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Saving fuel by injecting Hydrogen into the fossile motor fuel ?
Istalling a Hydrogen kit in a car can save fuel (from 15 - 42%, ca. 30% on average), boost the performance and reduce pollution.
Hydrogen is generated when driving and mixed with the fossile fuel, thus improving the burning of the fuel. This is explained in great detail on the web site of HHO-plus alternative energies. There is no tank aboard with the - in principle - highly explosive Hydrogen. The device to be installed in the motor just produces a little Hydrogen on demand and is very safe, also when in an accident, Robert Guild, inventor and president of CT Hydro explains on Youtube in April 2011. When trying the website of CtHydro.com in august 2012 one finds that it is not working, although still registered as domain from Robert Guild. Perhaps, or more likely, the invention is not working either, as Wikipedia (d.d. 2-9-2012) explains on 2 web pages, one on Hydrogen fuel enhancement and one on the water-fuelled car.

Water-fuelled cars ? - Hydrogen as combustion fuel ?
Inventor Denny Klein tells us on Fox News (around 2002 ?) how his Ford Escort can drive 100 miles on just 4 ounces of water. His device mounted into the motor makes Hydrogen (HHO) from water (H2O) while on the go. The Hydrogen is the only fuel needed to drive the motor. But one can also make hybrid cars that can run both on fossile fuels and hydrogen made from water while driving. The US army is now - according to Klein - developing such a hybrid Hummer. Klein figures that producing such engines and cars on a large scale could make our world much less dependant of fossile fuels. However.........................
Wikipedia (d.d. 2-9-2012) explains that motors running entirely on water have not yet been developed and that Klein's firm is now focussed on the type that combines Hydrogen with classic fossile fuels, as described above.

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Copyright 2010 f(f): Dr. Hugo H. van der Molen (editor)

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