Dr. Hugo H. van der Molen -
Wederikweg 114 - 9753 AE Haren, The Netherlands
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You are here: home - scripophily - Deutschland / Germany
Basf, see Dutch Antilles
Bayerischen-Hypotheken-und Wechsel-Bank (1835)
Brochure "Wissenswertes vom Pfandbrief" , Munchen, 1949; 14 bei 10 cm
(14 Seiten) mit "Wissenswertes vo Pfandbrief", mit farbige Photo (vorn
hinten) der " "Muendelsicherer 5% Hypothekenpfandbrief ueber 100
Mark der Bayerischen Hypotheken-und Wechsel-Bank" aus 1949; Druck:
Koenig, Munchen 13, 45 Euro.
Beate Uhse AG, |
Bertrandt, AG, Ingenieursleistungen, Tamm, Germany, 1996 (car
prototype design company)
13 by 5 cm black vignette of futuristic car design, larger picture of a
in the underprint; serial no. 00000000, but with all relevant
UNC, unfolded.
---------- Aktie uber 5 DM (share of 5
Mark), blue, 79 Euro.
---------- certificate of 10 shares of 5 DM = 50 DM, grey, 79 Euro.
---------- certificate of 200 shares of 5 DM = 1000 DM, green, 79 Euro.
Deutsch: 1974 Eröffnung eines
1993 Gründung der Bertrandt GmbH; 1996 Umwandlung in eine AG,
einer der ersten Werte am neuen Markt. Firmenzweck: Ingenieur- und
insbesondere Design, Entwicklung, Konstruktion, Fertigung von
für Fahrzeuge, Wetkzeuge, Verkehrssysteme. (Quelle: Benecke & Rehse, 2002).
Bezugsvereinigung Deutscher Brauereien A.G.
Berlin, Aktie no. 197 über 50 Mark im Nahme von Brauerei Dietrich
Hoefel K.G., Düsseldorf; Bundesdruckerei, Berlin; Berlin 1957; 30
bei 21 cm.; schwarz/rosa; heraufgestempelt auf 100 DM im 1962; 75 Euro.
Bischofsheimer Volksbank eG
Jubilaeum Emission (# issued = 3000) 3,5% Inhaber-Schuldverschreibung
1999-2004 ueber Zehn Euro. Beautiful
watercolour painting (12 by 15 cm) of the local Water Tower.
separate coupon sheet (still valid) with 11 pictures of historic
in the region. Bischofsheim, February 1999, 95 Euro.
Deutscher Siegelhopfen, Begleiturkunde (= not a stock !!), ausgestellt auf Grund des Gesetzes ueber die Herkunftbezeichnung des Hopfes von 9-12-1929, Jahrgang 195, Land: Bayern, Anbaugebiet Hallertau, Siegelbezirk: Pfeffenhausen, 1940, beautiful piece with hops and a coat of arms with a red robin; depicted on the back is also map of the region, Euro 23.
Deutsch-Niederlaendische Bank A.G., Düsseldorf,
----- august 1921, Aktie ueber 1000 mark, green with rose border,
condition VF-F, but really not too bad, 500 Eu.
----- Maerz 1923, Aktie 1000 Mark, see
30 Euro.
Dr. Hugo Remmler AG, Berlin 1928, Aktie ueber 1000 Reichsmark, green/brown, Druck: Giesecke & Devrient, leipzig/Berlin, see picture, 45 Euro
Duisenberg, Dr. Wim F.,
First president of the ECB, the European Central Bank in
Frankfurt, before that president of the DNB, De Nederlandse Bank (Dutch
national Bank) and before that Minister of Finance of The Netherlands.
Signature from 1975 on a white card,
to his cartoon, with accompanying letter (in Dutch) on blue
official letter
of the Ministry of Finance (with blue coat of arms of The Netherlands,
lion and crown) from his secretary J. C. van den Adel, to Ruth
Bleyerveld in Apeldoorn: (in my translation into English) "Dear Ruth,
in response to
your letter of January 6th I enclose for you the signature of
Duisenberg. Friendly greetings".
The signature shows even after 27 years strong resemblance with his
featuring on all Euro bank notes issued during his bank presidency.
price: 75 Euro.
Esperanto-Hotela, Herzberg, Harz, ausgegeven durch die
Esperanto-Verein Suedharz, 10 + 2 DM, and Polish stamp, green border, 23 Euro Helgolander Strassenbahn (A4 type = portrait), vorzugsaktie nr. 1401, ist Raubdruk von die originelle Juxta Aktie (landscape) !, Owners have "free rides on the tram", beautiful piece Euro 16 Hugo Oppenheim & Sohn Nachf., Berliner privatbank A.G., Aktie 1000 Mark, Berlin, Dezember 1964, blue border on blue / beige field, Druck Giesche & Devrient, Muenchen, Stamped down to 600 DM in 1965, see picture, UNC, separate coupon sheet, 45 Euro. Instituut der Engelsche Zusters (Institut de englischen Schwestern)
Mariae Virginis, provincie Moederhuis Aschaffenburg, 8% 10 jarige
Hypothecaire Obligatielening groot f 350.000, obligatie aan toonder
f 1000, Aschaffenburg (Duitsland), 1929, vignet met wapen en tekst
B.M.V. der Englischen Fraulein, Aschaffenburg, # = only 240 (also 180
f 500 and 200 of f 100). Junkers Flugzeug- und Motorenwerke, Munchen, 1960, Besserungsschein
eine teilschuldverschreibung uber 500 RMark, der 4% Anleihe 1942,
blue/black, price 24 Euro. Leerer Heringsfischerei Act. Ges., Leer (Ost Friesland), 1000 Mk., 1922, green / dark blue decorative border on yellow, see picture, printed by Ackermann & Wulff, Nachfig, Hamburg, EF-UNC with large 2 red stamp, indicating reduction to 250 and 100 Mk., 95 Euro. |
Nixdorf Computer, Inhaber-Optionsschein für 1 aktie, blau, Paderborn, Germany, Januar 1987, see picture below, UNC, price 23 Euro
Nixdorf Computer, Inhaber-Optionsschein für 4 aktien, grün, Paderborn, Germany, Januar 1987, see picture, UNC, price 9 Euro.
"OHIM" Deutsche Holzimport A.G., aktie à DM 1000, Hamburg
(dit betreft waarschijnlijk een Duitse afdeling van de
Overzeesch-Hardhout Import Maatschappij (H & P. van Schaik,
Rotterdam, 1850 en T. Lalk, Amsterdam, 1900)).
In 1924 zijn de aandelen afgestempeld tot 20 DM. Afmetingen: 37 x 26 cm., fraaie donkergroene sierrand. De afbeeldingen staan mooi recht op het vel papier, hoewel de scans suggereren dat ze wat scheef staan.
---------- nr.
20005, afgestempeld tot 20 DM, conditie VF, los couponblad waarvan 1 geknipt, prijs € 20
---------- nr. 17657,
afgestempeld tot 20 DM, conditie VF, maar meer gebruikssporen,div. losse coupons, prijs € 10
---------- div. nummers, niet afgestempeld,
met volledig aanhangend couponblad, conditie VF+, geen gebruikssporen, maar wel 3 vrij zware horiz. vouwen, meerdere beschikbaar, prijs € 10
Ökologik A.G., Beteiligungen im Interesse de Natur, Erlangen,
Dec.1997, Aktie zu 5 DM, with valid coupon sheet, price 43 Euro
Beautiful 13 cm by 18 cm painting of a graceful young woman
planting a tree under a radiant sun: see
Berlin, 1923, Aktie 10.000
Mark, green with dark green border and in under print a large picture
of the Sultan Ahmed "the Blue" Mosque in Istanbul (Turkey), that was completed with 6 minarets in 1616; small pink stamp "jetzt
gueltig fuer 50 RM", UNC-EF, price: 110 Euro.
Reeperbahn-Genuss-Schein; Juxta Aktie / fake stock !, price 23 Euro.
Very colourful fake paper in share type format
referring to
the famous red light district in Hamburg (Germany): Hamburg's
"sin-mile". On the paper in the left hand corner is a text: "Der
Inhaber dieses Genussschein ist zu einer kostenlosen Stichprobe
berechtigt" (Owner of this certificate is entitled to a free sample).
This paper was created by Hamburg stock brokers
on the occasion of a charity party for children in need. They raised
DM for this "Aktion Sorgenkind". (Source: Benecke & Rehse). See picture.
Rosenthal-Porzellan AG, Selb, 1942, Aktie 100 Reichsmark,
beautifully designed
in abstract patterns in brown, grey, yellow, see picture, with a white imprinted
seal, UNC, price 145 Euro.
Rosenthal is not only world famous for its China, but
also top of the line office furniture.
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SPAR Handels-Aktiengesellschaft, Read and listen here to the Spar song ! |
Stadt Frankfurt am Main
5% Anleihe, 1918, Schuldverschreibung 1000 Mark, red German and orange
Dutch tax stamp, size 24,5 by 37 cm; white embossed seal; small
vignette of 2 cherubs holding a coat of arms; blue-black decorative
---------- condition VF-: several minor border defects, paperclip rust
trace in border, 2 folds and borders have brown stain; but no serious
defects, 50
---------- condition F: many border defects, maximal 2 cm tears,
rests in corners, 10 Euro.
Deutsch: Gegründet 1937.1938 Umfirmierung in Volkswagenwerk GmbH. Am 22. August 1960 Umfirmierung in Volkswagenwerk AG. 1985 erfolgt die Umbennenung in "Volkswagen AG". Ursprünglich nach den Plänen Ferdinand Porsches zur Herstellung eines KdF-Wagens errichtet, dienten die Wolfsburger Fabrikanlagen während des 2. Weltkrieges zur Produktion von Kübel- und Schwimmwagen für die deutsche Wehrmacht. Erst nach Kriegsende wird mit dem "Käfer" dann der erste eigentliche Volkswagen gebaut - insgesamt 21 Millionen Stück. Das am meisten produzierte Automobil war und ist der Golf mit mehr als 25 Millionen gebauter Autos. Zum Konzern zählen neben VW noch Audi, Skoda, Bentley, Bugatti, SEAT und Lamborghini sowie die Nutzfahrzeug-Sparte.
English: Established in 1937. Company reconstruction into Volkswagenwerk GmbH. Company reconstruction into Volkswagenwerk AG on August 22nd 1960. The factories in Wolfsburg were originally built for manifacturing the KdF-Wagens (beetles) designed by Ferdinand Porsche, but during WW II the factories served for building the "Kübel- und Schwimmwagen" for the German Army. It was only after the war that with the "beetle" the first true Volkswagen was built, to a total amount of 21 million cars. The car that Volkswagen built mostly, however, is the Golf of which type more than 25 million have been built. Besides VW the Wolfsburg concern also encompasses the brands Audi, Skoda, Bentley, Bugatti, SEAT and Lamborghini as well as the utility vehicle-Sparte.
All shares are in condition UNC (print fresh, unfolded), but may have cancellation holes or stamps on trhye back. All have size A4 = ca, 21 x 30 cm. All shares have the famous VW logo depicted.
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Volkswagenwerk AG, Wolfsburg 1961 Share of 100 DM, blue, hole cancellation in VW logo. Price € 10. Certificate of 10 shares of 100 DM each = 1000 DM, brown, cancellation: 4 holes through 4 signatures, price € 25. |
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Volkswagenwerk AG, Wolfsburg 1966 Share of 50 DM, rose, cancellation: 3 holes through 3 signatures, price € 25 . Certificate of 20 shares of 50 DM each = 1000 DM, brown, cancellation: 3 holes through or near 3 signatures, price € 25. |
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Volkswagenwerk AG, Wolfsburg 1978 Share of 50 DM, rose, cancellation: 3 holes through 3 signatures, price € 25. Certificate of 2 shares of 50 DM each = 100 DM, blue, cancellation: 2 holes in left border, price € 35. Certificate of 20 shares of 50 DM each = 1000 DM, brown, cacellation: 4 holes in 4 signatures, price € 25 |
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Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg 1986 Preferred Share of 50 DM, blue, cancellation by stamp on the back, price € 25. Certificate of 10 preferred shares of 50 DM each = DM 500, cancellation by stamp on the back, price € 25. Certificate of 50 preferred shares of 50 DM each = 2500 DM, rose, cancellation by stamp on the back, price € 25. |
Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg 1991 Share of DM 50, blue, cancellation by stamp on the back, price € 50. Certificate of 10 shares of DM 50 each = DM 500, grey, cancellation by stamp on the back, price € 50. Certificate of 50 shares of DM 50 each = DM 2500, price € 50.
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Dr. Hugo H. van der Molen
- Wederikweg 114 - 9753 AE Haren, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)50 534 8795; Fax: +31
534 0852; email: [email protected]
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