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- Belgian Congo & Congo Free State
CAMCONGO, see manufacture de Tabacs....................
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Compagnie des Chemins de fer Katanga-Dilolo-Leopoldville, en abrege "K.D.L.", siege social Elisabethville, siege administratif Bruxelles ---- action de 500 Fr, serie A (rouge), 1952, EF, nice trainvignette, prix: € 10. ---- action de 500 Fr, serie B (bleue), 1952, EF, nice trainvignette, prix: € 10. |
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----- set of blue + red certificate: € 15.
----- 10 sets of blue + red certificates: € 100
Compagnie du Kasai,
Société Congolaise à resp. limité, Siège
social: Dima (Banningville - Congo-Belge) / siège admin. Bruxelles;
action de capital, 1955, orange border, with stamp: "AGRIDUS, entreprises
agricoles, industrielles et commerciales A.G.E. du 16.12.1970 - Ann. M.B.
1971/77-9, siège social: Bruxelles", 8 by 6 cm vignette of palm
plantation and factory, EF, unfolded, 23 Euro
Compagnie du Lubilash, siege social: Kisamba, Lomami, Congo Belge, part
price with rubber stamp in left corner: Euro 16
price without rubber stamp in left corner: Euro 23
Very decorative (red) stock of culture landscape with
palm trees and rising sun, shepard of cattle, ships i a harbour with porters,
chests and barrels with ivory (elephant teeth0 and other merchandise.
Compagnie Générale Coloniale pour le Développement
du Commerce & de l'Industrie au Congo, S.A.
Constituée en 1898; Siège Social: Bruxelles; capital
Social 7.500.000 Francs, augmenté en 1899 à 1.500.000.
Size: 32 by 42 cm; 4 vignettes, see 100
kb. picture: 1) freigh train in mountain (9 by 3,5 cm), ship in port
(9 by 3,5 cm), local harbour with steam-sail ship and many local proahs
(14 by 7 cm), 2 elegant women, one western and one African, with 2 coats
of arms, before a western and an African harbour (23 by 6,5 cm);Lith.: de
la Cote Libre; design: Ch. Posch;
----------, 1898, blue border, Part de Fondateur au porteur; condition
F: several folds (somewhat irregular and less clean), border wrinkles, minor
stains and 3 cm tear in lower border, but still suitable for framing and displaying,
50 Euro.
----------, brown border, Action de Capital au porteur, condition VF: several
folds and a faint stain, but a beauty to frame !, 125 Euro.
L'Ikelemba SA, established 29-10-1898, Action de dividende, issued 1898,
siege social: Congo; siege administratif: Bruxelles, Capital Social 500.000
Fr., didvided in 5000 actions de capital de 100 Fr and 5000 actions de
dividende (with similar certificate designs), # = 5000 + 5000, action de
dividende, condition is UNC, 26 * 35 cm, exceptionally decorative and a
beauty to frame ! Designed by V. de Coen; 170 Euro.
Illustrations: in the top: armour, flags and text "travail
et progres"; bottom: Mercury helmet and staff and some spears; left: African
womancarrying a basket with fruit on her head and a man, squatting with
another basket,; right: palm tree; lower half: freight train and steam/sail
ship in harbour. See lower part /
see top part
The company owned an estate of 1000 hectares in the
Ikelemba valley and planted rubber, cocoa and coffee. A collapse in rubber
prices in 1908/9 appears to have killed the company. Facsimile signature
of the Comte de la Barre d'Erquelinnes (Source: Boone, auction catalogue
June 1998).
Manufacture de Tabacs et Cigarettes CamCongo, Elisabethville 1954, action de 1000 Fr, nice abstract Logo-vignette in yellow, green and red, price 23 Euro.
Plantations de Katompé au Katanga
Société Congolaise; siège social: Katompé
(Katanga, Congo Belge); siège administratif: Anvers. Action sans
designation de valeur, vert/rose bordre et texte, coupons attaché,
EF, unfolded, 23 Euro.
Société Coloniale Minière en Abrégé
"COLOMINES", Societé Congolaise, established 1927 in Kule-Matundu,
part sociale, 1952, as new, price 12 Euro.
Société des Plantations de Gwese, société congolaise a responsabilite limitee, siege social Gwese (Kivu-Congo Belge), action de capital de 500 Fr (transforfee en part social en 1935), blue, price 11 Euro.
Société Internationale Forestières et Minières du Congo FORMINIERE, established in 1906 in Tshikapa, district Kasai, Belgian Congo, part sociale, price 23 Euro.
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