-1924), price € 7.

Casino de Santa-Lucia, part de fondateur, 1926  

Casino de Santa Lucia S.A., à St-Raphaël, Part de Fondateur au porteur, Paris, 1926, oplage 7.000 stuks, In underprint the casino-poster, showing an elegant lady under tree on rock at the see with the casino, advertising the casino's park, restaurant, attractions and playing-rooms. Complete coupon sheet attached.




---------- nr. 3727, Conditie VF: in onderrand 0,5 cm. scheurtje links midden onder 2 scheune kreukels, verder heel moi, prijs € 75.

---------- nr, 3760, conditie VF: bovenin een lichte bruingele vlek (in werkelijkheid veel minder duidelijk te zien), verticale vouw rechts, links bovenin wat gekreukeld met een klein scheurtje, prijs € 45.

Casino des Fleurs de Beaulieu sur-mer, Action de 500 francs

Casino des Fleurs de Beaulieu sur-mer
Nice, 1-12-1928: Action de 500 Francs au porteur.
Met prachtige gravure.
Conditie UNC = drukfris, geen gebreken, geen vouw tussen aandeel en couponblad. Daarom verzending als pakket in grote enveloppe of koker. Verz. kosten in NL: ongevouwen € 10; gevouwen bij het couponblad: € 5.
Afm.: zonder couponblad: 21 x31 cm; met couponblad: 40 x 31 cm..
Prijs: € 75 excl. verzending.

Casino Municipal de Bandol, (VAR), share A, 1930, (established in 1928 at Marseilles in order to acquire the consessions for the Bandol Casino), condition: VF+: unfolded, 1 cm tear in left border, hardly visible, without coupons ca. 18 x 26,5 cm, price 35 Euro.

Casinos de France, part de fondateur, Lyon, 1911, with red overprint "Casino-Jardin de Vichy" en red stamping "Casino Kursaal-Jardin de Vichy", decorative border, without attached coupon sheet ca. 19 x 30,5 cm., white borders not visible on A4-scan, but no border defects, price 50 Euro.
(Vichy has always been one of the most fashionable health resorts in Central France, with quality hotels, restaurants, casino etc. for a sophisticated clientèle).

Casinos de Nice, 5 parts beneficiaires au porteur, 1910  

Casinos de Nice, S.A. des,

Nice, 1910, Cinq parts bénéficiaires au porteur,

Afm. ca. 25 x 43 cm. met aangehecht een restant van het couponblad;

Zeer fraai geïllustreerd stuk, maar in conditie F à W: zeer slechte conditie met vele sellotapereparaties van vele scheuren en scheurtjes,


Prijs € 10.

Chargeurs Réunies, S.A., Compagnie Francaise de Navigation a Vapeur,
A beauty to frame ! Harbours of Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo, Le Havre; Engraving by Stern.
---------- Paris, 1930, 4,5 % obligation de 1000 fr au porteur, rose and black, no coupon sheet, 27 x 32 cm. (coupons included, not included is the white upper and lower border); price Euro 23
---------- Paris, 1939, 5,5 % obligation de 1000 fr au porteur, yellow and brown, 34 cm (without upper and lower white border) x 27,5 cm.; price Euro 23.

Claridges Hotels (Compagnie des),
Paris, 1921, siege social: 49 bis Rue Ste Anne, action de 100 Fr, A beauty to frame !, 2 large red,green, black vignettes: one of a train with steam lock, another of a steam ship, nice Jugendstil border, including 2 eagles; it was formerly an important hotel chain. price 134 Euro.

compagnie du Port de Rio de Janeiro, Action, Paris, 1912  

Compagnie du Port de Rio de Janeiro SA

established in 1910 in Paris, France; Action Ordinaire de Cinq Cents Francs au porteur, Paris 1912; Imprimerie Chaix, Paris; ca. 36 by 24 cm + coupons; red and green; very decorative share and a beauty to frame !, engraved  by G. Fraiport ships in harbour and at sea; 2 lighthouses; wrinkles on the scan are hardly or not visible when the share is normally looked at; EF: unfolded, but for the coupon sheet;

price 45 Euro.

Compagnie Forestiere Sangha Oubagui C.F.S.O., Paris 15-4-1928, action de 100 Fr., beautiful piece, picture of half nude woman in sarong with spear, brown border full of flowers and elephant tusks, price 57 Euro.

Compagnie Francaise de Matériel de Mines et de Traveaux Publics, S.A.
Fondeé le 10 Juin 1916 au capitale de 100.000 Francs, # = 1000; Action de 100 Francs au porteur, bordre brun, sur Textes verts; Paris, 10 Juin 1916; avec coupons, prix 25 Euro.

Compagnie Franco-Hollando-Americaine, S.A., siege social a Boulogne-S/-Mer, 1905, action de 500 Fr., no. 108 (or lower), # = only 600, green-beige with blue ornate border, couponsheet still attached, no. 10-20, EF, unfolded, 45 Euro.
The certificate has a black round tax stamp and several pink stamps, which are here translated into English:
1950: The capital is raised to 9 million Francs and the value of the share to 15.000 Fr.
1951: The name of the company has changed to HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE (France).
1956: a new inscription in the register
1959: Capital change to 120.000 New Francs and value of the share to 200 New Francs.

Compagnie Francaise du Haut & du Bas Congo, S.A. Agricole Industrielle Commerciale de l'Afrique Equatoriale, Siege social a Paris; Action ordinaire de 5000 Fr au porteur; Morax Impr., Paris, coupon sheet attached, , blue, red company wet stamp; beautifully decorated: 2 elephant heads, 4 views of agricultural scenes, a factory, a ship and 2 views of palm trees; see picture, 43 Euro.

Compagnie Impériale des Chemins de Fer Éthiopiens
established in 1896; Action de 500 Francs, Paris, 1899; size: 32 by 42 cm.; 23 by 15 cm engraving by the famous military painter and illustrator Louis Charles Bombled (1862-1927) of  the Ethiopian emperor Menelik II  awaiting an oncoming train on his horse, accompanied by merchants with camels. Imprimerie Chaise, Paris; coupons on the back, condition EF: unfolded, price 135 Euro.
The Swiss engineer Alfred Ilg, minister under emperor Menelik II, convinced him to build this railway from the coast inland bound, ca. 78 km. over mountans 2.424 m. high. It was a small size track from Djibouti, along Harare, Antotto and Kaffa to the White Nile and Addis Abeba. The money was raised in France that had a strategic interest in the area after the Abessinian war with Italy. The track was completed in 1917, one year aftter the death of  Alfred Ilg. (source: Benecke & Rehse, 2004).

Compagnie Minière du Haut-Mekong
Siège social à Paris, établi en 1923; Action ordinaire de cent Francs, 1928; grey border on cream; beautiful stock with in each corner and in the middle pictures of three elephants ubder an umbrella,  size 32 by 24 cm + coupons; price 50 Euro.

Compagnie Universelle Cinematographique, Action de 100 Fr., Paris 10-12-1910, brown/white, EF, 34 Euro
Nice border with sberal small vignettes: 2 faces, 2 angels, 2 women, horns of affluence and 2 globes.

Panama Kanaal Obligation 1888

Compagnie Universelle du Canal Interocéanique de Panama, S.A. au Capital de 300 millions de Francs
Societé Civile d'Amortissement des obligations du Canal de Panama Émission de Mars 1888, avec responsabilité limitée à la mise sociale

(with facsimile signature of Ferdinant de Lesseps, famous builder of the Suez Canal. in Egypt).
---------- Paris, le 14 Mars 1888; Obligation Nouvelle au porteur Remboursable à Mille Francs dans une Emission de 350.000 obligations, authorisée par l'Assemblée Général du 29 Juillet 1985; size 19 by 14 cm., same engraving as above by Stern in Paris, brown, red stamp from the liquidator, red stamp or print indicating that this is a duplicate;, blue stamps "3e série", no coupons, VF: glue remains in left upper corner, some tiny staple holes; very rare !, price 125 Euro.

Design of the shares and bonds (based on the book by Grigore (1997), see below):
The 21 by 40 cm light blue stock certificate was engraved by A. Stern, Paris,and printed by Société Anonyme de Publications Periodique - Imprimerie P. Mouillot, 13 Quai Voltaire, Paris, Their names are centered below the portrait of the certificate. But it is not known who designed the stock certificate. This portrait measures 117 mm x 167 mm from border to border and its thematic vignette reveals the Western Hemisphere in a partial globe of the world; two reclining bare-busted maidens allegorically depicting North and South America, clasping hands across a sea-level Panama Canal, with a ship exiting from the Cut; and a steamship in the lower corners. n the left and right columns is a telegraph pole, partially screened by palm fronds, on which there are affixed three banners listing countries of the world that would benefit from uniting the Atlantic and Pacific Ocenans via the Isthmus of Panama. Clasping the base of the left pole is a white and Asian child, implying the West's trade with the east. Atv the right pole is a white and black child, implying the West's trade with Africa. Telegraph poles support a large, single banner on which is cited the legal authority for the bond's issue, its capitalization, its title, intent, type, and serial number.

History (based on the book by Grigore (1997), see below):
Although the issue of the shares in 1880 was probably all with good and honest intentions, the entire undertaking ended up in the greatest engineering and financial disaster, followed by the worst political scandal, the world had ever known. It was an embarrassment to France. But, at the beginning of this undertaking Ferdinand de Lesseps, builder of the Suez canal (finished in 1869), which halved the journey time from Europe to the Indies, was the world’s most decorated and honored personage. He was compared to Columbus. In 1879 France was a rich nation and hubristic overconfident in what it could achieve, with its colonies, technological developments, science and art, boasting of luminaries such as Victor Hugo, de Lesseps, Pasteur, Eiffel and Sarah Bernhardt. Unfortunately the world’s largest commercial enterprise was fatally destined to become the most disastrous financial failure the world had ever seen.

The issue of the blue shares in 1880 is the only issue of shares in the company actually placed (an 1879 share issue was cancelled). Beyond that many bonds were issued.

The march 1888 bond issue was placed only to the extend of 25,7 %, even worse than the june 1888 bond (40,1%), but not as bad as the july 1889 lottery bond (13,1%), but that was after the company had ceased its operations. Only 89.890 bonds were placed in march 1888, by far the smallest number placed of all bond issues. Much less are available for collectors these days. It are rare pieces, really.

The company ceased operations on December 14th 1888. On february 4th 1889 the companies’ bankruptcy plea was accepted. The canal was less than 40% dug at a cost of an estimated 22.000 deaths and an expenditure of about $ 1,400,000,000 in today’s (1997) currency. It has been repeatedly reported that one third of this vast amount was spent on canal work, one third was wasted and one third was stolen.

It was the worst financial catastrophe ever suffered by the French people. As a consequence, the French Government’s prestige throughout the world was shattered.

In 1904 the United States Government purchaased all the assets and rights necessary for it to complete the Panama Canal, what they finally achieved in 1914.

----- Grigore, Julius Jr. (1997), Stocks and Bonds Issued by the Compagnie Universelle du Canal Interocéanique de Panama, 1880-1889 and Compagnie Nouvelle du Canal de Panama, 1894, ISBN 0-9715805-1-0; W.G. Guy (publ.): Balboa, Panama, email: [email protected], price $70 + shipment., ca. 180 pages, ring bound, with many illusttrations in colour or black & white of stocks issued and a large variety of parafernalia. Warmly recommended !
----- Der Panamakanal wird 100, Technisches Weltwunder: BILDERSERIE:, 2014


Compagnie Vignobles de la Méditerranée
Monville, par Duzenville prês Bône (Algeria), share of 50 fr to bearer, price 12 Euro.

Conseil de la dette publique Répartie de lÁncienEmpire Ottoma
---------- Paris, 1933; Récépisse Provisoire au Porteur délivré contre retrait dún titre unitaire dún capital nominal de Frs. 500 ou 20 Pounds ou Ltgs. 22 de sbons  Répresentatifs des annuités arriérées de la dette Publique Ottomane, Série A.; 27 by 17 cms. + attached coupon; red stamp of the "conseil", price 23 Euro.

Coopérative Agricole "France-Lait"
Union de Coopératives Agricoles Laitières; St-Martin-Belle-Roche, près Mâcon, 1949; 5% obligation de cinq mille francs au porteur; ca. 27 * 18 cm., bleu bordre; prix 25 €.

Crédit Foncier Argentin, S.A.
Paris, 1920; action de 500 Fr au porteur; 33 by 26 cm.; brown decorative border and 22 by 4 cm. engraving of catle grazing and the harvesting of grain; coupon rests attached, EF+, unfolded, price 15 Euro

Crédit Foncier Continental, SA
Paris, 1928; Action de 100 Francs au porteur; Imp. de la Bourse et des Cies d'Assurances-Paris, black decorative border and text on green field; red  tax stamp, EF, 15 Euro.

Crédit Foncier du Brésil et de l'Amérique du Sud, S.A.
Paris, 1928, action de 500 Fr; 33 by 21 cm; print: Richard, Paris; engraving: Henri Brauer; depicted are the almost nude god(des) Hermes (L.: Mercurius; Engl.: Mercury)a cherub with horn of affluence and Medusa, her hair  full of snakes; Very decorative and a beauty to frame !; price 25 Euro.
From the former collection of beautiful women on stocks of Marc-Edouard Emay (nrs. 11 - 18) it becomes apparent that this design by Henri Brauer was used by at least 4 other companies.

Credit National SA, pour faciliter la reparation des dommages causes par la guerre, Paris, emprunt 1919, obligation de 500 Fr. au porteur, brun et jaune, large border with leaves and fruits, vignette with woman and Gallian cock and fruits, text: "Gallia superest", condition F, tears in lower border taped professionally,  25 Euro.

Distillerie de la Suze SA
Action de 50 NFr au porteur (blankette); Impr. B. Arnaud, Lyon, Paris, UNC, red decorative border  and small picture of a bottle with Suze, unfolded, 75 Euro.

L'electrique des Bois et Ciments Anciens Etablissements P.Noé & Cie, Paris, established in 1921, (nice border with 4 small vignettes with cement and wood poles, for electricity), price  15 Euro.

Etablissements Mourier L. Barraya & Cie., action au porteur de 500 Fr, Paris, 1936, price 12 Euro.

Etablissements Verminck
Established in 1899; Action de cent Francs au porteur (bearer share of 100 Francs), Marseille, June 12th 1912; beautiful decorative piece in blue and green, designed by Louis Poyet (see below), printed by Imprimerie et Usine Centrale des Etablissements Moullot Fils Aine, Avenue du Prado, Marseille; depicted are: 1) a ploughing farmer with handplough pulled by 2 horses; 2) bee hive with bees; 3) elegant woman sitting next to a press for Olive oil, decorative border with olive branches and olives; original signature, 5 wet stamps, not affecting the illustrations, coupons attached, unfolded, but minor defects in upper left corner; unfolded, but for the coupon sheet at the back, price 165 Euro.
Louis Poyet (1846-1913) was a engravor and illustrator of - mostly technical - magazines and owner of his own helio gravure firm in Paris (source: Petr Stembera, dept. of graphics, Museum of Decor. Arts, Prague, peronal communication Febr. 13th 2014).

Etablissements Victor Hasslauer SA
Established in 1926; Imprimerie B. Garfunkel, 4 rue de la Bourse, Paris
6 by 6 vignette of a whale, a reindeer and roses, indicating the activities of this company: supplying to the perfume industry musk from reindeer, kidneys from whales and rose oil.
Paris, 1926:
---------- Action de 500 Francs, (capital: 2000 actions de 500 Fr., # = 2000), blue, EF, unfolded, coupon sheet attached, 50 Euro.
---------- Part de fondateur, red, EF, unfolded, coupon sheet attached, 60 Euro.

Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industrielles Paris 1925, Bon a Lot de 50 Fr, Paris 1923, The lotery ticket gave right to 20 entrance tickets and gave right to a host of extras, reductions for train, plane and theatres and also participated in 56 lotery drawings in 1923 and 1924; blue rose-decorated border, VF-, not damaged but brown folds nd some stains; 23 Euro.

La Foncière Passy Mont Blanc
Paris / Passy (Haute-Savoie), 1928; Action Privilégiée de 100 francs au porteur, blue/white, condition EF: unfolded, minor wrinkle in right upper border, coupon sheet attached and folded on the back. price 75 Euro.
Nowadays Passy Mont Blanc is a beautiful resort located very high up in the mountains near the Mont Blanc.

Fransch-Javaansche Exploitatie Maatschappij, N.V./ Société de Culture Franco-Javanaise S.A.
Founded in 1912 in The Hague (The Netherlands) and administrative seat in Paris / Siège social à La Haye et Siège Administratif à Paris. 16 x 24 cm., coupon sheet attached; they were in the oil business:
---------- 1/10e aandeel aan toonder van f 100 / 1/10e Action au porteur (1/10th share of DGL 100 to bearer); Blue border on green, red French printed tax stamp, condition VF: unfolded but many tiny needle holes, price € 50.
--------- 1/100e Oprichtersaandeel / 1/100e Part de Fondateur (1/100th Founder Share); brown border on beige; condition VF: many tiny needle holes and various traces of usage; price € 35

Garden-Tennis Club de Cabourg SA
established in 1919; capital enlarged to 104.000 Francs in 1921;
Action de 100 Francs au porteur, no. 1.843 (# = max. 2040); Paris, 15 May 1921; Imprimerie Lang, Blanchong et Cie., Paris. Brown decorative borer on Yellow pattern; 2 red vignettes (2 by 2 cm.) of two tennis rackets and tennis balls, see picture, EF: unfolded but small wrinkle in left lower border; complete coupon sheet attached, 125 Euro.

La Grande Brasserie de Lille SA
Constitué en 1907; 4,25% obligation de 1000 Fr, emission 1945, Lille, 1946; black decorative border on green field with coupon sheet glued on neatly with coupon remains of 1967-1980, 25 Euro.

(La) Holding Coloniale, S.A., part de fondateur, Paris, 1937, price 7 Euro.

La Holding Francaise & Holding de France: Oustric's business buble that finally the story (in Dutch) by the famous stock market speculator Kostolany.

These 2 companies show the same logo on their stocks, but I don't know the exact relation between the two. Who can inform me ?

Holding de France, een schandaal-aandeel uit Parijs ca. 1930  

Holding de France S.A.,

Action au porteur de 100 Fr, Paris 1931, with Dutch orange tax stamp,

with all coupons attached, measures without coupons ca. 32,5 x 20,5, no folds except at the coupon-sheet.

price €35


La Holding Francaise, de zeepbel die knapte

La Holding Francaise - H.O.L.F.R.A., S.A.

---------- Action ordinaire de Cent Francs au Porteur, Paris, 1928, red border on green field, with coupon sheet attached of which only one coupon has been cut. Measuring ca. 31 x 20,5 cm.
One year later the capital was -according to a stamp - raised from 25 million to 240 million Francs !
----------------- no. 213.879, price € 20
----------------- no. 387.734, price € 20
----------------- no. 213.878, price € 20
----------------- no. 249.480, price € 20

---------- Titre de 25 Actions Ordinaires de Cent Francs au Porteur, Paris, 1929, grey border on yellow field, with coupon sheet attached of which only one coupon has been cut. Measuring ca. 30,5 x 22 cm., Price € 50.


Kostolany, Andé (1986), Kostolanys Börsenseminar Für Kapitalanleger und Spekulanten, uitg. Econ Taschenbuch Verlag, ISBN 3-612-26235-1

Kostolany, André (1986), Kostolanys Beurskroniek voor Beleggers en Speculanten, uitg. Strengholt, 1986, isbn 90-6010-657-1, 219 p.

La Holding Francaise: Kostolany &Oustric, V.V.O.F. Mededelingeblad Nr. 2 van juli-aug. 1980, blz. 9 en 10

Hotel George V, S.A.
Paris, 1939;  capital 500.000 actions de 500 Franc; 31 by 20 cm; coupons attached; 8 by 8 cm engraving of a crown;
---------- 1 Action, orange; EF/UNC (several coupons were cut); price 35 Euro
---------- 10 Actions, blue; UNC; price 35 Euro.
---------- 100 Actions, green, UNC, 25 Euro.
set of all three certificates: 85 Euro.
See picture of the Presidential Suite of this famous hotel in Paris.

Hôtels et Casinos Basques S.A., Paris, action de 100 Fr, 1928, conditie VF: ongevouwen maar div. kleine randscheurtjes, die eenmaal ingelijst haast niet te zien zullen zijn., aanhangend volledig couponblad, slechts deels zichtbaar op de A4-scan, price 25 Euro .

La Juranconne S.A.
(Producer of liqueur)
Action de 100 Francs au porteur; Paris 1928;  impr.: union des arts graphique, 41 rue riches; 2 origin. signatures, size ca. 24 by 33 cm, with 3 engravings:
1) 8 by 9 cm: baptism of Henry IV, with this liqueur  (see bottle on the table)!
2) 8 by 9 cm: noble man kneeling before bishop
3) round 4 cm: Henry IV and text "Henricus IV AVG Christianiss";
red company seal with swords and dagger; blue decorative border with French Lilly signs; price 150 Euro.

Keller-Dorian: see Societe Francaise de Cinematografique etc.

Les  Réassurances SA
siege Social: 90 Rue de la Victoire, Paris, 9e; augmentation de capital de 8 millions de Francs, 1929;
Bon no.2142 pour l'exercice du droit de préférence Attaché à l'action no 1697 de la Societé Les Reassurances, valable jusqu' à la clôture de l'émission. Black decorative border, VF, 2 staple holes, 25 Euro.

(Le) Lixiviateur, Blanchisseries de France à la Vapeur, action de 100 Fr, Paris 1856, price 23 Euro

Loterie pour un Groupement, d'Ouvres de Bienfaisance & d'Encouragement aux Arts,
---------- Billet de 20 Fr., Paris 1909,red decorative border, imprimerie Chaise, Paris; F (stains and rust), price 25 Euro.
----------- Billet de 20 Fr., Paris, 1911, small blue decorative border with fruit and oak leaves on green/blue pattern, 35 Euro.

Maison  J.Hré Secrestat Aíné , SA, Distillerie, Fondé 1851, Action de 500 Fr (unissued blankette), very decorative share in orange / black, size 30 by 25 cm, with large illustration (23 by 7 cm) of the city of Boreaux, with river, boats and bridge and of a large botle of "Bitter Secrestat" (see picture), Bordeaux, 1918, UNC, 150 Euro.

Memoires et Oevres Inedites de M. le Vicomtee de Chateaubriand, COPY of a share of 500 Fr of 1836, Paris (just a copy !), price 5 Euro.

Omnibus de Paris (Compagnie Generale des), established in 1855, Paris 1940, action de 500 Fr., red / brown, 2 green round tax and legal stamps, UNC (but very small, practically unvisible tear in left border), 115 Euro.
21 Vignettes of famous Paris monuments, buildings and horse drawn carriages, an absolute beauty to frame !!!

Omnium de France, action de 100 Fr, Tarbes 1930, beautiful share, black border and 9 large black coats of arms, some with latin texts, in red print a map of France is drawn, with names of all the provinces written in them, a beauty to frame, size ca. 18 * 30 cm, EF, price 95 Euro.

Pétrole Trust,

Action de 100 Francs au Porteur,

Paris, apres 1924,

(nice vignette of old oil towers),

measuring ca. 20 x 30 cm. complete coupon sheet attached,

condition EF: unfolded, except on fold with coupon sheet;

price 60 Euro.

  Petrole Trust, Action au porteur

(Societe Anonyme des) plantations de Caoutchouc Djember, a La Haye / Rubber Cultuur maatschappij Djember, te 's Gravenhage
Established in 1912,
------- winstaandeel / action de dividende, Paris 1925 (in stead of The Hague in 1912), red French tax stamp from 1938, price 11 Euro
------- same, but with Dutch blue tax stamp, 11 Euro

Plantations Indonésiennes & Participations S.A.
Paris, 1962; brown border on yellow, 1 red and 1 yellow company logo; coupons attached; unfolded, several tiny staple holes, price 23 Euro.

Jean Cocteau-Emprunt d'Etat-1982  

Cocteau, Jean

République Francaise - Emprunt d'État 1982, 16,2%,  2000 F, Paris 8-1-1982,
with coupon sheet attached and the written conditions on the inside. The white circle has a watermark with picture of a head and text: " Tresor Public". Cancellation holes in the facsimile signatures.

Beautifully drawn woman's head (see picture) by Jean Cocteau, probably his version of France's national symbol, Marianne.

(Waarschijnlijk Cocteau's versie van Frankrijk's nationale symbool Marianne: zie hier en hier bij Wikipedia)

condition EF, but some tiny staple holes, price: 75 Euro.

The Parisian Jean Cocteau (1889 -1963) was the first true multi-media artist. He was not only well known as a film director (e.g. in 1946 La Belle et Le Bête = The Beauty and The Beast, after Madame Le Prince de Beaumont's book in 1757), but is also widely known in poetry, fiction, ballet, opera, painting and illustration. See further:

Ricard S.A.,
Paris 1970, Action de 80 Francs au porteur; dark green border on light green pattern; watermark seal of a man's head; EF, but 2 small archive holes, both in left and lower borer, unfolded, see picture, 75 Euro.
English: In 2001 they took over the distillery activities from their Canadian competitor Seagram. Nowadays Pernod-Ricard is - with an annual turn over of 5 Billion Euro - the largest company in wine and distilled drinks worldwide.
German: Nach der Ende 2001 erfolgten übernahme des Spirituosen-Geschäfts des kanadischen Konkurrenten Seagram ist Pernod-Ricard heute mit einem Jahresumsatz von fast 5 Mrd. Euro im Geschäft mit Wein und Spirituosen das grösste Unternehmen der Welt. (Qelle: Benecke und Rehse, Neuheitsliste Juli 2002)

Séricicole du Congo (La), Lyon, 1927, action de 100 Fr (as new; border with leaves and small vignette with silk caterpillars and cocoon), price 16 €.

Société Anonyme des Établissements Diamantaires Asscher
Paris (9e), 1960, Rue Lafayette no.8;  S.A. au capital de 12,6 million de Francs, divisé en 2.100 actions de 6.000 Francs, réduit en 1977 à 250 Francs; Action de 6.000 Francs au porteur, imprimerie: Papeterie Financière - 41, Rue Vivienne, Paris. Avec signature de mrs. Louis Asscher; 19 par 27 cm., bleue, avec coupons;  prix 95 €.

Société Cannes Balnéaire, action de 50 nouveaux Francs au porteur, catégorie A, Cannes, 1960 (Siège Social à Cannes, Palm beach Casino), price 50 Euro.

Société Corse et Continentale d'Exploitations Forestieres S.A.C.C.E.F., Paris, 7-7-1925, action serie B de 100 Fr., condition: UNC, f 25 = 11 Euro.

Société des Bains de Mer, du Casino & du Golf de La Ciotat, established in Ciotat, share B, 1929, without coupon sheet 22 x 10 cm, with coupons; 22 x 27,5 cm; left border not visible on the A4-scan, but no border defects, price: 35 Euro.

Société des Chaussures Ehrlich Frères, Paris, ca. 1936, somewhat damaged, price 7 Euro.

Société des Plantations d'Heveas de Xuan-Loc, statuts deposes a Saigon, siege social a Paris, no date mentioned, green, with a very small black drawing of a plain in the border, UNC, 12 Euro

Société Forestière Franco Australienne,
(nice border with leaves and photo's of sail vessel, sheep, men standing at large felled trees),
---------- part de fondateur, vert (green), Paris, 1921, price € 35
----------action de 100 Fr., jaune (yellow), Paris, 1922, price € 35

Societe Francaise de Cinematographie et de Photograhie Films en Couleurs Keller-Dorian, Paris 42 Rue d'Enghien, black border on rose, 1/10th part de fondateur au porteur, Paris, 15-9-1928,  price 34 Euro.
Vignette: stork in a horseshoe.

Société Franco-Néerlandaise de Culture & de Commerce
(Fransch Nederlandsche Maatschappij voor Exploitatie en Handel )
gev. te 's Gravenhage, Nederland, opgericht 5-3-1908, Aandeel aan toonder, reeks B, onderaandeel van 1/25e (Action au porteur, serie B, coupure a un vingt-cinquieme), Frans en Nederlands-talig stuk; bilangual certificate; black rose border, vignette: 8 by 5,5 cm: map of Malacca, Sumatra, Java & Borneo, print: Cambrai-IMP.F.Deligne et cie., condition VF, some tiny pin/staple holes, 2 very small border tears, price 150 Euro.

Société Générale de Coutellerie et Orfèvrerie, 31 Rue Pastourelle, Paris
Catalogue, 1921, Couteaux de Table, Coutellerie Riche, 25 pages;  (NO STOCK !!!), 50 Euro.

Société Immobilière du Domaine de Rothschild
Action de 100 Francs au porteur; Grasse (France), 1926; Impr. Imbert & Cie, Grasse; , ca. 23 by 31 cm.; 14 by 9 cm. vignette in yellow underprint of scenery with palm trees and cypresses; black decorative border, see picture,  coupons attached; 15 by 5 cm purple rectangular stamp, with what I think is a name change to what I think is Ancien Domaine Alice de Rothschild, seated in Paris; folded once; red stamp with family crest of arms, price 125 Euro.

Société Industrielle du Gaz Méthane (Anciens Établissements HELLA)
Courbevois (Fr.), 1909, Part Bénéficiaire au porteur, Série A; Ca. 19 x 24 cm + Art Nouveau borders and coupons; Imp. Maljean, Paris, condition: one horizontal fold near bottom, price € 25.

Société Internationale pour l'exploitation Industrielle de la Houille Bleue,
Paris, apres 1927, (large  6 by 16 cm. vignette of electricity dam with ships in a lock), 23 by 31 cm., blue,  price 50 Euro.
Blauwe steenkool, dwz. energie middels getijden en turbines die 2 kante op draaien.

Société "Les Affreteurs Reunies" SA, etabli a Paris 23-6-1902, action B, Paris 1921, ship stowing company, 23 Euro.

Société Nouvelle pour L'automobile, SA
established on September 29th 1921 in Paris, France, Action de Cent Francs, Serie B au porteur, purple decorative border and texts on grey field, EF, unfolded, coupon sheet attached, 25 Euro.

St. Raphaël SA
Paris, without date; Cap. Social 48,24 Million Fr.; Imprimerie Oberthur; very decorative share with vignette of  St. Raphaël; producer of the famous wine-apératif with the label St. Raphaël; very decorative share with vignette of the saint Raphaël and a white watermark of this saint. 135 Euro

Taxis-Citroën S.A.
Paris, 1924; capital 15 million Fr., divided in 150.000 actions de 100 Fr.; Action de 100 Francs au porteur, with complete coupon sheet attached, with facsimile signature of André Citroën; 31 by 20,5 cm.; Imprimerie CHAIX, Paris; brown decorative border on yellow, with 4 by 3 cm engraving of an oldtimer; 2 stamps regarding capital changes, condition VF: some staple damage, hardly visible when framed, one neat fold in lower border, price 75 Euro.

Teinturerie de la Courneuve, S.A.
(NL: ververij, waarschijnliijk van textiel)
Siège Social à 22, Route de Flandre, La Courneuve (Seine), France; Capital: 300.000 Francs, divisée en 300 actions de Fr. 1000 au porteur; Action de 1000 Fr., no. 63; La Courneuve, 1923; Imprimerie: G.Leboeuf, Paris; 27cm. au 19 cm; + coupons, noir bordre sur beige; condition VF, prix 100 €.

Treillage Ceramique Francais SA, action au porteur, 15-5-1928, orange/black, beautiful picture of the factory over half of the stock area, price 12 Euro.

Union des Beurreries de France, Paris, 8-10-1910, action de 100 Fr., brown on white and ocre, very decorative border, Imprimerie Richard, Paris, red stamp with logo, black tax stamp with justice lady, 34 Euro

Verreries de Vertou S.A. (Societe Nouvelle des), 76 Rue de la Bastille, Nantes, established April 18th 1919, Action de 500 Fr. au porteur (bearer share), imprimerie Moderne, Nantes; prix 225 Euro.
Beautiful black and white drawing (13 by 18 cm) of two half nude men shoving a glass bottle into an oven with a stick, see picture.

Vieille Cure de Cenon (Société Anonyme de la), Cenon-Bordeaux
Nice vignette of a bottle of the famous liqueur and picture of the monastry of Cenon in the underpint.
---------- 1921, share of 100 Fr., yellow/green, price 45 Euro
---------- 1952, share of 2500 Fr., red, Nice vignette of a bottle of the famous liqueur and picture of the monastry of Cenon in the underpint. price € 25.

Liquer de la Vielle Cure,
Brochure, 19.. ?, afm. ca. 17,5 x 20 cm.
16 p. met interieur foto's,
1p. met"recettes de coctails' en 8 p. met "recettes culinaires"
Prijs € 35.

Ville de Paris, emprunt municipal de 1892, obligation au porteur, Paris 1-8-1896, brown on yellow, price 23 Euro.
very decorative border with angels, a ship, twice the lady of justice, a working woman wit a hammer, the bare breasted goddess (sic !) Hermes (L: Mercurius) (should be a male figure from a mythological point of view I suppose), texts around pillars: "industry and commerce",

Ville de Paris, emprunt municipal a lots 4% de 1931, obligation de 1000 Fr, Paris 10-1-1932, violet on yellow,price 18 Euro.
very decorative border with angels, a ship, twice the lady of justice, a working woman wit a hammer, the bare breasted goddess (sic !) Hermes (L: Mercurius) (should be a male figure from a mythological point of view I suppose), texts around pillars: "industry and commerce",

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