HUGO VAN DER MOLEN'S Mythologie / Mythology prijzen excl. verzendkosten / prices exclusive shipment costs |
The mythological figures on this page are ordered by their Latin names; The equivalent names that were used in ancient Greece are given as well, for a better understanding.
Amor = Cupido (Gr. Eros)
Dag (NL): allegorische figuur = personificatie van De Dag
Diana (Gr. Artemis)
Eve (Engl.) / Eva (NL)
Flora (Gr. Chloris)
Jupiter (Gr. Zeus)
Venus (Gr. Aphrodite)
Veritas (L) / Truth (Engl) / Vérité (Fr.) / Waarheid (NL)
Walküre (D)
For mythology literature used: click here
- AMOR -
Also known as Cupido (L); (In Greek: Eros)
God of love, son of Aphrodite (Gr.) / Venus
(L.) and the god of war, Ares (L) / Mars (L).
Psyche in Greek means Soul. Psyche is the personification of emotion. The word Psychology stems from her name.
According to a fairy-tale by Lucius Apuleius (2nd century past Christ) she was so beautiful, that even the Goddess of Love, Aphrodite (L: Venus) became jealous of her. So, she sent her son Eros (L: Amor) with his arrows to let her fall in love with a nitwit. But Eros bruised himselve with one of his arrows, and, by that, fell in love with her himself. After many ups and downs they ended up married. During the Renaissance period this tale is often interpreted as the Soul that seeks unison with Desire (Eros) and Happines (their offspring). Eros is often depicted with wings, and flying around shooting his arrows of love.
Sources: Hall, 1993, p.16 and Mavromatik, 1997, p. 124.
Read more about Eros and his mother Aphrodite and see their pictures on historic stocks and bonds.
Jan Styka (1858-1925): printed in Paris, i. Lapina; 1385 Jan Styka postally unused, but written on the backside. orderno.: mythologie 7 |
de Dag / the Day
allegorische figuur = personificatie van de Dag / allegorical figure = personification of the Day
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Pier Pander (1864-1919) Uitg. W. de Haan, Utrecht copyright 1910 by Reinthal & Newman, New York orderno. mythologie 14 |
(in Greek: Artemis)
Goddess of the hunt and of the moon; She was the daughter of Jupiter (Gr: Zeus) and Latona (Gr: Leto) and
twin sister of the God Apollo. She protected the hunters and the
Diana is one of the 12 Olympic gods. She is the well known virgin huntress of the Greek, the personification of chastity (NL: kuisheid). She is the earth goddess, with the task to protect the game, not its destruction. Later she would stand for the lunar goddess LUNA (Selene), who was not so pure. Her attribute with respect to the latter is the moon sickle, which she wears on her forehead (see Boucher's and Lefèbre's painting below). In Boucher's painting she is accompanied by one of her nymphs; bow and arrows are lying around, as well as some game she has shot. In Boulanger's painting she wears her typical short tunica and leans on her (now) very large bow. (Source: Hall, 1993)
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Boulanger (1824-1888): "Diana" orderno. mythologie 6 |
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Lefebvre, Jules Joseph (1836-1911): Diane publ. by J.M. Paris (ca. 1900) from the collection of J. Thomas, Sachrang/Obb. not used, see back side order no. mythologie 9 |
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Boucher, Francois (1703-1777): Diane sortant du bain / Diana getting out of the bath . A.N., Paris, no. Cgue 30; 3 Musée du Louvre not used, see back side. order no. mythologie 8 |
See also historic bonds and shares with pictures of Diana (Gr. Artemis) on it.
- EVE -
The Temptation (NL: Verzoeking) stems from the bible book Genesis 3: 1-7:
God warned Adam (at the risk of capital punishment) not to eat fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. But the Devil in the form of a snake seduced Eve to eat a fruit from it and she offered it also to Adam, who also ate from it. Then, their eyes were opened and they noticed that they were naked. They sew fig leaves together and made themselves a skirt.
Source: Hall, 1993, p. 6.
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Thivet, Antoine Auguste (1856 - 1927) "Tentation", by A. Thivet (salons de Paris, ca, 1908) - ("Eve"- but with a navel - tempted to pluck the forbidden fruit). The snake is better visible on the postcard itself . ND. Phot., 1840 DT; 1146 - O C. et Co. click on the picture for enlargement |
Flora (in Greek Chloris) is the goddess of flowers. Her annual festivity in Rome (Floralia) was characterised by debauchery (NL: losbandigheid). The Greek flower goddess Chloris was married to Zephyrus, the western wind bringing the spring (once, Ford produced a car called Zephyrus). Zephyrus procreated flowers with her. Ovidius describes Flora's garden, full with flowers, a gift from Zephyrus. Poussin, lets her dance in the garden light-footed, throwing flowers around. Around her one can see mythological figures, that have transformed into a flower after their death: for example Clythia who turned into a sun-flower. (Source: Hall, 1993, p. 108)
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Abbéma, Louise: "Flora" postally unused, glue remains on the back; A. Noyer - Paris: Luxochromie Orderno.: mythology 3 |
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Abbéma, Louise: "Flora" postally unused, but written message on the back with pencil. logo on the back side: SPA Orderno.: mythology 4 |
Io, a priestess of Hera was the daughter of Inachus, son of the gods Ocean and Tithys.|
Iupiter (In Greek: Zeus) was the ruler over gods and mortals, the supreme of the 12 gods of the mountain Olympus in Greece. Although he was married to Iuno (in Greece: Hera) he seduced many a beautiful woman, often in disguise (methamorphosis). In the diguise of a cloud, he seduced Io. But.... Hera found out: read the story !
Io was een priesteres van Hera en de dochter van Inachus, die weer een zoon was van de goden Oceanus en Tithys.
Iupiter (Zeus in het Grieks) was de heerser over goden en stervelingen, de oppergod van de 12 goden op de berg Olympus in Griekenland. Alhoewel hij getrouwd was met Iuno (In Griekenland: Hera), verleidde hij menige mooie vrouw, vaak in een bepaalde vermomming (methamorphose). In de vermomming van een wolk verleidde hij Io. Maar ..... Hera ontdekte dit: lees het vervolgverhaal !
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uitg. J. Plichta, Prague I-321; .P.P/1061
orderno. mythologie 5 |
Iupiter (In Greek: Zeus) was the ruler over gods and mortals, the supreme of the 12 gods of the mountain Olympus in Greece. Although he was married to Iuno (in Greece: Hera) he seduced many a beautiful woman, often in disguise (methamorphosis). In the diguise of a cloud, he seduced Io, priestess of Hera and daughter of Inachus, son of the gods Ocean and Tithys. But.... Hera found out: read the story !
Iupiter (Zeus in het Grieks) was de heerser over goden en stervelingen, de oppergod van de 12 goden op de berg Olympus in Griekenland. Alhoewel hij getrouwd was met Iuno (In Griekenland: Hera), verleidde hij menige mooie vrouw, vaak in een bepaalde vermomming (methamorphose). In de vermomming van een wolk verleidde hij Io, priesteres van Hera en dochter van Inachus, die weer een zoon was van de goden Oceanus en Tithys. Maar ..... Hera ontdekte dit: lees het vervolgverhaal !
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uitg. J. Plichta, Prague I-321; .P.P/1061
orderno. mythologie 5 |
A. Chantron, Les Nymphs s'amusent Probably nymphs of the ash tree (NL: Es), so called Meliae, as one nymph carries a similar twig over her shoulder; see below. silver bromide print, uncirculated, but with a 1905 stamped post stamp on the picture, later glued on; see back side. orderno. mythologie 13 Price: € 50 |
![]() Ash tree twig / twijg van een Es |
In Greek mythology, the Meliae or Meliai were nymphs of the ash tree, (NL voor Ash tree = Es) whose name they shared. They appeared from the drops of blood spilled when Cronus castrated Uranus, according to Hesiod, Theogony 187. From the same blood sprang the Erinyes, suggesting that the ash-tree nymphs represented the Fates in milder guise (Graves 6.4). From the Meliae sprang the race of mankind of the Age of Bronze. (source: |
Psyche in Greek means Soul. Psyche is the personification of emotion. The word Psychology stems from her name.
According to a fairy-tale by Lucius Apuleius (2nd century past Christ) she was so beautiful, that even the Goddess of Love, Aphrodite (L: Venus) became jealous of her. So, she sent her son Eros (L: Amor) with his arrows to let her fall in love with a nitwit (elsewhere I read: a monster). But Eros bruised himselve with one of his arrows, and, by that, fell in love with her himself. After many ups and downs they ended up married. During the Renaissance period this tale is often interpreted as the Soul (Psyche) that seeks unison with Desire (Eros) and Happines (their offspring). Eros is often depicted with wings, and flying around shooting his arrows of love.
Sources: Hall, 1993, p.16 and Mavromatik, 1997, p. 124.
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Lingner, Otto Theodor Gustav(1856 - ..): "Psyche" issued by: Neue Photographische Gesellschaft AG, Berlin-Steglitz, Nr.295 this postcard stems from the collection of J. Thomas, Sachrang/Obb. order no. mythologie 2 |
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Jan Styka (1858-1925): printed in Paris, i. Lapina; 1385 Jan Styka postally unused, but written on the backside. orderno.: mythologie 7 |
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The Bath of Psyche Ed. Gale and Polder Ltd., 2 Amen Corner, London, EC ; printed at Aldershot; The Nelson Series, G & P Ltd. Uncirculated, early 20th century Orderno. Psyche-1 Price: € 15 |
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The Bath of Psyche Ed. Stengel & Co., Dresden, 29281 Sent in an envelope in 1915 from Rome Orderno. Psyche-2 Price € 25 |
- Venus (L) / Aphrodite (Gr.) -
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J. Heinz: Die ruhende Venus Lichtdruck u. Verlag von J. Löwy, k. u. k. Hofphotograph, Wien, 1899; 405 unused, sie back side |
- Veritas (L) / Truth (Engl) / Vérité (Fr.) / Waarheid (NL) -
In art, the mirror is often used as symbol of Thruth
In de kunst wordt de spiegel veelal gebruikt als symbool voor de Waarheid
Abbéma, Louise postally unused logo on the back side: SPA Orderno.: mythology 10 |
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- Walküre (D) -
“Die Walküre” is de eerste grote tragedie uit Wagner's “Ring des Nibelungen”. De componist Richard Wagner leefde in Bayreuth van 1872 tot hij in 1883 stierf (zie verder hieronder)
De walkuren (of valkyries) zijn strijdgodinnen uit de Noordse mythologie.
Oorspronkelijk waren het grimmige doods- en oorlogsgodinnen, maar uiteindelijk evolueerden zij van lelijke heksen tot schone maagden.
Ze waren de diensters of dochters van Odin en droegen mooie harnassen met helmen en speren en zaten op paarden met vleugels.
click to enlarge;
uit: Kleijntjens en Knippenberg (1955, p. 248)
Lees verder over de sagen der Walküren, Bayreuth en de beroemde componist Richard Wagner.
Erste Bayreuther Porzellanfabrik "Walküre", Siegm. Paul Meyer.
Bayreuth, Germany, 1922; Firma briefkarte mit kleines Logo, 2 Briefmarken
gestempeld "Bayreurth", geschikt am Meyes & Höweler, bekannte
Bank in Amsterdam, vorlaufer der Twentsche Bank. Orderno. "mythologie 12", Preis: 35 Euro.
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